The article is not for those who desire to be pollyanna and neither is it for the “wishing and hoping” postmillennialists. It is a hard-nosed look at what must be overcome in order to clear the air of the smell of sulfur and brimstone. The article insists that the victory won’t be had in a day. It is a battle that will go on for at least one generation. As that is true the Church needs to start rolling up her sleeves to get to work.
Here is #21, which he didn’t mention.
How many of our Seminaries are offering courses on Cultural Marxism as the greatest current ideological Worldview challenge to Christianity extant? How many of our Seminaries are combatting Radical Two Kingdom Theology because it is WOKEism through the back door? Are our seminaries allowing their men to graduate without knowing the names of Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci, Theodore Adorno, and Wilhelm Reich? Are the fresh faces mounting pulpits for the first time aware of “the long march through the institutions,” “the F-scale,” or the new proletariat? Are they conversant with Critical Theory? Critical Race Theory? Intersectionality? If we don’t even know our enemies or their tactics how will we ever fight them?