Dear Pastor;
“Kinism isn’t a salvation issue and so Pastor Bret you are in error to make it such an issue.”
Herod Knave
Dear Herod,
Well, as the first heresy that was fought in the NT even and has been fought tooth and nail ever since was Gnosticism and as it is this same Gnosticism that is driving opposition to Kinism I would say you just don’t know what you’re talking about. Alienism vs. Kinism is indeed a salvation issue when you realize that it is a heresy (Gnosticism) that is pushing the opposition to Kinism.
Dear Herod,
Well, as the first heresy, Gnosticism, that was fought in the NT forward (see Colossians and I John, as well as I Timothy) and likewise has been fought tooth and nail ever since and as it is this same Gnosticism that is driving opposition to Kinism I would respectfully say you just don’t know what you’re talking about. Alienism vs. Kinism is indeed a salvation issue when you realize that it is a heresy (Gnosticism) that is pushing the opposition to Kinism.Gnosticism is the disease Herod, and opposition to Kinism is one symptom. St. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit certainly thought that Gnosticism was a salvation issue.
Next, when we consider that opposition to Kinism is not only Gnosticism but also a Egalitarianism that levels and destroys God ordained hierarchies and distinctions so that eventually the outcome of this will be the destruction of the distinction between God and man I think we must conclude Herod that this is a salvific issue. When considering these matters, Herod, one must not only look where we are but where a particular mode of though will take us. Anti-Kinism will eventually take us, unless manfully opposed, to the destruction of the distinction between Creator and Creature. Alienism (that which opposes Kinism) is a distinction eating world and life view and it is indeed aiming at the destruction of Biblical Christianity. If it were to be given its head there would be no salvation to be seen as necessary.
Thanks for writing,
Sometimes our enemies also know us better than we ourselves do – like the demons recognized Christ as God before the apostles did (Luke 4:33-34).
And likewise, the dedicated “Enlightener” and Antifa types, who know their history, are well aware that those Christians who have well developed sense of THEOLOGICAL discrimination are unlikely to remain indiscriminating in “secular” matters. Only those Christians who are mushy-minded ecumenicists, or strictly dualistic Pietists who are ready to leave the world for devil, can be relied to remain loyal subjects of liberal democracy, or humble subjects of shitlib globalist overlords.
In Commie speak, all those Christians who take their religion seriously (and are not “Liberation Theology” subversives and collaborators) are potential counter-revolutionaries, who would join forces with any upcoming Franco or Pinochet figure that might appear.
And in any case, they know that no Christian worth his salt would like to fight FOR this system now (unlike, say, in the days of the American Civil War when so many Christian farm boys were unthinkingly ready to fight for Lincoln’s government). Even those Pietists who would have any genuine sense of religion would adopt a policy of neutrality instead of taking up arms FOR globohomo.
I just stumbled upon this blog and seeing someone defend kinism and PSA is a huge green flag. Keep up the good work 🙂