1.) Per the Associated Press the Biden Administration is considering mandating Deep State virus quackzines for interstate travel.
This leaves us in the curious position wherein comparatively healthy American citizens would be restrained from traveling in America while strangers and aliens from points all across the third world are allowed to illegally enter into America with the potential of all kinds of STD’s, Bat scat viruses, and every other contaminant known to mankind.
2.) So a major Corporation (United Airlines) has mandated the quackzine for all employees. Now, the largest city in America (NYC) starting today is requiring quackzine passports.
How far behind can other Corporations and cities be?
3.) Well, the good news about Afghanistan is that unlike Korea and Vietnam American soldiers did not leave a large number of Amer-Afghani children behind. US soldiers now being LGBTQ no longer have the capacity to reproduce children wherever they go.
4.) “A Taliban automatic takeover is not a foregone conclusion.”
Speaking in a Press Conference Three short weeks ago
5.) In the almost 20 years that the American Empire ruled in Afghanistan did they ever press on the Afghani people what they press upon us here? Did the Empire press abortion upon Afghani women as they have pressed abortion on American women?
6.) Did the American Empire press upon the Afghani military Lesbian Generals? Did the American Empire press the policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on the Afghani Military? Did the American Empire run military recruiting ads seeking to lure the daughters of Lesbian mothers into the US Military? All this the Empire as done here. Did the Empire do that in Afghanistan?
7.) Did the American Empire ruling Afghanistan ever form Lesbians for Allah chapters in the local mosques? Did the American Empire ruling in Afghanistan ever turn Afghani women into whores and Afghani men into cucks?
8.) Did the American Empire ruling Afghanistan ever delete the Afghani borders and then ship in millions of Africans looking for a better life?
9.) How many statues of famous Imams and Holy Prophets did the American Empire ruling Afghanistan allow to be torn down and desecrated?
5-9 forces me to conclude that the American Empire hates White Christian Americans more than they hate brown Muslim Afghanis. The occupation of Afghanistan by the American Globalist Empire was far more benign than the current occupation of America by the American Globalist Empire.
10.) The leadership of the visible church today thinks of itself as akin to the Judenrat during the Nazi era. The Judenrat of yesterday was appointed by the Nazis to be the mechanism by which the Nazis would rule the Jews. The Judenrat thus became kind of a glorified Judas goat. Although the modern Evangelical-Reformed leadership has not been literally appointed as the visible Church’s Judenrat that is the way they act. They are forcing on us the foulest policy of our enemy in order to save their own unconverted skins. They are more than glad to give up the faith of their rank and file just so long as they can hobnob with our current Tyrant ruling class. They are glad to shove us in intellectual ghettos as long as they can get one more article printed in the New York Times or Washington Post.