There’s No Christendom Now?

All the stories have been told
Of kings and days of old
But there’s no Christendom now
(There’s no Christendom now)
All the wars that were won and lost
Somehow don’t seem to matter very much anymore

All the trusts have been sold

All the fire is now cold
There’s no Christendom now
(There’s no Christendom now)
All the troth that were made and broke
Somehow don’t seem to matter very much anymore

All the blood that once tied

Man to Man has now died
There’s no Christendom now
(There’s no Christendom now)
All the clans that were bold and strong
Somehow don’t seem to matter very much anymore

The prayers once asked

Are they part of the past?
Is there no Christendom now
(Is there no Christendom now)
Still, God remembers the pleas of yore
So somehow it all still matters very much anymore

As long as there’s a King

My voice will still now sing
There is a Christendom now
(There is a Christendom now)
God will arise and His enemies retreat
So somehow it all still matters very much anymore

Anti-Christian Nationalism

The “Christians” chanting,
“Anti-Christian Nationalism,
Lord to thee we bow
Savior of our destiny
Thy name be hallowed now”

But heed ye not their ravings
To thyself be true!
Anti- Christian Nationalism
Is the “Kingdom of the Jew.”

Keep your Nationality
His and mine and thine
Be not driven headlong
Like Gadarenian swine

Know ye well, the enemy
of Christendom of yore
Anti Christian Nationalism
Known as Babylon the whore

The “Christians” chanting,
“Anti-Christian Nationalism,
The International we serve
Let all colors bleed into one”
Will get the hell that they deserve

Memorial Day Poem — 2013

The Parade is on the cusp, a thankful nation shows its care
The Vets are now arriving, our heroes in wheelchairs
They were the men who fought in the Wars “over there”
Now basking in adulation for defeating the foreign threat
Lift a glass and have a toast to the 20th century vet

They delivered all mankind from the evil foreign Hun
Today Stockholm burns, London bleeds, and Paris is undone
New World Order, then created, by bayonet in Battles like Verdun
Now safe for Hajib, Mosque, and Minaret to reside in the West
And safe for Bankster tribal interests to swallow up the rest

Safe for the elimination of borders in favor of a New World State
Safe for the rise of the mud-men the Money power will create
To serve as slaves on the grounds of the New World Order estate
So salute the Dough-boys, and G.I. Joes, they kept the world Free
So that the their grand daughters could be property of savages from Fiji

Raise a cheer, and throw ticker-tape on this grand Memorial Day
Boys of Normandy swarmed the beaches, so their grandsons could be Gay
They fought the Bulge, and Coral Ridge so we could turn Christ away
In favor of a mélange hybrid faith for the living damned
And suitable for turning all the West into one Global London-istan

A KinistPrayer

I ask to be among my people, represented by the years
The mothers with their children, the Elders all held dear
I want to thank God for my family that’s been set free from sin
Mindful of Christ’s mercy to generations of my Kin

I beg thee to join the conversation now thousands of years long
And think the thoughts of poets who married wisdom to their song
I ask to learn from the dead what is beautiful, good, and true
While avoiding the living dead with their fashionable, ugly and new

  With Apologies to Rudyard

It was part of their blood
Though dormant as of late
When the elites set loose a flood
And the Americans remembered their hate

They were not easily moved
Though prodded by the deep state
Harangued and often reproved
When the Americans re-discovered their hate

They had been willing to suffer some blows

Even marking it up to the fates
But as everyone everywhere knows
Americans historically hate

It was there in the crowd

In DC, on that fateful January date
When more men finally spoke it aloud
That it was time for Americans to hate

It has been a long growing dread

That has finally moved past debate
Acrimony has long now been bred
And the FEDS have long earned this fate
Of the Americans now moving to hate