John 1:14 — And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. We looked upon His glory, the glory of the one and only from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The incarnate Son of God fulfills what the Tabernacle/Temple always was meant to be; a place where infinite meets with the finite to give salvation to the faithful. Further the incarnate Son of God fulfills what the Tabernacle/Temple always promised and that is the place where the Transcendent Eternal dwells among and so gives meaning to the temporal Immanent.
Without the incarnation of Christ the ability to fill the temporal immanent with real Transcendent Eternal meaning would have remained tied to ephemeral shadows and hazy types. However with the coming of Christ, meaning becomes meaningful as all meaning is related to the Eternal Transcendent Christ.
Christ is our Great High Priest who dies for our Sins but He also is our Great High Prophet wherein meaning finally becomes dazzlingly meaningful. There is a reason that the incarnate Christ is known as the Word (logos) of God. This is why St. Paul said that in Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
The Incarnation then becomes the bedrock of finding Truth as well as the cornerstone of being relieved of sin. If there had been no incarnation meaning would have been as uncertain as relief from sin.