There is a connection in servile cultures between sex without boundaries and the condition of slavery, so much so that one can say that “free love” is the direct enemy of liberty. Unconstrained sexuality is the most obvious of all bribes that serves as an incentive to slavery. Strong and stable families that arise out of the Christian faith serve as a bulwark against the intentions of the State to enslave its people. Break down the family by the offering of sexual dainties, sold as calorie free, and the result will be a turning away from the Liberty created by stable families.
Second the lack of moral discipline that is fostered by sexual laxity translates easily into a lack of discipline characteristic of all slaves. The slave is a slave because he has no discipline. This observation is reinforced when we consider the connection between a lack of moral discipline as exhibited by unconstrained sexuality and the lack of moral discipline as exhibited in piling up economic debt. In both cases the lack of moral discipline encourages enslavement, either to the State or to creditors. The encouraging of sexual laxity, as well as the encouraging of a lack of economic probity ends up being mutually reinforcing with each vacuity creating and supporting the slave mindset.
The present cornucopia of sexual perversions in our culture is a indice that measures how far we have descended into slavery. There was a sound reason for Huxley to create a Brave New World where sexual appetite is encouraged.
Find me unrestrained and unbounded sexuality and I will show you slavery.