All over the news it is being reported today that Democrats are receiving death threats. Of course, we just have to take their word for it as no evidence has been brought forward to substantiate this.
So, until there is real tangible evidence that can be verified, I don’t believe the Democrats. What I believe is that this is one more opportunity to manipulate the American people. By claiming that they are getting death threats the Democrats accomplish two political goals. First, they accomplish demonizing the opposition. Complaining about death threats subtly implies that all the opposition is deranged. Second, they accomplish making people feel sorry for them. “Oh, those poor poor people, is it just terrible Gert that they are having to live with death threats.
But let’s just concede, for the sake of pretend, that the Democrats really are getting death threats. What do they expect when they pass legislation that is a death threat of every living American? If Democrats are trying to kill the American people through legislation they shouldn’t act all surprised, shocked or grieved if people decide to return the favor by threatening their very lives.
Democrats complaining about death threats is like an assassin complaining about getting death threats. Given the occupation of the assassin who really takes his complaints seriously? Don’t want death threats? Then quit killing people.