What can be done, then, to form a new generation, immune to the multiculturalism produced by the anti-Christ faith of Cultural Marxism? What can be done to form a new generation that is immersed in the fresh springs of a culture which reflects our undoubted catholic Christian faith? (Which, by the way, is the authentic form of “Western” culture.)
The first thing to remember in this regard is the most fundamental. True “culture” is, in its origins, that which surrounds and reflects the “cult.” The true “cult,” of course, has at its core the work of God in Christ redeeming the world unto Himself. An organic culture then — one not artificially engendered — is one which develops out of man’s response to the reality of this act of sacrifice. The most primordial forms of culture, then, are those actions, behaviors, attitudes, and art forms which surround and constitute our union with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.
Take the cult of Christ out of culture and all you have left is fiat culture and humanist illusion culture of one form or another.
The second thing is consistent with the first thing to remember and it is that since genuine culture is Objective in orientation (it depends upon and reflects truths that are outside of it) the whole notion of culture as a “social construct” can only be embraced at the price of giving up belief in the Objective nature of cult and culture. Culture that is seen as subjective in nature is culture that is not worth either living for or fighting to maintain, for if culture is merely subjective then why should anyone, beyond the vagaries of personal preference, wish to maintain culture? In keeping with this we need to realize that if we are going to embrace the whole idea of culture as “social construct” we also have to embrace the idea of truth as relative. Obviously, no one can consistently embrace either culture as “social construct” or truth as relative.
The third thing that we must remember in order to build up our immune system against the anti-culture that is the culture of the Cultural Marxists is the necessity to train our children well. In Deuteronomy 6 God calls upon His people to keep His truth before them at all times.
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
The Cultural Marxists get Deuteronomy 6. They have created a culture where their truth is before all the people all the time in a myriad of ways. They have impressed their truths on the hearts of the children of the West through the media outlets, through the secondary Schools and the Universities, through the “Churches,” and through the career world. And If you step outside the cultural marxist anti-culture you will be slapped down. They talk about their commandments all the time in novels, top 40, and Broadway plays.
Christians, on the other hand, going all pietistic, have given up on the culture or have adopted the Cultural Marxist culture and have sought to call it “Christian.” We do not obey God’s command in Deuteronomy 6 to keep His word before us at all times. Because of that we are all cultural Marxists now.
The only way to undo this is to be willing to un-train ourselves and then train our children. A new culture to fight the culture of death offered by Cultural Marxists will not be built until we become extraordinarily intentional in the raising of our children. We must train them, that at least until God gives Reformation, that living in this anti-culture culture requires them to have a “us against them” mentality.
The fourth thing we must try and do is build community. It is difficult to do that because there are so few of us who understand how besieged we really are. However, try we must. As much as possible we need to find kindred spirits, who we can ally with. As a three stranded cord is not easily broken, so a worldview and culture embraced in community by several families is not easily broken.