“A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” Mt. 10:36
In the film “Braveheart,” William Wallace comes to the point that he must kill the Scottish Lords as well as the English Lords because the two are in bed together and victory over the English will not be had unless the Scottish Lords beholden to the English are killed as well. The Scottish Lords were a fifth column that had to be eliminated.
While reading of Vespasian’s and Titus’ siege of Jerusalem one learns that the Zealots (Nationalists) busied themselves assassinating the Priestly class because the Priestly class was in bed with the Romans. Indeed the Priestly aristocratic class even attempted to open the Jerusalem gates for the Roman army. The Zealots, in their attempt to free Jerusalem from Rome, had to kill the Jewish priestly class as well as Romans.
In WW II the Judenrat, according to Hannah Arendt in her book on Adolph Eichman, assisted the Germans in controlling the Jews.
“To a Jew, this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. […] In the matter of cooperation, there was no distinction between the highly assimilated Jewish communities of Central and Western Europe and the Yiddish-speaking masses of the East. In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property…”
If one is familiar with Literature that deals with the Ghettos in the WW II era this is a constant theme.
In light of all this, it should not be surprising that the greatest threat to the Church does not come from without the Church. The greatest threat comes from with the Church as from the Wormtongues and the Kim Philbys. These are the modern Judenrat which are doing the work of the enemy by controlling the Church from within.