In the death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Christ what is being communicated in terms of typological insight from the OT is that in the Lord Christ the Spiritual exile of mankind is completed, a New Exodus is thus now possible and is inaugurated, and in that New Exodus, the return from bondage and Exile has begun in a now, not yet manner.
In the death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Christ the Father has vindicated the Son against the accusation, by the seed of the Serpent, and in that vindication, the Serpent’s head has been crushed. By taking on the penalty of Sin the Lord Christ cast out the Serpent and so the Earth, is now, in principle, returned to that Edenic existence the failed because the 1st Adam failed to cast out the Serpent.
Because of the finished work of the Lord Christ, all that remains for His people is mopping up work so that what is already true in principle becomes increasingly true in actuality. The Kingdom of this World, in Christ, have, and so will, become the kingdoms of our Lord.
Having a sound Biblical-theological eschatology, there is absolutely no getting around the essential partial preterist reality that Christ inaugurated all that was proleptically spoken of prophetically in the OT. This “already/nowness” of the Kingdom is often set aside as an “over-realized eschatology,” by those who are championing an “under-realized eschatology.” By way of the implications of their systems premillennialists and amillennialists necessary tamp down the inaugurated reality of Christ’s Kingdom or failing that will spiritualize the presence of the inaugurated kingdom so that it is only an ethereal ghost of a genuinely present kingdom. A Biblical eschatology admits that there is a “not yetness” to the Kingdom but will insist at the same time that the “now/already” inaugurated presence of the kingdom is to be looked for at every turn.
Christ has come. The serpent’s head has been crushed. The kingdom is present. The enemy has been bound and is being defeated. Where there was desert there is now a garden flourishing.