“The world is blighted by death, demons (i.e. Gretchen Whitmer), and sin. Jesus as Lord has triumphed over them through his death and resurrection. Indeed He has fulfilled the promise of a new Exodus, a new creation, and a new covenant, though in a inaugurated but not consummated manner… The New Creation has arrived in Jesus Christ.”
Thomas Schreiner
The King in His Beauty — p. 548
The emphasis of the NT is that the Kingdom has arrived. Of course the arrival is in an inaugurated yet not consummated sense but the arrival of the Kingdom remains altogether true. Yet the Reformed and the Evangelicals often act like we remain living in the not yet of the old and worse covenant. The Kingdom has arrived with all of its life restorative power. The impact of this already arrived Kingdom means that we as Christians should live in terms of reality that the age to come is rolling back this present evil age. As such our lean should be towards insistence that all men bow the knee to the King’s commands in all areas of life. Our lean should be to fight against those theologies like R2K which want to spiritualize (i.e. — Gnosticize) the presence of the Kingdom so it does not impact family life, law, and education, etc.. R2K is a denial of the presence of the Kingdom in favor of Gnostic faith. The Good News is that in Christ the King and Kingdom has been restored. We should live as if that reality impinges on us.
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