Three Reasons Why Revolutionaries Are Not Hated

1.) Revolutionaries are not as hated as they should be is because of Rosseau’s damnable doctrine of “the noble savage.”  We are now living in a kind of New Age Romanticism that finds Revolutionaries — particularly those who are minorities, perverts, and feminists — to be automatically socially superior to the white Christian cis-gendered patriarchal heterosexual. Christian white cis-gendered patriarchal heterosexuals have been ruined by their refusal to follow the New Age Romanticism which coddles and exalts the noble savage Revolutionaries.

2.) Another reason Revolutionaries are not as hated as they should be is because of the instinct held by most people that out of chaos, order comes. It is an ancient belief reinforced by the theory of Evolution that order arises out of chaos and so Revolutionaries are really advancing order when they bring upon us chaos.

3.) Another reason is that revolutionaries are, by their nature, very, very image-savvy. Particularly in the era of moving pictures. Castro, for one, always was careful to keep his cigar tipped at a jaunty angle when cameras were nearby in the late 50s. The Revolutionaries know how to stage events and excel at propaganda.

The Role of Hate and Love in Evangelism

  “Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?”   Psalm 139:21-22

Jehu son of Hanani the seer went out to confront him and said to King Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, the wrath of the LORD is upon you.    II Chronicles 19:2

There are many other passages like those in Scripture.

The reason that our hatred of them is born of love is that the purpose of the hatred is that they might see their sin and so flee to Christ. So we oppose the wicked with the hope that they will see their wickedness and God’s wrath pointed at them. Such is love.
Augustine, the 4th century Church Bishop had this in mind when he said,

‘Even when God hated us He loved us.”

When God through the proclamation of the Gospel reveals His opposition to people who are by nature children of Wrath (Eph. 2:3) it is often with the purpose that His people would flee to Jesus for safety from His present wrath (Rmns. 1:18). That is to say that in God’s economy the reason God makes known His wrath against workers of iniquity is so He might pour out His love out upon those who take refuge in the self-appeasement He has provided in His Son. We who proclaim such a message do not take some kind of maniacal pleasure in God’s opposition to sinners, enjoying seeing people squirm, but rather the reason we declare God’s wrath (and what is Wrath but hatred expressed?) is so that His people would discover their sin and dreadful situation and flee to Jesus and in Jesus learn that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives. When we proclaim God’s opposition it is with the express purpose that people might discover His unmerited favor.

We proclaim God’s hatred of the workers of iniquity so that we might proclaim to them that God’s hatred for those who look to Jesus has already been extinguished in the cross. That is to say that workers of iniquity can now become beloved of God because the hatred God had for them was poured out upon their substitute in the work of the Cross where His wrath against His people is exhausted. We also tell them though that if they will not look to Jesus and become part of a local covenant community (Church) then the Wrath of God remains on them. If we start by telling unbelievers that God loves them then the Cross makes no sense in the telling. The Cross only makes sense in the context of God hating sin and workers of iniquity. If God does not hate sin and workers of iniquity then the Cross was certainly stupid and definitely unnecessary.

Egalitarianism in Christian Humanism

Insisting that Christ’s death applies equally to everyone may very well be the root of all other egalitarianisms that we are now plagued with. The atonement of Christ is not egalitarian. Everyone is not equal in Christ death. God discriminated for reasons known only to Himself, to have Christ die only for the Elect.

Can it be that Hypothetical Universalism is the motherload from where all other egalitarianism stems? Can it be that it is not a form of theological Marxism to make everyone equal and the same in the intent of the Atonement?

Of course cheapening the Atonement by making it a mere option for the reprobate to mock and attempt to squander is to cheapen the entire Gospel Message and swing open the doors for anarchy, both in and out of the so-called ‘church.’ To make light of the Precious Blood is to incur the severest wrath of a Holy and very precise God. Christ died not to make all men equally ‘saveable’ but to SAVE to the uttermost those He has chosen to save before the foundations of the world (cf. Hebrews 10:29-31). Especially here the egalitarian impulse is profoundly ugly.

These sort of leveling impulses enter also where churches have reservations about infant baptism; if the fact that some children are born into a higher covenant status is rejected on the assumption of some unfairness in all children not being equal recipients of the covenant blessings, it unleashes all manner of egalitarian implications to rampage through society.

