The Liar FDR & His Shaping of the World at Tehran

At the Tehran conference FDR, agreed with Churchill, that Stalin should have 15 nations that would serve as a buffer zone against the West. Some of those nations would be  satellite states of the USSR while some of them would be constituted as “Soviet friendly” nation states. This is bad enough but when you compound it with the reasons given by FDR for the war (Atlantic Charter) wherein it was said that the war was being fought for self determination for peoples (a residual hangover from Wilsonian “reasoning” from WW I) the consequence of this turning over to Stalin of millions of people is incredible incredulity at the brazen and outrageous hypocrisy of FDR and his administration. This decision was a decision to be an accomplice to  mass murder.

The Atlantic Charter, which FDR was forever thumping as the reason the USA was fighting WW II, guaranteed, as the ideal goals of the war among other things,

1.) No territorial aggrandizement
2.) No territorial changes made against the wishes of the people
3.) Restoration of self-government to those deprived of it
4.) Global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all
5.) Freedom from fear and want (This one is a real Utopian Hoot)
6.) Abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations.

In the giving of 15 nations and millions of people to the blood thirsty Stalin, FDR violated every one of his putative cherished principles. In doing this FDR proved himself a liar and a mountebank. He is to be despised as a criminal President. 

In these action one can only conclude one of two thing. Either FDR was a Communist himself (goodness knows many of his close advisers were later found out to be) and so desired the ascendancy of Communism or he was even then working to set up a bi-polar Statist global hegemony arrangement (USA vs. USSR) that would satisfy the requirements for citizens all over the globe, to need the Mega-Government States which were the USA and the USSR. In brief, FDR was organizing job security for Government by dividing the world in two.

Celebrate Presidents Day? Memorial Day? Independence Day? I curse those days.

Inspired by reading from

Freedom Betrrayed
Herbert Hoover
Chapters on the Tehran conference

FDR Administration Responsible For US Entry into WW II … An American Tradition

In his book “Freedom Betrayed,” former US President Herbert Hoover collects sources that reinforce his contention that the FDR administration manipulated Japan into providing casus belli so that the US could enter the War both in Europe and in the Orient. Put directly, Hoover contends that the FDR administration wanted the Japs to give the US justification in plunging the Nation into a war, that up till the time of Pearl Harbor, American had been vociferously opposed to. These sources are taken from pages 306-310 of Hoovers work. I will also give the sources that Hoover quotes from.

Source #1 — Minority Report from the 1945 Congressional Pearl Harbor investigation established in 1945.

[Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack:] Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack, 79th Congress, 2d Session, Senate Document No. 244 [United States Government Printing Office, Washington: 1946].

The minority report of the committee was filed by Senators Homer Ferguson (R) of Michigan, and Owen Brewster (R) of Maine.

“In the diplomatic documents, exhibits, and testimony before the Committee there is a wealth of evidence which underwrites the statement that the tactics of maneuvering the Japanese into ‘the position of firing the first shot’ were followed by high authorities in Washington after November 25, 1941….”

Source #2 — Admiral Robert A. Theobald — Commander of the Destroyer Division at Pearl Harbor

“Diplomatically, President Roosevelt’s strategy of forcing Japan to war by unremitting and ever increasing diplomatic-economic sanctions pressure, and by simultaneously holding our Fleet in Hawaii as an invitation to a surprise attack, was a complete success … One is forced to conclude that the anxiety to have Japan, beyond all possibility of dispute, commit the first act of war, caused the President and his civilian advisers to disregard the military advice which would somewhat have cushioned the blow.”

Rear Admiral Robert A. Theobold, U.S.N. (ret). The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor (The Devin Adair Company, New York: 1954), p. 5.

Source #3 — Admiral William H. Standley — Member Owen J. Roberts Commission

“The ‘incident’ (Pearl Harbor) which certain high officials in Washington had sought so assiduously in order to condition the American public for war with the Axis powers had been found….

Admiral William H. Standley, U.S.N. Ret., “More About Pearl Harbor,” in U.S. News and World Report, April 16, 1954.

Source #4 — “Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War.” An exhaustive study of the Pearl Harbor attack by George Morgenstern

“… given the benefit of  every doubt … all of these men [the high authorities in Washington] still must answer for much. With absolute knowledge of war they refused to communicate that knowledge, clearly, unequivocally, and in time, to the men in the field upon whom the blow would fall ….

Pearl Harbor provided the American war party with the means of escaping dependence on a hesitant Congress in taking a reluctant people into war ….

Pearl Harbor was the first action of the acknowledged war, and the last battle of a secret war upon which the administration had long since embarked. The secret war upon which the administration had long since embarked. The secret war was waged against nations which the leadership of this country had chosen as enemies months before they became formal enemies by a declaration of war. It was waged also, by psychological means, by propaganda, and deception against the American people…. The people were told that acts which were equivalent to war were intended to keep the nation out of war. Constitutional processes existed only to be circumvented, until finally, the war making power of Congress was reduced to the act of ratifying an accomplished fact.”

