“Hoping that we are entering a new era where we in the complementarian world take all the Word of God seriously–not just the parts about distinction of roles but also re: the tearing down of all hierarchy & his gracious distribution of gifts to all his children!”
J. D. Greear
President Southern Baptist Convention
This quote came from a twitter feed and to be honest I am really hoping that there is some context I’m missing here.
As it stands the President of the SBC is suggesting that God desires the tearing down of all hierarchy. I’d love to hear a sermon from Scripture proving that proposition. I mean, I’d expect that Anabaptists to give such a sermon a go but I hardly expected the President of the SBC to be channeling Jan Van Leyden, Jan Matthis, and Bernard Kniperdolling. (Men if you attend the Church Greear presides over I’d suggest you hide your wives and daughters. Who knows where this Anabaptist impulse will end?)
Does J. D. Greear really believe God desires the tearing down of all hierarchy? If so it sucks to be Greear since that means his job as the shepherd of his flock is in jeopardy. It means that his role as the parents of his children is in jeopardy. And for Greear, it means that Greear’s wife’s role as the head of the home is in jeopardy.
Honestly, do these people even read history anymore? Do they read just standard theology that is plagued by the Wokeification of the Church? As a Baptist has Greear ever heard of Spurgeon, Gill, Dagg or Backus? As he ever read them?
The Anabaptist pool out of which Greear is drinking was never considered anything but heresy by both Rome and the Reformers.
Note the contradiction in that statement. If it is the case that Scripture affirms the maintenance of all roles then it cannot be the case that Scripture at the same time teaches the elimination of all hierarchy. It is simply the case that the presence of gender roles is the presence of hierarchy. You can’t have both at the same time. Greear is speaking like an idiot.
But not to worry. Only I and a handful of others will notice.