Even saying “all aborted babies go to heaven ” is an egalitarian impulse as it unlocks this same inevitable process as it denies the unequal foreordination of those souls. But even the Reformed churches have retreated from these fights in deference to “being nice.”

Basic Logic for Baptists

“If God personally regenerates repentant sinners, both white and black, how can we see people in terms of ‘race’ rather than in terms of the person?”

Russell Moore
Quote from 2018

“If God personally regenerates repentant sinners, both male and female, how can we see people in terms of ‘sex’ rather than in terms of the person.”

The Next Generation of Pastors
Growing up learning Ethical Instruction From Russ Moore

“If God personally regenerates repentant sinners, both, two-year-olds and full-grown adults, how can we see people in terms of ‘age’ rather than in terms of the person?”

Pedophiles for Christ

Greg Johnson’s Translations

Dear pastors and elders. No matter how well-intended, I’m rather afraid that your words are not always heard the way you think. Here, let me translate.

“You shouldn’t identify with your sin” = “Get back in your closet.”

“Your identity is in Christ” = “Fake it ’til you make it”

“God won’t leave you there” = ‘You haven’t tried/ prayed/ believed hard enough”

“You’re minimizing the power of the gospel to change you” = “You’re unbelieving”

“You can’t be gay and Christain” = “You are not saved.”

Rev. Greg Johnson

Johnson lately has been in uber mode complaining about how people in the Church are going after poor Greg and yet nobody says anything about the sin of slander that he is experiencing from other clergy members. Yet, in this write-up above Johnson himself has now gone from the desire to bugger other men to an actual generic slander of other men. Greg is slandering these unnamed men by suggesting that they are being deceptive in their language.

Alternately, if Greg will insist that he is not saying that his translations are really the heart intent of these unnamed ministers but rather only the way they are being heard by the “I have a desire to bugger other men” crowd then the question has to be asked of Greg; “Whose fault is that?” If the “I desire to bugger other men crowd,”  can’t take what is being said at its face value but instead are practicing a hermeneutic of suspicion one can hardly blame these unnamed ministers for that as Greg is doing.

Having said that let’s look at some of what Greg says here. First, speaking only for myself, I do believe that Greg and his fellow “I desire to bugger other men” crowd should indeed get back into the closet. Why would unnatural, loathsome, and despicable desires be flaunted by the “I desire to bugger other men crowd like some cheap whore waiting at the dock for the sailors to come ashore?” So, count me as someone who wants Greg and his buds to be back in the closet. Compassion for those who might be tempted to go into this “death-style” (as opposed to lifestyle) constrains me to speak this way. Note here I am NOT saying that Greg and his buddies who desire other men’s butts are not saved. I am merely saying the common acknowledgment of it over loudspeakers or from pulpits is both unsavory and undesirable.

The “Fake it till you make it” complaint from Greg is just another repeated verse from his common refrain that same-sex attracted people can no more be cured of this inordinate desire than an amputee can be cured of his lack of a limb. He can keep repeating that mantra all he wants but his repeating it does not make it so. Besides, the “Fake it till you make it” insistence is more often than not just saying that the love that once dared not speak its name now just shut up about these detestable desires.

Why would a wise counselor believe that God would leave people with desires that God hates?  If someone came to a godly counselor saying that they had a desire to bed farm animals would we think that God would leave that person who is in union with Christ to continue to desire to bed farm animals, or would a godly counselor comfort them that God will lead them out of these kinds of inordinate sexual desires?  There is nothing wrong with telling people that God will provide a way out of their temptation to bed farm animals or other men.

I do believe that someone can have a desire to bed other men and be Christian. Scripture warns about besetting sins that Christians have to put off and I think this desire for other men could fall under that category.

However, I do not believe that someone can have a desire to bed other men and be so satisfied with the presence of that desire in their lives that they talk about queer culture coming into the Kingdom of God and be Christian. This you have done Greg and that is why I wonder if you are indeed in Christ. Jesus said, “By their fruit, you shall know them,” and the fruit you are producing by this crusade Greg is not of God.

It is clear from reading your twitter feed Greg that you have become incredibly embittered and are now on an angry crusade trying to pull Christianity into your twisted reality.