George Morgenstern, Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War (The Devin-Adair Company, New York: 1947), pp. 328-330.

Source #5 — William Henry Chamberlin, “America’s Second Crusade.”

“It is scarcely possible, in light of this [Admiral Stark’s testimony regarding President Roosevelt’s October 8, 1941 order to American warships in the Atlantic to fire on German ships] and many other known facts, to avoid the conclusion that the Roosevelt Administration sought the war which began at Pearl Harbor. The steps which made armed conflict inevitable were taken months before the conflict broke out.”

William Henry Chamberlin, America’s Second Crusade (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago: 1950), p. 353. 

Source #6 — George F. Kenann –Distinguished Diplomat of note

“… a policy carefully and realistically aimed at the avoidance of war with Japan … would certainly have produced a line of action considerably different from that which we actually pursued and would presumably have led to quite different results.”

George F. Kenann, American Diplomacy, 1900-1950 (The University of Chicago press, Chicago: 1951), p. 82.

Source #7 — Captain Russell Grenfell — British Historian

“No reasonably informed person can now believe that Japan made a villainous, unexpected attack on the United States. An attack was not only fully expected but was actually desired. It is beyond doubt that President Roosevelt wanted to get his country into the war, but for political reasons was most anxious to ensure that the first act of hostility came from the other side; for which reason he caused increasing pressure to be put on the Japanese, to a point that no self respecting nation could endure without resort to arms. Japan was meant by the American President to attack the United States. As Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, then British Minister of Production, said in 1944, ‘Japan was provoked into attacking America at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history to say that America was forced into the war.”

Captain Russell Grenfell, R. N., Main Fleet to Singapore (The Macmillan Company, New York: 1952), pp. 107-108.

All of this strikes me as important to note on this Memorial day 2015. American have been lied to over and over again about our involvement in Wars. This same type of story could be told about how Lincoln manipulated the South in providing Causus belli in a war he desperately desired. This same type of story could be told about how Woodrow Wilson manipulated us into WW I. This same type of story could be told about how Lyndon Johnson false flagged us into the Vietnam War. Over and over again through the centuries our leadership has lied to us in order to propagandize us into war. “Weapons of Mass Destruction” anyone? Memorial day is a day to grieve that our sons have been spent in support of these liars and mass murderers. Our nations warrior dead believed in the ideals of fighting for liberty and home. They are not to be faulted. The fault lies upon those who deceived an all too often willingly gullible American public in joining in a war lust that should have never been.

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of VE Day

Today is the 70th anniversary of VE day.

So … hip hip hooray … Congratulations to us for helping the Communist to conquer the world.

In honor of this 70th anniversary I cite a speech by former President Herbert Hoover warning Americans against going to war in Europe. This snippet warmed my heart because I hadn’t realized that high profile people were using this specific reasoning as a leverage to convince Americans that entry into Europe’s war, on the side of Stalin and th Soviet Union, would only guarantee the hegemony of Communist rule in much of Europe.

Former President Hoover, speaking 29 June, 1941, seeking to counterbalance FDR’s war making decision to support the Soviet Union by unfreezing Communist assets in America as well as paving the way to provide goods to Communist Russia two days following Hitler’s invasion of Russia warned,

“If we go further and join the war and we win, then we have won for Stalin the grip of Communism on Russia, the enslavement of nations, and more opportunity for it to extend in the world. We should at least cease to tell our sons that they would be giving their lives to restore democracy and freedom to the world.

Practical statesmanship leads in the same path as moral statesmanship. These two dictators — Stalin and Hitler — are in deadly combat. One of these two hideous ideologies will disappear in this fratricidal war. In any event both will be weakened. 

Statesmanship demands that the United States stand aside in watchful waiting, armed to the teeth, while these men exhaust themselves.

Then the most powerful and potent nation in the world can talk to mankind with a voice that will be heard. If we get involved in this struggle we, too, will be exhausted and feeble.

To align American ideals alongside Stalin will be as great a violation of everything American as to align ourselves with Hitler.

Can the American people debauch their sense of moral values and the very essence of their freedom by even a tacit alliance with Soviet Russia? Such an alliance will bring sad retributions to our people.

If we go into this war we will aid Stalin to hold his aggression against the four little democracies. We should stop the chant about leading the world to liberalism and freedom. 

