R2K fanboy writes,
Rushdoony seems to be credited with the reconstruction concept which would sort of demonstrate it is something rather new.
Bret responds,
1.) Rushdoony merely brought to light something that is inescapable and gave it a title. All men are reconstructionists in one direction or another. That has been true since the creation of Adam and Eve. After the fall, unredeemed men reconstruct all of life in a luciferian direction and redeemed men reconstruct all of life in a Christ honoring direction. Rushdoony merely recognized this and gave it a name. So the name (Reconstructionism) may be new but the idea that it is attached to is as old as time.
R2K fanboy writes,
I have no interest in reconstructing culture. My interest is in preaching the Gospel, and allowing the Gospel to do it’s work, which will indeed affect the culture. If my interest was the culture, and I were successful in reconstructing the culture according to the Mosaic law, we would have a lot of good moral folks in hell.
Bret responds,
This is not an either or thing. Christians are told to disciple the nations, teaching the nations all that Christ has taught. That means that as we are heralding the Gospel, and baptizing the nations, we are discipling the nations so that they embrace the Mosaic law as the template by which they might have a just civil law order.
It is true that people can think that their outward righteousness to the 2nd use of the law is a sufficient hope for heaven but that is where the careful preaching of law and gospel come in so that people don’t have that false hope of trusting in their civil righteousness in order to be right with God.
R2K fanboy,
Oh? So I am a coward because I am not taking up the same fight as you? Well, how about the fact that I am confronting you, and your ideas? In other words, I am indeed taking up a fight but not with those who are outside, but rather with those who name the Name of Christ.
Bret responds,
I beg your pardon. I should have included the truth that the only way to make a R2K pajama boy fighting mad is by introducing him to a Biblical Christians. The R2K fanboy will fight all day with those who insist on all of Christ for all of life.
R2K fanboy writes,
There is a tremendous difference between attempting to affect culture by enacting the Mosaic law upon the unregenerate, as opposed to preaching the Gospel, and allowing the Gospel to do it’s work.
Moreover, as far as my believing Christianity to be a “private matter” I have spent the last nine years almost daily debating with atheists. So then, I am not under the impression Christianity is a “private matter” but I am also not under the impression I am to force what it is I believe and am convinced of upon others.
Bret responds,
Again … We do not get to choose to either
A.) Preach the Gospel (or)
B.) Reconstructing all of life to the glory of God
Secondly, if you won’t force what it is you believe and are convinced of upon others they will force what they believe and are convinced of upon you and your seed. Take your choice. You are operating with a Classically liberal world and life view and are trying to say that such a wicked template is a Christian norm. It is not.
R2K fanboy writes,
Again, there is a tremendous difference between not being a threat to the US, as opposed to Christianity?
Bret responds,
All false religions are a threat to Christianity and so should not be tolerated.
Is fanboy a real person or an excellent parody? He’s such a dimit emotist that he has to be young if he is real.
Hello Kurt
He is real.