Throughout history where ever you find Socialism, there you find at least these four phenomenon.
1.) Abolition of Private Property
This includes not only material wealth but also includes immaterial wealth such as our lineage, heritage, and family identity. As there is no private property there is no private property wherein you have a sense of ownership of anything or anyone moving back into the past, or forward into the future. This denial of private property therefore means the individual is cut off from their past and their future. The purpose of this is so the individual can only define themselves in keeping with the State who owns them.
2.) Abolition of Family
Wherever you find the success of Socialism there you find the break down of both the extended and nuclear family in favor of a atomistic social structure that does not allow the family to congeal into a unit that identifies itself vis a vis the State. The destruction of the family is done by a immorality that fractures the family bonds and so redefines the import of stable family structures.
3.) Communality or Equality
Socialism always aims a integrating all into the void. It builds a social order that is a machine and so while it may allow for different cogs to exist in the machine all the cogs are equal and are easily replaced by other trained cogs. Equality applies to the two areas we’ve already mentioned. Equality is striven after in private property among all citizens (except the elite) and all perverted types of family ordering is seen as “equally” valuable.
On the communality factor commonality of wives is often a feature in Socialism as well as commonality of living quarters. Think Kibbutz in terms of living. Think Hippie love ins in terms of commonality of women.
4.) Abolition of all religions that compete with the religion of Socialist Humanism
Socialism is the anti-religion religion. Socialism insists that it is not a religion while attacking religion in general as being a blight upon humanity. As it attacks religion in general it subtly advances itself as the anti-religion religion