Republican Presumed Nominee Trump and Judge Curiel

I’m not voting for Donald Trump. I’ve made the reasons why clear on Iron Ink. Nothing has changed in that regard. However, since I don’t have a dog in the election fight, as it concerns the two major party candidates, it does give me a wee bit of dispassion when looking at the issues that are being tussled over in this election cycle.

The most recent caterwauling by the Media, the Democrats, The Republicans and the general Elite cognoscenti establishment has been Donald Trump’s daring to offer the politically incorrect statement that he doesn’t think he can get a fair hearing from a Obama appointed Judge of Mexican heritage who has remote but very real ties to THE LaRaza and has  served on a La Raza scholarship board that awarded scholarships to illegal immigrants, thus demonstrating his attitude towards U.S. law. I think this might be called, “Mestizo privilege.”

All of this phony outrage has been an attempt to stampede the electorate into discarding Trump as a vile evil racist. That the SJW media and SJW inside the beltway establishment are rather selective in their outrage against putative racists is seen by the way that other statements from cultural gate-keepers is met with a nonplussed and ho-hum response,

“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,”

Barack Obama
Identifying with a African-American against what was initially misreported as a black youth being slain by a White man.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Sonya Sotomayer
Puerto Riccan Supreme Court Justice

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly … there is a long history in this country of Arican-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

Barack Obama
White House Press Conference
Complaining about a White Cop Arresting a Black Professor

So, given that there was little to no consternation or outrage over these statements quite similar to Trump one has to wonder why Trump is being excoriated.

Then there is the observation by Ann Coulter on this subject,

“Two weeks ago …  the (New York) Times published an op-ed by a federal appeals judge stating: ‘All-white juries risk undermining the perception of justice in minority communities, even if a mixed-race jury would have reached the same verdict or imposed the same sentence.'”

For how many decades have we been told that minorities cannot get justice from White judges or white juries and that has been perfectly OK and even has become enshrined in our “law?” But now Trump accuses an Obama appointed and LaRaza connected Judge of Mexican heritage of the very same thing and suddenly everybody is all outraged? Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much.

These observations, combined, inform us that the only reason that Trump is being slammed by the cultural gatekeepers about his recent Obama appointed and LaRaza connected “Mexican judge” statement is that Trump is white.  None of the above quotes are unlike Trump’s statement. The “problem” with Trump is that he, as a White Man, is holding Cultural Marxist non-Caucasians to the same standard that cultural Marxist non-Caucasians and their self-hating white liberal lap dogs use against whites.  Since World War II the cultural Marxists have worked to turn these united States into a nation of Tribal interests and now the SJW cultural elites want to scream ruddy hell when Trump acknowledges that Tribal reality? Physician heal thyself.

Speaker of the House, Rep. Paul Ryan told us that what Trump said was a textbook case of racism when Trump spoke concerning the Obama appointed and LaRaza connected Judge of Mexican heritage . Just count Ryan as one more leftist worshiper genuflecting at the  altar of political correctness and white hatred. What does one expect from a pig but a grunt?

That white people are guilted into believing and buying into this double standard tripe suggests that the real goal of all of this hypocritical guilt mongering is the complete subjugation of white people under the heels of a neo-Marxist multicultural, politically correct, anti-Christian agenda.  All this propaganda guilting works to the same end that was arrived at in the French revolution. During that time the Jacobins bombarded France with saturation guilt propaganda so effectively that even the French nobility and monarchy were left unable to defend themselves to themselves against it. A date with madame guillotine was the consequence for many in the the French Aristocracy because of this propaganda to which no response was forthcoming.  If Christian white people do not resist this demonization propaganda I see a similar future for Christian white people.



Sex Outside the Boundaries and Destruction

A social order trajectory that begins with unconstrained libidinous passion will end in social order horror that consumes individuals, families, and nations. For example the French intelligentsia philosophes embarked on the trajectory of emancipating the sexual impulse from the moral order and the end result was the tender strokes of Madame la’ Guillotine. What began as a loosening of sexual mores ended with the loosening of heads off of shoulders.

