Cloth Face Diapers & Social Insanity

I’ve been spending some time pondering what makes otherwise sane people do insane things like believe almost any level of civil government. I’m sure I’m the oddball but I grew up being taught that governments routinely lie. Then, when I attended college we had reinforced that very same truth. It was like a catechism.

Q.) What is it that civil governments do?

A.) Civil governments routinely dissemble, deceive, and lie.

Q.) What should be our attitude towards civil governments?

A.) Our attitude towards civil government should always be one of skepticism and distrust.

Civil governments lie like fish drink water, like vacuum cleaners suck, and like Schoenberg composed dissonance “music.”

My instructors both in my youth and undergrad had themselves taken an objective look at civil governments through the centuries and agreed with Lord Acton that “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Now, at one time in my youthful naivete I had believed, before going into the ministry, that there may be some kind of exception for ecclesiastical governments but I was quickly dissuaded of that illusion upon preparing for the ministry, and then once entering into the ministry. Ecclesiastical government seldom has any more integrity than civil governments and is not to be given the benefit of the doubt in terms of trusting their ability to arrive at justice or in trusting their word as their bond.

The fallenness of man is ubiquitous and never more clearly seen then when fallen man comes together to congeal in governments. Sooner trust governments to lie to you then trusting a scorpion to sting.

So, given the above is true and obviously true upon any brief examination of almost any civil government why would people, in numbers exponential, live and act as if their civil government is telling them the truth? In brief, why are people walking around with cloth on their faces just on the basis that some idiot government apparatchik has listened to some idiot government scientist hack?

It is past disturbing to one’s equilibrium to go outside of one’s house. Even going to the mailbox finds one apt to bump into someone outside walking their dog alone while wearing a face diaper. If one ventures out to the grocery store it is like walking onto the set of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” I fully expect to see Jack Nicholson in the bread and buns aisle and nurse Ratchet as a pharmacy check out gal. One is immediately hit by the fact that people believe the shizer they hear from their civil governments. They believe these “public servants,” who without being bejeweled by their office and title wouldn’t be trusted to guard the public latrine from theft.

Cloth face diapers are freakin’ everywhere. You turn on a football game and there the players are crashing into each other. Grunting and grinding they plow into one another – sweating and spewing as they are locked face to face in mortal gridiron combat. But by God you can bet that once they return to the sidelines the first thing they do is put on a cloth face diaper. Wouldn’t want to be exposed you know.

At one time they were actually telling people that if they copulated with strangers met on online dating sites they would be wise to wear a cloth face diaper while in the throes of their passion. After all, every precaution must be taken against passing on this scourge.

And people believe this shizer?

The unspeakable strangeness of it all finds the sane among us in danger of joining the public throng insane who are wearing the cloth face diapers as a symbol of their creeping insanity.

I know it won’t do any good at this point. Nor would’ve it done any good in March 2020 but this is my short plea for people to show their faces again. I mean, your face may not be much but it is a damn site better than any fancy high fashion face diaper you can use to cover yourself.

Of course I wonder what is it that makes people and whole social orders go bat-iguana crazy all at one time. Obviously, part of it is that people actually believe the American version of Joseph Goebbels’s Ministry of Propaganda. It should come as no surprise that people who have no time to scratch below the surface of popular information as dispensed by our Lugenpresse outlets, given their harried pace, end up believing Baskin-Robbins bullshit information flavor of the day.

Secondly, most people not being aware of the way worldviews work do not realize that information of any variety (including the Holy of Holy “science” information) is warped by the theology and worldview that is driving it. Facts are only as good as the narrative in which they are nestled in and the narrative itself is only as good as the theology and worldview that is driving it. Wearing cloth face diapers makes perfect sense in a bogus scientific narrative driven by a Marxist control the population worldview.

Thirdly, for many people, it is just a matter of not wanting to “rock the boat.” They figure at this point that a cloth face diaper is not that big of a deal and so they will comply. Of course these people fail to realize the nature of civil government to just be encouraged in more draconian behavior every time one scintilla of liberty is conceded to the civil government. Civil governments exist in order to expand and fill the globe. They have no instinct to restrict themselves and so you can bet that succeeding at putting the populace in cloth face diapers is foreplay unto injecting into them every god forsaken vaccine that can be thought. People, God bless their hearts, refuse to believe that cloth face diapers are promissory of a whole constellation of evil skulduggery that has long been contemplated and prepared for the populations of the West.

However, the largest reason for people wearing cloth face diapers I believe is the fact that people are, at heart, lemmings. They fear more than anything not fitting in. They fear standing out as different. They fear zigging when the rest of the population is zagging. It explains why Adam ate the forbidden fruit, knowing that Eve had done wrong. He didn’t want to be different. It explains why the poor fool in WW I went over the top of those damnable trenches at the sound of whistles in order to attack. “Everybody else was running into machine gun fire so why shouldn’t I?” It explains why modern art as created by pushing paint balls out of some skank’s vagina sells. Everybody else thinks its profound so I should think it is profound as well.

People, exceptions notwithstanding, are hopeless conformists and all the more so when the conformity called for is driven by desperate sinful behavior. I mean what else can explain covering one’s body with tatts or putting holes in one’s earlobes the circumference of basketball rims, or sticking sharp objects in the most tenderest of body orifices or fitting one’s self with a cloth face diaper except that “everybody else is doing it.”