Again I say,  if we join this war and Stalin wins, we have aided him to impose more Communism on Europe and the world.  At least we could not with such a bedfellow say to our sons that by making the supreme sacrifice, they are restoring freedom to the world. War alongside Stalin to impose freedom is more than a travesty. It is a tragedy …”

On this 70th VE day can we stop pretending that WW II was a admirable crusade? We crushed Nazism at the cost of copulating with Communism.  Because of agreements reached in WW II we are responsible for the death of millions and millions of people behind a Iron Curtain that our agreements insured would fall. Because of agreements reached in WW II we had operation Keelhaul, Eisenhower’s German death camps where a million disarmed German soldiers were slowly starved to death.

Was it a good thing that Hitler was stopped?


But we should not think we defeated Hitler without selling our souls.

The Despicable Walter Duranty

In 1933 there was on the horizon in the Soviet Union the Metro-Vickers trial which the Western press desperately wanted to cover. Concurrently, to that time frame a young Welshman named Gareth Jones had taken a three week walk through the heart of what would be later known as the Holodomor and reported back, via dispatches clandestinely shuffled to England via Diplomatic bags, that more than political starvation was occurring in sundry parts of the Soviet Union. Garth Jones’ missives reinforced Malcolm Muggeridge’s prior pseudonymous reporting, back to England, that this was “more than a famine.” Muggeridge reported that it was a Military occupation and so political starvation. The Communists were, by malice aforethought, liquidating their opposition to collectivization.

The Soviets were desperate to discredit the young Welshman Jones and his reporting. The barely earlier reporting of Muggeridge had already been sabotaged due to the influence of his Leftist Aunt, Beatrice Webb. The Fabian, Beatrice Webb, had already successfully threatened a chap named Cairns, thus squashing a official report he had brought back to England on his observations about the conditions of the European “Bread-basket.” The way that Jones was undercut is what make this particularly ugly.

Remember that all this was happening concurrent with the upcoming Metro-Vickers trial. Western Foreign Correspondents desperately wanted to be able to cover this trial. Knowing this, the Soviet Bureaucrat in Charge of assigning journalists to the trial, made it known that the honor of journalist covering that Metro-Vickers trial was dependent upon their disavowing Gareth Jones and his story of death by famine.

The Western Journalists complied and led by the doyen of the Western Journalists, Walter Duranty, they disavowed Gareth Jones, insisting that Jones was exaggerating, even thought they knew that Jones was correct. Duranty himself, disemboweled Jones with a cabled article to the New York Times, that the New York Times dutifully printed. Duranty wrote in a published article,

” “Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda. The food shortage, however, which has affected the whole population in the last year and particularly in the grain-producing provinces—the Ukraine, North Caucasus, the Lower Volga—has, however, caused heavy loss of life.” Duranty concluded “it is conservative to suppose” that, in certain provinces with a total population of over 40 million, mortality had “at least trebled.”

Duranty’s method of discrediting Gareth Jones was to half Jones’ observations. Duranty knew what he was doing.

By the means of the leftist in the West, which included Sydney and Beatrice Webb as well as Walter Duranty, the news of the ugly slow death by starvation known as the Holodomor was suppressed and kept from Western News outlets. And the thing that really grinds people who know this story is that Duranty was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Soviet Union. All these years later the New York Times refuses to return Liar Duranty’s award.

Decades letter the New York Times assigned a member of its editorial board, Karl Meyer, to write a signed editorial regarding Duranty’s work. In a scathing piece, Meyer said that Duranty’s articles were “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” Duranty, Meyer said, had bet his career on Stalin’s rise and “strove to preserve it by ignoring or excusing Stalin’s crimes.” Four years earlier, in a review of Robert Conquest’s The Harvest of Sorrow, former Moscow bureau reporter Craig Whitney wrote that Duranty all but ignored the famine until it was almost over. Of course by this time all this was merely dirt on the graves.

The same tribe who would make their sufferings well known worked overtime making sure that the sufferings of others was blacked out.

Revisiting The Holodomor

As a result of the Soviet draconian measures foisted upon the Ukrainian Kulaks (arrests, house-searches, fines, confiscation of property. and even shooting) the Kulaks began to resist. There were instances of armed insurrections, assassinations of Party officials, stonings, and beatings but by far the most prevalent means of resistance to the Communist was the Kulaks scorched earth policy that found them slaughtering their own livestock so that it could not be commandeered by the Soviets. The Peasants were seeking to avoid collectivization even if it mean self impoverishment.

In February and March of 1930 alone 14 million head of cattle were destroyed, a ful 1/3 of all pigs, and 25% of all sheep and goats. By 1934 40% percent of all Cattle were gone and 60% of all sheep and goats. (Western estimates were far higher.)

As a consequence of this scorched earth policy Moscow decided that the Kulaks could not be collectivized and so must be liquidated as a class and so the Soviets did to the Kulaks what the Kulaks had been doing to their livestock.

The Communist Reprisals against the Kulaks is what we now call “The Holodomor.”

Information from
S. J. Taylor’s “Stalin’s Apologist” — pg. 162-163