Consider also, as example, the Weimar Republic of the 1920’s. What began as the Sexual cabaret of Europe in the 1920’s where every kind of fetish and deviance possible could be had for the right price ended with unnamed tyranny and rampant death for the “fatherland.”

Consider also the Bolshevik Revolution. Alexandera Kollentai led the way in sexual freedom for women. Women, under communist rule, were considered as belonging to no man but as belonging to the state for purchase. Kollontai, with Lenin’s approval, sought to destroy the concept of marriage and families. The results of this sexual freedom was so disastrous that even the Communist realized that they had to reverse course lest they wipe themselves out by sexual freedom.

There is a nexus between the liberation of sex from God ordained expression and the consequent social order blood in the streets that naturally follows. We are witnessing that again in the West as we seek to eliminate any boundaries for sex. It almost seems that there is a principle at work here… a truism that demonstrates that unfettered sex guarantees unfettered death.

Thumbnail Sketch of the Governmental Theory of the Atonement

For a great many Evangelicals, the Cross of Christ is not an objective, vicarious substitution but a public declaration of divine justice designed to stimulate sinners to choose to follow God. This is called the Governmental theory of the Atonement. In this theory the Father punishes the Son on the Cross NOT as a substitute paying for the designated penalty of a designated elect. Rather the Father is using the Son’s death as a cosmic public demonstration to all sinners everywhere at all times that justice for sin and disobedience has been paid in the abstract. Not for any one concrete individual or any concrete group (Church) but only in the abstract.

Now, that God has made this public declaration of abstract justice “whosoever” is welcome to return to God if they will. Preaching thus becomes a explanation of why Christ was such a victim of the Father and how feeling sorry for Christ should be a motivator for their repentance. This is where the pitiful sentimental pietistic Preaching comes from that so often happens in our pulpits today. God is not commanding all men everywhere to repent. Instead, Jesus is “softly and tenderly calling, calling for you and for me.”

Note in all this man remains sovereign in his salvation. God has provided an abstract justice but it is up to man to decide whether or not he’ll feel sorry enough for poor poor Jesus hanging on the Cross, punished by the Father, to actually choose him to be the sinners savior.

Of course this model still suffers from implicit Universalism. If the Father really has punished sin in the abstract then even the sin of unbelief in what the Father has done has already been punished in Christ and so the unbeliever in Christ is already saved since justice for sin, unbelief and disobedience has been demonstrated.

God’s Call For Virgin Skin … Tattoos in their Broader Historical and Cultural Context (#5)

Proverbs 22:28 “Do not move the ancient boundary Which your fathers have set.

“In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, ‘I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.’ To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: ‘If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.'”

G. K. Chesterton

When I was a boy, a short 45 years ago, I almost never saw a tattoo. There was one exception. Mr. Welty, who lived down the road a couple miles, had been a sailor and had a tattoo. Mr. Welty was a nice man but had the gruffness of a former Swabby.  He had two sons who were my friends and whenever I went over to the Weltys to see Hal and Craig I couldn’t get my eyes off of that anchor tatted on their Dad’s forearm.  At least I think it was an anchor. 45 years ago is a long time.

Now, nobody ever sat me down, as I recall, and taught me of the impropriety of tattoos. It was just something known that people with tattoos were to be avoided. Good Christian people didn’t get tattoos.

Now of course 45 years later I understand that one can have a “past” and so have a tattoo and still be Christian. Nothing I have said in this series should be construed that one can’t be saved and owned by Christ if they have tattoos. That would be just ridiculous. No, the point in this series is, and has been, that biblical Christians don’t pant and hanker after tattoos since they are not biblical and are associated with paganism. Let me say this again. Having a tattoo is not an unpardonable sin any more than doing anything else stupid in one’s regrettable youth is an unpardonable sin.

If we look at the history of tattoos we learn that even the word itself comes to us from a pagan milieu as the word was brought to the West upon the return of Captain Cook’s 18th century voyage to Tahiti. Originally as “tatau” the word morphed into its phonetic spelling.  Though the word had been introduced to the English lexicon the practice was known to our people in antiquity in pre-Christian times.  Both the Greeks and the Romans embraced the use of tattoos or “stigmata” as tattoos were called then. As we have noted elsewhere the stigmata (or tattoos as we know call them) were primarily used then as a means to mark out as identifying with a religious sect or as a brand signifying ownership whether as slave or criminal. So true was the branding aspect of this that even Ptolemy IV (221-205 B.C), a Pharaoh during the Ptolemaic times in Egypt, was said to bear stigmata (tattoos) of ivy leaves to communicate Ptolemy’s devotion to Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and the patron deity of the royal house at that time.

