Considering the mass shooting by a Muslim gun owner: The liberals say that we can’t blame all Muslims, but we surely can blame all gun-owners – & ban guns. The conservatives say that we can’t blame all gun-owners but we surely can blame all Muslims – & ban all refugees.
Each side says the other side is schizophrenic & hypocritical. And each side wants to give more power to the Federal government to deal collectively with a group for the crimes of one person.
While I mourn the loss of life, I can’t but notice God’s irony to both camps.
~Bojidar Marinov
1.) All because liberals say things doesn’t mean that liberals are making sense. To not note that is more than unfortunate.
2.) How does it follow that gun owners are to blame when terrorists use guns to murder people?
3.) The shootings happened in a “gun free zone,” where guns were banned. How did that ban work?
4.) Actually the liberal says we can’t blame any Muslims since to blame any Muslim would be “racist.”
5.) I see a great deal of torpid in this camp but I see no irony in the least.
6.) Where are the Conservatives that say we can blame all Muslims? What the Conservative actually says is that we have a Muslim problem that warrants us to conclude that Islam is not a faith system that can co-exist within Western civilization. How many shootings have to occur before Mr. Marinov gives up on his open borders fantasy?
7.) Of course we can’t blame all gun owners. How can a gun owner in Longtown, SC be blamed for a Muslim nutcase killing 14 people who were occupying a gun free zone?
8.) The fact that Liberals insist that conservatives are shizophrenic & hypocritical doesn’t mean they are schizophrenic & hypocritical.
9.) Conservatives do not desire to give more power to the Federal Government. Mr. Marinov seems to forget that one of the responsibilities of the Federal Government is “to provide for the common defense.” Protecting the citizenry for enemies, foreign and domestic is part of the oath that many Federal officials take. Mr. Marinov is just in error on this matter and his error is in service of his errant desire for open borders.
10.) The only irony in any of this is Mr. Marinov’s ability to find irony where it does not exist.