Personally, it is pushing me to the edge. I’ve been exposed to mental hospitals that were far superior in group sanity than what I’m being forced to live in, in this current social order. I’ve had my daughters and grandchildren yelled at for not wearing cloth face diapers. I have had people try to lecture me on how wrong I am on refusing to comply to the insanity. If dirty looks were paint one could paint the Louvre with all the dirty looks I’ve been given for not wearing a cloth face diaper at some kind of public facility.

And, I fully know the corporate insanity is only going to get worse before it gets better.

Author: jetbrane

I am a Pastor of a small Church in Mid-Michigan who delights in my family, my congregation and my calling. I am postmillennial in my eschatology. Paedo-Calvinist Covenantal in my Christianity Reformed in my Soteriology Presuppositional in my apologetics Familialist in my family theology Agrarian in my regional community social order belief Christianity creates culture and so Christendom in my national social order belief Mythic-Poetic / Grammatical Historical in my Hermeneutic Pre-modern, Medieval, & Feudal before Enlightenment, modernity, & postmodern Reconstructionist / Theonomic in my Worldview One part paleo-conservative / one part micro Libertarian in my politics Systematic and Biblical theology need one another but Systematics has pride of place Some of my favorite authors, Augustine, Turretin, Calvin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Nock, Tozer, Dabney, Bavinck, Wodehouse, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Schaeffer, C. Van Til, H. Van Til, G. H. Clark, C. Dawson, H. Berman, R. Nash, C. G. Singer, R. Kipling, G. North, J. Edwards, S. Foote, F. Hayek, O. Guiness, J. Witte, M. Rothbard, Clyde Wilson, Mencken, Lasch, Postman, Gatto, T. Boston, Thomas Brooks, Terry Brooks, C. Hodge, J. Calhoun, Llyod-Jones, T. Sowell, A. McClaren, M. Muggeridge, C. F. H. Henry, F. Swarz, M. Henry, G. Marten, P. Schaff, T. S. Elliott, K. Van Hoozer, K. Gentry, etc. My passion is to write in such a way that the Lord Christ might be pleased. It is my hope that people will be challenged to reconsider what are considered the givens of the current culture. Your biggest help to me dear reader will be to often remind me that God is Sovereign and that all that is, is because it pleases him.

6 thoughts on “Cloth Face Diapers & Social Insanity”

  1. Yep, right there with you Bret, it drives me bonkers.
    Down here in the south they dont give as many dirty looks.

    I can count on both hands the times I have put one on, and it was
    only because I was forced to by the business i wished to enter.
    Mostly here you can go in businesses without the mask.

  2. Here are two facts which I expect you will not dispute. The coronavirus is spread via respiratory droplets and wearing a mask prevents a large number of those droplets from becoming airborne. As such, it is entirely reasonable to wear a mask in order to protect others from catching the coronavirus from your respiratory droplets. The mask can also aid in preventing those wearing it from catching the virus, but there are other ways to catch the virus than simple inhalation, which is why the main function of wearing the mask is to prevent the wearer from unwittingly spreading the virus. This is particularly important because people can be contagious before showing symptoms, and some people never show any symptoms at all.

    I can understand being upset about shutting down businesses – livelihoods – but I do not understand the resistance to wearing a simple device which the medical profession has been using for years. Is it because you don’t have the virus? Yeah, you probably don’t, but you don’t know for sure, and the people around you don’t know either. I would wear a mask even if I had immunity to the virus simply because I should not expect other people to simply know that I was immune. Perhaps it is because you think wearing the mask shows you are afraid of the virus – a sign of weakness – but then I would simply remind you that, while many people probably do not have anything to fear from this virus, there are those who are immuno-compromised, or those with other underlying conditions who have very good reason to be afraid of contracting the virus. Wearing a mask broadcasts to these people that you are aware of the threat to them and taking precautions against it. As for the dirty looks you get when you don’t wear a mask, perhaps some of them are being given to you by those people who have good reason to fear the virus killing them, so by not wearing a mask you are indicating to them that you do not care about their lives.

    1. Scott wrote,

      “wearing a mask prevents a large number of those droplets from becoming airborne”

      Bret responds,

      Absolutely dispute that, wearing a mask absorbs vapors almost instantly, releasing viral contaminants from water vapors and insuring they become airborne and remain airborne, released from vapor which would make them otherwise more susceptible to gravity. Furthermore, said masking requirements in commercial buildings with large air systems insures total distribution throughout their facility very rapidly as these units turn air over much more thoroughly that private homes &c.

      Scott wrote,

      “As such, it is entirely reasonable to wear a mask in order to protect others from catching the coronavirus from your respiratory droplets”

      Bret responds,

      Nope, entirely unreasonable, a mask wearer is intending to ensure the virus is widely distributed.

      Scott writes,

      “The mask can also aid in preventing those wearing it from catching the virus”

      Bret responds,

      Nope, those wearing the mask are insuring that airborne viral particles are scrubbed before entering their airways, as wearing the mask causes the mucus membranes to be dryer than otherwise, further the constant inhalation of one’s own carbon dioxide, as well as bacterial contaminants, suppresses the immune system. Wearing the mask ensure viruses are significantly more contagious, both upon exhalation potentially infecting others and inhalation of being infected. Mask wearers intend to make the matters worse, much worse. Edicts intend the same.

      Scott offers,

      “I do not understand the resistance to wearing a simple device which the medical profession has been using for years.”

      Bret responds,

      The medical industry has never used surgical masks, cloth bandanas and the like for viral contaminants; rather they invest considerable sums of money in PPE equipment specifically designed and intended for those applications. Surgical masks are for bacterial contaminants in a surgical setting, which is why they are manufactured and designed for as well as labeled surgical masks.

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