The fashion of wearing stigmata (tattoos) was also not unusual in Roman times and was adopted by soldiers of Rome who then exported the stigmata across the Roman Empire. This continued for centuries until the rise of Christianity. With the rise of Christianity the correlation of stigmata and tattoos with witchcraft and paganism was made and so, on the that basis and upon the basis that tattoos were believed to disfigure that (which was) made in God’s image, tattoos were finally banned by Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. In doing this the Emperor Constantine was self consciously reinforcing the biblical ban on tattooing.

The tattoo, as we hinted above, was reintroduced to the West via Captain Cook’s exploration. In “Mutiny on the Bounty” tattooing becomes a sub-theme that works through the book. In some of the film versions, tattoos are clearly part of the process, along with the lust for strange flesh, whereby Mr. Fletcher Christian abandons his ties to Captain Bligh and civilization.

As Mr. Dan Brannan informs us in his fine article, “Tattoos & Taboos: The Marilyn Mansonization of the Church,”

“But the heathen connotation of tattoos was still taken entirely for granted a century later in Melville’s Moby Dick (1851), wherein we read of captain Ahab’s descent into madness leading to a renouncement of the Christian faith punctuated by a ceremonial session of tattooing by which Ahab says he has joined his “heathen brothers” – Polynesian, Amerind, and African harpooners. Which is to say that it was still, mid-nineteenth century, comprehended as sacrilege tantamount to selling one’s soul to the devil.”

Indeed, legally speaking, tattooing is still eyed with suspicion as seen in the fact that at least 45 states have laws prohibiting minors from getting tattoos, though most allow tattooing minors if a parent or legal guardian is present.

So, given all this background of the Christian West it was not surprising that as a boy, and a son of Western more’s and norms I would have absorbed an instinctual revulsion for that tattoo on Mr. Welty’s forearm.

But of course all that has changed in the last 40 years or so and it causes me, at least, to ask, “what changed that in such a short time that tattoos went from a taboo to being all the rage?

The only answer here possible is that in those 40 years the West has had a whole scale change of a religion. Any time a people’s more’s, norms, and ethics change the way that the more’s, norms, and ethics of the West have changed you know that a change in institutional religion has occurred. Anything the defines right and wrong and defines good and evil is a religion. We once had a religion that defined tattoos as wrong. We now have a religion that defines tattoos as good. This didn’t just happen without a change of religion.

Now, of course a predominance of people would deny this. I would guess that even the predominance of the clergy would deny this. What tends to happen when a people’s institutional religion is whole sale changed out this rapidly the way that our institutional religion has been changed out is to reinterpret the former faith (in this case, Christianity) in light of the new faith (in this case Cultural Marxism). Cultural Marxism is America’s new Institutional religion and Cultural Marxism says tattoos are fashionable and because Christianity is being reinterpreted through Cultural Marxist categories a large percentage of the Church as well as many “Ministers” are now chiming in with one voice with the Cultural Marxists to sanctify tattoos as a positive good.

The Cultural Marxists spoke long ago about the need for a long march through the Western institutions and Western cultural infrastructure. The Cultural Marxist believed and realized that unless culture was changed from the ground up there could be no way they could achieve destruction of biblical Christianity and the implementation of their halcyon goal of the satanic egalitarian social order.  The signs of our Cultural Marxism civil religion are all about us as well as the sign that Cultural Marxism has displaced biblical Christianity as our “guidance providing social order religious North Star.”

