Heinrich Bullinger on the Implications of the Unity of Scripture

“For the apostle Paul, speaking to the Hebrews, as concerning Christian faith, doth say: ‘These through faith did subdue kingdoms, wrought righteousness, were valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of aliens.’ Now, since our faith is all one, and the very same with theirs, it is lawful for us, as well as for them, in a rightful quarrel by war to defend our country and religion, our virgins and old men, our wives and children, our liberty and possessions. They are flatly unnatural to their country and countrymen, and do transgress this fifth commandment, whatsoever do (under the pretense of religion) forsake their country afflicted with war, not endeavoring to deliver it from barbarous soldiers and foreign nations, even by offering their lives to the push and prick of present death for the safeguard thereof.”

Heinrich Bullinger
From collection of sermons preached in Zurich entitled “The Decades”

Consider the implications of this quote from one of the Princes of the Reformation;

1.) Clearly David Van Drunen and Radical Two Kingdom theology would insist that Bullinger was being irresponsible (and probably sinful) as a minister of the Gospel to be enjoining that Christians fight to defend their homeland and religion. The clear implication here is that the country that is being fought for (defended) is a Christian country. For R2K, it is not possible to have a Christian country.

2.) Similarly, R2K would bring Bulllinger up on charges for implying that a people (nation) can be so Christian that the people of that nation are responsible to take up arms to defend it against those who would overthrow their land and their religion.

3.) Notice how Bullinger draws together country, religion, liberty, possessions and people into one net. They are distinct, to be sure, but they also are inter-related. There is no Christian country populated by Christian people without liberty and personal possessions. They  imply one another. For a Christian people (nation) to live without liberty and possessions is a giant oxymoron. A Christian nation is defined by the people therein having liberty and possessions.

4.) I am convinced that one implications of this Bullinger quote is that no Christian should be serving in the US Military since to serve in the US Military today would be to take up the cause to defend an alien religion and a people who have foresworn fealty to Jesus Christ. The current US Military is in the service of a god-state with aspirations to completely overthrow Biblical Christianity. It is in league with the New World Order.

5,) I am convinced that one implication of this Bullinger quote is that Christians should be taking up manly resistance against the current NWO State. We are now being forced  to defend, in Bullinger’s words, the enslavement of “our country and religion, our virgins and old men, our wives and children, our liberty and possessions.” If we do not rise up to resist the current NWO state we will be found to be violators of the 5th commandment, per Bullinger.

McAtee Notes Leithart’s Irrationality

The Different Levels of Thinking & Thinkers

In Undergrad, we learned there were 4 levels of worldview thinking and thinkers.

1.) Original Thinkers — These types show up once every two or three generations. Though honestly, Solomon said a millennium ago that there was nothing new under the sun. Examples might be Newton, Ptolemy, Calvin, Augustine, J. Edwards, etc.

2.) Sociological Applicators — These are the synthesizers and they likewise are geniuses. These chaps take from the geniuses and synthesize so that new plausible worldview paradigms arise.

Men like Erasmus, Herbert Spencer, Neil Postmen, Kuyper, Bavinck, Karl Popper, M. Polyani, R. L. Dabney, R. J. Rushdoony etc. You and I probably won’t meet one of these in our lifetime.

3.) Eclectic — These are those who randomly take from different thought systems as your lunch diner takes from the noon buffet. Often they have deep contradictions embedded in their thinking. These are most college professors, shrinks, social workers, lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians etc. They make up the professional white-collar class. These are dull people. This doesn’t mean all in these white-collar categories are Eclectic but many are.  Think Barak Obama, George Bush, Donald Trump, Fauci, Gates, Sean Michael Lucas, J. Ligon Duncan, Kevin DeYoung, Joel McDurmon, Greg Johnson, etc.

4.) Conglomerate — They catch their worldview like you catch a common cold. They are just mouthpieces for the floating zeitgeist as found in media and pop culture. This represents 90% plus of the world we live in today. This is your cousins, your co-workers, your average pew sitter, and the average minister standing up in front of the average pew sitter.

After I first wrote this a friend from Australia offered a slight correction that I thought was quite good.


The 2  you have is a rare genius while the 3 you have is a dullard. We

need something between 2 and 3.
Suggested – 3. Deep Reader. Produces nothing new, nor a master of synthesis, but strives for consistency and relentlessly follows – learns without new production nor synthesis. Guards and transmits systems that others have invented and refined. Examples are Gary North, N. T. Wright,  Daniel Ritchie,  Joel Beeke,  Shelby Foote, Winston Churchill, Thomas Paine, etc.
1. totally new worldview generator
2. refines and systematizes worldview
3. comprehends and reiterates worldview
4. a mess of different world views and contradictions often loudly proclaimed
5. Hoi Polloi Eloi… Rank & File 

Snapshot Contradictions of Different Religions

Polytheism — The religion that can’t see the contradiction in applying the word “God” to more than one being.

Talmudism — The religion which can’t see contradiction unless it can see contradiction until it can’t see contradiction while seeing no contradiction in the contradiction of contradiction according to various Rabbis and books.
Neo-Orthodoxy (Barthianism) — The religion which can’t see the contradiction in insisting that which is subjective can be made into the Objective by an act of the will of the subjective.
Humanism — The religion which can’t see the contradiction in denying God while presupposing the self as the ultimate starting point and authority.
Islam — The religion which can’t see the contradiction in knowing the will of a god who is so transcendent that nobody can possibly know him.
Buddhism — The religion which can’t see the contradiction that finds their chief desire to be the loss of all desire.

