The Historical-critical hermeneutical method of reading the Biblical text, per Ernst Troeltsch, sits upon three tenants.
2.) Analogy — This means testing the text against the analogy of modern experience. So, for example, if modern people do not experience virgins getting pregnant or the world being created or dead men rising to life again that means those things cannot have happened in the past.
3.) Coherence — This means that every event has a natural, and historical cause and so there is no need to posit divine intervention.
Note that all of this can be reduced to one idea. The Historical-critical method reduces to reading the Biblical text with an anti-supernatural presupposition. To read the text “historically-critically” is to read the text presupposing Naturalism. No God, except as that god is subjectively projected so as to create reality. No inspiration, except as inspiration is subjectively spoken of. And so really no reason to even bother with the text at all except for some residual silly idea that the text is sacrosanct.