Lunatic Center, once known as “the fringe”
Pervert brigade — Home of the unhinged
Masosadist groupies and NWO friends
Purveyors of shock, and worthy of cringe
Teleological bastards of means and of ends
As ignoring you is now no longer a solution
To escape from your noxious immoral pollution
The recourse now is the old “Burn us the witch”
To pare back the excess as a cleansing ablution
So bring on the faggots and bring on the pitch
We understand the perilous path we now trod
As a result of the worship of your bacchanalian god
We understand that is now either kill or be killed
Either we enter silently into that way which is broad
Or we thin your herd and then it’s time to rebuild
There is but one exit from this pending conflagration
A way that returns us to our once Christian nation
It is the Law that commands that you must repent
The Gospel that promises you relief and salvation
Give up your filth and coming torment
And enter into Christ’s Kingdom Advent