In my lifetime tattoos, especially for and on Christians, were once counted as “taboo.” Now they are counted as socially acceptable and now the protest against them is “taboo.” In my lifetime sodomy had gone from a wicked love that dare not speak its name to the enriching love that won’t shut the hell up.  In my lifetime body modification piercing has gone from a wickedness unheard of to a positive good that finds the beach doubling as a Iron salvage yard during the summer. In my lifetime a political candidate with a divorce in his background was scandalous. Now we have a Republican nominee with two divorces in his background not to mention being now married to a former centerfold of a men’s magazine. In my lifetime Churches which had women in the pulpits were sedulously avoided. Now however if someone attends a church with a woman minister it is a sign of how enlightened the parishioner is. And we haven’t even begun to speak of Trannies, women in combat roles, fashion or the lack thereof, dyed hair, cowardly clergy who refuse to engage on these issues, and any number of other things that were once considered socially malevolent. Clearly we have lived through a religious revolution. What were once taboos now have a waiting line for club membership. Indeed the only taboo today is to do what I’m doing now, to wit, publicly advocating that these things should still be taboo.  One can now be a male tran-sexual with body modification in a fifth marriage to a female transgender who fought door to door combat in Fallujah and everyone will fall all over themselves to make such people feel welcome at family reunions but let someone show up at the family reunion saying these things are not Christian and “katy bar the door.”

All this, from the casual acceptance of tattoos by Christians to John marrying Steve and everything in between can be explained by the changing out of the Western Civilization of Christianity for the faith of Cultural Marxism.

It may be the case that tattoos are only the tip of the iceberg. It may be, as compared with all the other perversions I listed, that it is not that bad of a thing. It may be that a 18 year old young lady getting tatted with a butterfly or a hummingbird may not be that terrible in the total scheme of the current Kulturkampf that we are living through but it is significant enough for me to want to at least tease out the battle lines and the meaning of being tattooed in the largest possible context.

So, we have moved the ancient boundary stone set by our Fathers that God warned against us doing so, and contra Chesterton, we have removed fences we had no right in removing since we never understood why they were present in the first place.

And as a social order we are now, institutionally and structurally speaking, anti-Christ for doing so.


Answering a young lady’s misdirected accusations of bad manners

This from a young ladies blog,

“I am ashamed that the commenters were so rude and condescending to one another and, if I were an unbeliever, I would not be able to believe in a God whose followers were so mean to each other let alone someone who is not of like faith. I would question what Christians are really about. I would laugh at them. From the outside looking in I would think Christianity was a front for cutting one another down and let’s face it, no one wants to be a part of something like that. I am disappointed in the actions by so many of my followers so on the grounds of testimony I am taking the video down…. No matter what you believe in tattoos (or anything else for that matter) you should not be so exasperated to prove your point that you ruin your testimony.”

I was privy to this discussion and am one of the ones that the young lady in questions is trying to call on the carpet. Unfortunately, being a young lady there are several things that she doesn’t take into consideration.

First, there is a place and a time for direct words to both Wolves and wolves in sheep’s clothing. John Calvin, the great 16th century Reformer hits on this reality when he wrote,

“The pastor ought to have two voices: one for gathering the sheep, and another for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both; for he who is deeply skilled in it will be able both to govern those who are teachable, and to refute the enemies of the truth.

It simply is the case that direct language and even dismissive language has to be used sometimes in the context of polemics. Only an ignorance of both Scripture and Church History would contend otherwise. Often times Christianity is indeed “a front for cutting down one another,” just as St. Paul cut down the Judaizers in the book of Galatians, just as Jesus cut down the Lawyers in the Gospels, just as Elijah cut down the prophets of false Gods on Mt. Carmel. If there are those who do not desire to be part of a belief system that will defend itself from wolves then let them join some other false belief system. If there are those who think that all manly defenses of Christianity are improper then there may be a need for them to re-think their Christianity.

Second, the real problem here is that advocating sporting a tattoo, whether directly or indirectly, is that which provides the real “ruining of one’s testimony.” (See previous series, “God’s Call for Virgin Skin.”) To complain that a direct polemical defense of the faith is a “ruining of one’s testimony” while embracing the “ruining testimony” of advocating for tattoos is like complaining about people who play with matches all the while your hair on fire.

So, while we can appreciate the young lady in question desire for the Christian faith to be promulgated we would say that her efforts are really working to the exact opposite end that she so earnestly desires.