Think about it. The Kinist impulse is to love a particular people, and inasmuch the Alienists refuse to count Kinists as their people, they likewise have the same impulse to love a particular people. The Kinist Kinists have a particular love for a particular people. The Alienist Kinist has a particular love for a particular people (everyone except the Kinist). The Kinist embraces the brotherhood of his people while affirming a very real spiritual union with all men from all tribes who are in Christ. The Alienist embraces the brotherhood of all men while excluding Kinist Kinists from any possible spiritual union in Christ. Both are expressing particular loves. The Alienist is a Kinist… just a distorted and disturbed one — one who calls evil “good,” and good, “evil.”
Alienism is Kinism
Keep in mind that when Alienists wage war on Kinists they are doing it because they (the Alienists) are Kinists. The Alienists are Kinists is seen that they are championing the cause of their people (the stranger and the alien) over and above the people to which the Kinists belong to.
Alienists are Kinists and they hate the overt Kinists because Kinists do not consider their people to be the people to which the Alienists take as theirs. To use a Old Testament motif, the Alienist Kinists are the Jews whose people is everybody except the goyim Kinist Kinists.
Alienism = Inside out Kinism.