Arminianism — The religion which can’t see the contradiction of having a God who is sovereign enough to not be sovereign.

R2K — The religions which can’t see the contradiction that God’s left-hand rule is in direct contradiction to His right-hand rule.

Reformed Baptists — The religion that can’t see that whatever you are requiring of an adult to bring for Baptism that a baby can’t bring is the point where you no longer can talk about being Reformed.

The Shape of Water — A Review

“The Shape of Water,” just won the Academy Award for best film of the year. Having viewed the film last night I found just one more Cultural Marxist attack on the norms and values of the Christendom norms that normed Western civilization in favor of the putative superiority of the alien, the stranger, and the other.

The storyline introduces us to a “wild creature that can’t be anything else.” The film informs us that the wild creature comes from the third world Amazon and was abducted from his previous god-like existence by the evil white man and was brought by force and ill-treatment in order to possibly advance science and to beat the Russians to the moon. Of course, the wild creature while wild is cast as morally superior to his captors, even if he does eat a housecat along the way.

We find in the narrative thus that the white man as the protagonist as embodied in evil white General, the bumbling white scientist, and the evil white project head. The only slightly favorable white straight male character is the Communist Russian scientist spy who works to help save the wild creature. Hence the film reinforces our modern Cultural Marxist narrative of the stupid and evil white man who oppresses everything he lays his hands on.

White women only fare slightly better. Except for the lead, which we will return to later, the three white women who have minuscule roles are cast in traditional female roles and are subtly mocked in the film. The film gives us the white wife of the chief villain who is mocked as the traditional white stay at home Mother of two who is subservient to her husband and whose only ability is the sex she provides for her husband and her ability to be at home with the children. In such a way patriarchy is also mocked in the film. A second bit white female role is of the secretary at work who likewise is portraying a traditional white female role of “our girl Friday.” The third bit white female role lead is that of a bitchy co-worker who is always complaining or casting demeaning insults at the lead mute female. There are the three white women bit-roles we are given in the film. White traditional women like white men take it on the chin in this Cultural Marxist film.

The leading lady of the film is a white female who while not beautiful is comely. She is cast as a white woman who is missing something (her voice) that only the wild creature from an exotic land can finally cure.  The supporting male role is filled by a middle-aged sodomite who aids the female lead in rescuing the wild creature from the grip of the evil white men. The supporting female role is played by a black female who is forever telling us about the deficiencies of her husband. Except for the wild creature, the Communist scientist spy, and the sodomite, males in the film are bumbling, or evil beings. More Cultural Marxist fare; straight non-Communist white men are evil while perverted wild males from other lands or sodomites or Communists are good.

I’m convinced the leading white lady is supposed to represent the every day western white woman who can only find her voice by throwing themselves sexually at the wild thing from an exotic land who heals her of her lost voice while imparting to her immortal life as living in his environment.  White women and poor misunderstood wild males from exotic lands can only save one another as they conspire to overcome the wicked white man by copulating. So, we have the Cultural Marxist film selling the idea that there is something lacking in comely white women that only the wild thing can heal while at the same time wild exotic things from other lands can only be rescued by white women. I would contend that this is an obvious push for White women to copulate with that which is wild and untamed (illegal or legal immigrants from other countries). Only then can white women find that which is lacking and be healed and only then can wild things from exotic lands find salvation.

It is not even subtle. All you European and American women the way to find your voice is by copulating with wild males from exotic countries who are totally other. The inter-species relationship in the film stands as a metaphor for white women who have no voice giving themselves to the wild things from exotic lands and so finding what is lacking in themselves and their whiteness. Only by the White women working in concert with minority women, and homosexual man can evil white men be defeated. In the film, the wild thing from an exotic land is always morally better, restorative and redemptive.  And all this cast as a romantic love story.

A few other ancillary observations regarding the film,

1.) The white male lead, who is cast as a detestable and hateable character makes a sexual advance on the leading white female. Of course, such an advance is crude, and as coming in the context of the white male lead being already married to a wife which the film shows filling her husband’s bedroom needs, what is being communicated is the hypocrisy of the patriarchal family. The film’s clear intent is to communicate to white women that wild things from exotic lands are superior to white men and that white men should be surrendered for wild things from exotic lands.

2.) The film uses the Christian Scriptures accounts of Samson and Ruth. The evil white man in the film casts himself as Samson bringing down the plot of the sodomite, Communist scientist spy, black female co-worker, and the mute white girl to release the wild thing from an exotic land. The film places the apartment of the mute girl over a theatre that is playing the film “Ruth.” Ruth, you will recall is the bible story of the woman who is thought to have left her Moabite people in order to be a foremother of the Messiah.

3.) This film is basically the film version cast as a Romantic love story of Theodore Adorno’s book “The Authoritarian Personality.” The patriarchal family in both the book and the film is cast as twisted and evil and the origin of much of what is wrong with Western civilization. To be trapped in this patriarchal family culture is to be mentally ill and so villainous.

4.) There may be even in the film an attempt to normalize bestiality as a sexual norm though I am convinced that the creature from the black lagoon is a stand-in not for sex with animals but as a stand-in for sex with wild things from exotic lands.

The film is an ideological Cultural Marxist attack on Christianity, White Males, patriarchy, Western Civilization, the whole idea of distinct nations, and normative sexuality cast as a Romance. In other words, typical Hollywood fare.