The Nowness of Christ’s Kingdom

In the death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Christ what is being communicated in terms of typological insight from the OT is that in the Lord Christ the Spiritual exile of mankind is completed, a New Exodus is thus now possible and is inaugurated, and in that New Exodus, the return from bondage and Exile has begun in a now, not yet manner.

In the death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Christ the Father has vindicated the Son against the accusation, by the seed of the Serpent, and in that vindication, the Serpent’s head has been crushed. By taking on the penalty of Sin the Lord Christ cast out the Serpent and so the Earth, is now, in principle, returned to that Edenic existence the failed because the 1st Adam failed to cast out the Serpent.

Because of the finished work of the Lord Christ, all that remains for His people is mopping up work so that what is already true in principle becomes increasingly true in actuality. The Kingdom of this World, in Christ, have, and so will, become the kingdoms of our Lord.

Having a sound Biblical-theological eschatology, there is absolutely no getting around the essential partial preterist reality that Christ inaugurated all that was proleptically spoken of prophetically in the OT. This “already/nowness” of the Kingdom is often set aside as an “over-realized eschatology,” by those who are championing an “under-realized eschatology.” By way of the implications of their systems premillennialists and amillennialists necessary tamp down the inaugurated reality of Christ’s Kingdom or failing that will spiritualize the presence of the inaugurated kingdom so that it is only an ethereal ghost of a genuinely present kingdom. A Biblical eschatology admits that there is a “not yetness” to the Kingdom but will insist at the same time that the “now/already” inaugurated presence of the kingdom is to be looked for at every turn.

Christ has come. The serpent’s head has been crushed. The kingdom is present. The enemy has been bound and is being defeated. Where there was desert there is now a garden flourishing.

Rev. E. C. Wines On Family — 19th Century Christianity

I’ve read around enough to know what you find below was the general attitude of Christians — both male and female — in the 19th century.

The spirit of the Mosaic law is opposed to the modern radicalism of woman’s rights; a radicalism, which boldly avows its purpose of ” subverting the existing order of society and dissolving the existing social compact.” Moses did not favor the manhood of woman. “Unto the woman he said, … thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”95 Paul interprets this precept when he says of women, “It is not permitted to them to speak in the churches, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.”96 He speaks in the very spirit of Moses, when he says, “The man is the head of the woman;”97 “wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands;”98 “Adam was first formed, then Eve.’99’ Man has a mission, and so has woman, to which the wisdom that never errs, has adapted the bodily and mental constitution of each.

Man’s mission is to subdue and till the earth, to cultivate the mechanic arts, to make roads and dig canals, to carry on commerce, to encounter the perils and fatigues of war, to institute and administer government, to be the shield of woman in moments of danger and sudden alarm, in a word, to perform the rough business of life,—that which requires physical strength and endurance.

Woman’s mission, while it has no less of dignity, is very different from this. It is to be the light and joy of the house [43] hold, to nourish and train the immortal children within its precincts, to mold the whole mass of mind while in its most plastic state, to fill the throne of the heart, to be the priestess in the sanctuary of home, to be the comfort and support of man in seasons of sorrow and of suffering, to move in the realm of ignorance and want, to shine, to cheer, and to bless in all the varied ministrations of sympathy and love, from the cradle to the grave. What purer, nobler, holier realm can she desire? “The true nobility of woman is to keep her own sphere, and to adorn it.” 100

Rev. E. C. Wines
The Roots of the American Republic — p. 44-45

Engel’s Goal For Family & Example of Thinking that made for Engels Success

“Only when we have led every woman from the home into the workplace will complete equality be achieved, by the destruction of the institution of the family, which is the basis of capitalist society.”

Friedrich Engels,
Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State


On July 14, 2015, a Christian evangelist was on the phone with Rush Limbaugh. GROAN Alert.

The Evangelist calls to answer a question that Limbaugh asked last week.
Limbaugh’s question was,

Where are all the Christians in resisting the Obergefell decision?
The Evangelists’ bright answer?
“Rush we Christians don’t believe that our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and power so what we Christians have done is taken up the weapon of silent prayer.”

Limbaugh response?

Why wouldn’t you do something as well as pray?

Evangelist replies,

“Well, Rush, we believe; blessed are those who are persecuted.”

And you wonder why I don’t want to be identified as Christian Clergy.

Sermon Teasers From the Past

As was said last week, by the standard of wisdom as set forth by Scripture we live in a culture of fools. One only has to look at the Theology that is being embraced in much of the Reformed Church today. Whether it is new-Calvinism with its antinomianism, or whether it is Radical Two Kingdom Theology with its abandonment of the public square, or whether it is Federal Vision with its surrender of justification by faith alone or whether it is Cultural Marxism masquerading as Reformed Christianity we are in a difficult situation in order to find wisdom in our Reformed Churches. And because that is true it makes it very difficult to find wisdom for us as individuals as families.

Sermon Teaser
July 14 Sermon — 2012


The coming of God’s Kingdom is ALWAYS in the context of the elimination by God’s Kingdom of all other contending Kingdoms. God’s Kingdom comes through His judgment on all other Kingdoms. The inauguration of God’s Kingdom then spells the salvation of all those Kingdoms that were overthrown when God’s Kingdom superseded them.

Sermon Teaser
July 2014

Calvin Quote On Wicked Government & it’s Implication

Calvin believed that “powers are from God, not as pestilence, and famine, and wars, and other visitations for sin, are said to be from Him; but because He has appointed them for the LEGITIMATE and JUST government of the world. For though tyrannies and unjust exercise of power, as they are full of disorder, are NOT an ordained government; yet the right of government is ordained by God for the well-being of mankind.”

The implication is clear. If Governments impress tyranny upon a people and do not govern justly, as God counts “just” then those disordered governments are NOT ordained by God, and God’s people, out of fealty to the Lord Christ, do not owe said governments fealty.