Dear Leader

I’ve closely observed political campaigns since the 1972 campaign. I’ve never seen anything that even comes close to what is on display in those links. In my reading, I’ve only heard of it in totalitarian regimes. As popular as Reagan was, nobody taught children to sing praises to the great leader, and nobody taught youth to turn Reagan into some kind of deity in a militaristic context.

Combine one part crisis, plus one part overwhelming ignorance, plus one part Messiah complex in a leader, plus a large heaping dose of people unwilling to fight back, plus a long tradition of ignoring the law of the land (Constitution) and you have all the makings for tyranny.


After the initial melt down the Government tried to sell the bailout as a investment whereby the Feds could make money on the 700 Billion dollar loan.

Even if the Gov’t made a profit they’d find some dumbass new entitlement in order to fritter away whatever profit they might gain from it.

These people are monumentally stupid. It’s painful and embarrassing to hear many of these “Leaders” speak from the floor. You want to grab a pitchfork and storm the Bastille. Well trained 15 year-olds could out think these morons.

And one more thing …

Never was it more clearly seen that ideas have consequences then this whole fiasco. All of this was set up by the irrational push of egalitarianism. We must put minorities who can’t afford homes into homes they can’t pay for (sub-prime mortgages).

For the Democrats it was just a more sophisticated way to shake down whitey. It was reparations dressed up as a three bedroom house and a two car garage.

For the Republicans, led by Rove and Bush it was a decision to try and make the minorities instantly equal and instantly Republican and so they did all they could to illegitimately jam them in those houses theorizing that home ownership turns one into a voting Republican.

These people belong in the kind of pit that they threw Edmund Dantes in.

To expect these idiots to fix the situation is like giving a license and a bottle to the Captain of the Exxon Valdez while telling him to have another go at that harbor.

Palin On Youtube — The Left Will Think It Has Destroy Her

Some observations,

1.) Palin has the pentecostal lingo down.

2.) Reformed people had better ask themselves hard questions about whether or not they want to yoke themselves with Palin’s version of Christianity.

3.)Pentecostalism has a long history of women leaders in its Churches. It is not surprising that Palin would have the convictions that she has about female leadership growing up in pentecostalism.

4.) Since it is a Pentecostal age it shouldn’t be surprising that the representative of Evangelicals in politics is a Pentecostal.

5.) Palin really does come across as the lady next door. Watching that video on Youtube I thought of a resemblance to several pentecostal ladies I know in Charlotte.

I’d be interested in hearing from anybody else who has a gut reaction to those video clips.

Multiculturalism And Political Correctness Exposed

Part of the premise of Political Correctness and Multiculturalism is that White males have been oppressive and what is necessary to overcome White male injustice is to empower minorities and women. And so organizations devoted to that end have arisen. We have organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the National Organization of Women (NOW) and the Congressional Black Caucus and other sundry clubs dedicated to overthrowing evil white male rule.

Once in awhile though the curtain gets pulled back and we begin to see that these organization are not really dedicated to minority advancement so much as they are dedicated to the destroying the worldview (Christianity) that made the West the West. Every so often this whole mindset is exposed for being a clever way to destroy Christianity while using protestations about the failures in Western culture as a stalking horse to cover their anti-Christ agenda.

The fact that their agenda isn’t really about promoting the cause of minorities or women but really is devoted to an agenda to implement a pagan worldview upon the destruction of the worldview that underpins the West is seen by their response when one of the people who they are supposed to be representing goes off the reservation by supporting the worldview and ideology that made the West the West. Clarence Thomas was the first example where political correctness and multiculturalism was exposed for what it was. Clarence Thomas was a Colored man about to advance to the Supreme Court but because he wasn’t a NAACP homeboy and opposed the NAACP anti-Christ ideology it was determined by the NAACP types that he wasn’t Black enough and so wasn’t fit for the job of Supreme Court justice. The NAACP types, by their rabid opposition to Thomas as a member of SCOTUS, thus announced that the organization really isn’t about the advancement of colored people but rather it about the destruction of the Christian West through their Marxist ideology.

The next example where the myth that multiculturalism and political correctness is all about empowering and defending minorities was seen in the whole Monica Lewinsky affair. In that affair a 50 something chief executive took advantage of a 20 something female intern. In a sane world a organization devoted to defending women against abuse would have rallied behind Monica Lewinsky. Instead, what NOW types did was to support pervert Clinton, and the reason that they did so is because their agenda is not really about defending and empowering women but rather is about destroying the Christian West through their Marxist ideology. The reason they supported the aged white male pervert and perjurer is that the aged white male pervert and perjurer was their guy advancing the destruction of the West. Their organization was never about empowering or defending women. Their organization is about implementing a pagan ideology on the ashes of the Christian Worldview they are trying to destroy.

Today we are living through the most recent example where multiculturalism and political correctness is being exposed for the lying filth belief system that it really is. Sarah Palin is a woman. According to standard multicultural and political correctness belief Sarah Palin ought to be cheered on because of her nomination to the Vice Presidency. Instead those very people, who, by their own testimony ought to be championing Sarah Palin, are seeking to destroy her. Just as Clarence Thomas wasn’t the right kind of Black man to be advanced so Sarah Palin isn’t the right kind of woman to be cheered by those devoted to the death of the West. Indeed, not only is Palin not to be applauded she must be destroyed because the success of Palin, like the success of Thomas reveals that the Christian West can make room for qualified minorities. This is abhorrent to multi-culturalism and political correctness for their success relies on the idea that minorities can’t advance without them while holding a set of convictions completely contrary to their pagan worldview.

Finally, all of this exposes the emptiness when allegations of sexism and racism arise. Both of these accusations have served as the weapons of mass destruction used by people who embrace political correctness and multiculturalism against those who think they are full of shaving cream. What we are learning here is that the charges of sexism or racism, more often that not, can only be applied to people who oppose multiculturalism and political correctness. If people had asked the kind of questions of Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi that they are asking of Sarah Palin they would be labeled Sexist, but because the people who are dragging Sarah Palin through the mud have the proper pagan ideology the scurrilous sexist material that they write is perfectly acceptable.

Multiculturalism and political correctness isn’t about minority fairness. Multi-culturalism and political correctness is about destroying the worldview that made the West the West.