They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.
“In this world of sin no Christian individual and no Christian organization can be positive and constructive till after it has been negative and destructive. To deny and ignore this fact is to deny or to ignore the fact of sin.”
Cornelius Van Til
Essay On Christian Education, p. 187
When I was a lad I contracted a serious infection. This infection required the scrubbing of my wounds until they bled followed by the administration of the proper ointment on the bleeding wounds. To this day the memory of those scrubbing sessions jolts me upright. And yet, without the cleansing work of the scrubbing, the ointment could not have done its work. The medicine that was intended to heal could not work until I was first wounded.
In many quarters of the West today the Church is deeply wounded. There are no solutions that do not start with being scrubbed of her infected wounds. And because of the necessity for her wounds to be scrubbed (the negative and destructive work that Van Til speaks of) she will not submit and so will not be healed.
“Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.” Hosea 6:2
God of all sufficient grace, be so kind as to wound us that we might be healed. Cease not with thy severe mercies that lead us to rejoice in thy tender mercies. Deliver your church from being stiff necked and cause us to yield to your hammer blows of grace as you shape us on the anvil of thy rough kindness.
In Christ’s name,
Perhaps this has happened to you:
Many times when someone tries to speak to some particular area of unfaithfulness in church practice, someone else will respond with the famous, “Calvin said it takes 20 years to change a church.” However I suspect this has become a favorite excuse for never doing anything, ever. Why put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether?
It seems reformed churches cannot even enforce their own confessional standards without an uprising. And so they don’t. “We need to be positive” is the new “Peace, peace.”
Also, whenever you hear the appeal to unity when doctrinal disagreement arises you know that something foul is often afoot.
I have heard that one countless times. It always seems to favour the status quo of leftward dirft.
More than one observer has commented that conservative-minded people look at those to the left as misguided, while liberals simply see conservatives as evil. It is a very striking observation — and certainly borne out by personal experience. The trouble is, it means a virtually impassable gulf; it means compromise with liberals is suicide; it means we can’t fight on the same team.
Unity today means nothing less than the marginalization of truth, and when the church dissuades its people from standing on principle it becomes lukewarm.
I am one person who doesn’t view the left as “misguided.”
Useful Idiots is the closest I can get.
Secular leftists are intellectually dishonest, vicious hypocrites. I’m still not quite sure what to make of all the “conservative reformed” leftists in the church.
Conservative Reformed leftists = Useful Idiots