One person that God used along the way to help me think through matters was Dr. R. C. Sproul Sr.. I never met the man but I read at least 20 of his books during this time of my fighting against the hound of heaven, not to mention countless of his video series and tape lectures. I even was able to attend a couple of his speaking confabs. Later I would disagree with Sproul over his errant position on presuppositionalism, theonomy, Reconstruction thought, some of his social order views, and even somewhat on Justification.
Yet still, I am thankful to God for Dr. R. C. Sproul and his ministry and how Sproul helped me to think through the conflict raging in my mind after Seminary. There were many others as well as Sproul, but Sproul was helpful. I remember going to and from work at the Airlines in Columbia, South Carolina listening to Sproul’s “Holiness of God” series and being overwhelmed at how BIG God is. I remember traveling to and from Maine to visit Jane’s family listening to Sproul’s “Dust to Glory” series. I remember working out on my stationary bike in the Basement viewing Sproul’s “Ideas have Consequences” video lectures.
Sproul’s gift to God’s Church was, in my estimation, his ability to popularize the Reformed faith. He was a master at getting the message out. He was to the Reformed faith what George Creel was to the Wilson Administration’s War effort during WW I. God would use Sproul to get ideas out there in the marketplace of ideas and once one came across those ideas they could go elsewhere to get them deeply reinforced. Nobody should underestimate the importance of getting ideas their initial exposure.