Here is a classic description of the socialist concept of equality as described by Dostoyevsky in his “The Possessed.” It is referred to as “Shigalyovism.”
“The thirst for education is already an aristocratic thirst. As soon as there is family love, there is a desire for property. We shall throttle that desire: we shall unleash drunkenness, scandal, denunciations: we shall unleash unprecedented debauchery; we shall extinguish every genius in his infancy. Everything must be reduced to the common denominator, total equality.
Each belongs to all, and all to each. All are slaves and equal in slavery. In extreme cases it will mean defamation and murder, but the main thing is equality. First there will be a drop in the standard of education, in learning and talent. A high level of learning and talent is accessible only to the very brainy. We must abolish the brainy! The brainy couldn’t be anything other than despots and have always brought more debauchery than good. We will execute or exile them. We will cut out Cicero’s tongue, gouge out Copernicus’s eyes, stone Shakespeare to death — that Shigalyovism! Slaves must be equal: freedom and equality have never yet existed without despotism, but here must be equality in the herd, that Shigalyovism!
If after reading this quote one isn’t alarmed at how much we are seeing this come to fruition in our own communities there isn’t much hope to ever convince. The unleashing of debauchery is seen in the sexual agenda that is everywhere in the State schools. The desire to extinguish genius is seen in the policy that was “No Child Left Behind.” No one needs to be convinced regarding our drop in the standard of education. If we don’t see that, the only reason we can’t see that is because we have become part of the “drop.”
I thought this one fit here somewhat.
Natural Inclinations
Inclined to full neutrality
A “personal” reality
A compromised plurality
Proud irrationality
Seeming criticality
Welcoming banality
Rampant informality
Mankind’s fool centrality
False impartiality
As cult of personality
Trumps individuality