“If we think that the main mission of the church is to improve life in Adam and add a little moral strength to the fading evil age, we have not yet understood the radical condition for which Christ is such a radical solution.”
Michael S. Horton
R2K Master Jedi
R2K Master Jedi
1.) False dichotomy. The consequence of the main mission of the Church — the placarding of Christ crucified — results in an improvement of life. That Horton wants to rig any challenge to his grunge thinking by characterizing the improved life that comes from the Church succeeding at its main mission in placarding Christ by adding “in Adam” merely reveals how desperate he is to twist the truth in his direction.
Does Horton not believe that the bowing of the knee of men and peoples to the Lordship of Jesus Christ eventuates in morally improved lives?
2.) We would agree that the EVIL AGE is fading, but as the age in question is evil it is not possible to add moral strength to it because by definition the age is EVIL.
3.) I know of no Christian thought leader who wants to add moral strength to this evil age. I know of no Christian thought leader who desires to improve life in Adam.
4.) Horton’s quote is merely a reflection of his pessimistic eschatology. Per Horton, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Per Horton Christians should not expect men and nations to be Redeemed with the consequence that given life in the last Adam the age to come pushes back this present evil age and moral improvement is realized.
5.) I agree that the Church’s main mission is not about moralism. However, once Christ conquers a man and people, their lives are morally improved as the Holy Spirit works in them to increasingly become what they have been freely declared to be.
Do yourself a favor. Ignore Horton.