Continuing to fisk the Humanist Manifesto III (Antioch Declaration)
We start with a quote by John Calvin;
Humanist Manifesto III (Antioch Declaration — hereinafter AD)
“We deny that any particular view of the Allied leaders, their strategies, or tactics during World War II should be a test of Christian orthodoxy. We FURTHER deny that this civic adiaphora may be expanded to cover malice, vain glory, race-baiting, antisemitism, treachery, bitterness, or hatred. These issues are entirely distinct.” PaleoconPlease note here that what the Boomer-cons have said here is that the strategies or tactics of Josef Stalin during WW II should not be a test of Christian orthodoxy. If anyone has read anything about Stalin and the way he pursued WW II as one of the Allied leaders they know that the man was a demon and that anyone who says that disagreeing with his mandated rape strategy visited upon women across Eastern Europe and Germany (as one just one comparatively minor example) shouldn’t be a test of Christian orthodoxy is just holding to a anti-Christ position. Oh, and what about the tactic that Stalin employed of shooting vast numbers of repatriated civilians in what was called on our side “Operation Keel-haul?”
As said earlier all these clown Boomer-Cons are doing in their “cover” statement is to poison the well. They are merely asserting without proving that anybody in the Church is full of malice, race-baiting, anti-semitism, treachery, bitterness or hatred. This technique of flinging accusations without substance was seen again most recently in the whole Webbon incident where they got caught in their slander and malfeasance.
Humanist Manifesto III (AD)
“We deny that it is possible to harmonize the racial and antisemitic theories of Adolf Hitler and neo-pagan doctrines of the Nazi cult with the gospel of Christ and the teachings of scripture.”
No problem. We finally agree on something.
Would you mind giving names of who is doing this harmonizing in the Reformed church in the West? I mean certainly if you go this much out of your way to include this denial you must have someone concrete in mind. Names please.
Do you also deny that it is possible to harmonize the racial and anti-Christian theories of the Talmud and the neo-pagan doctrines of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult with the gospel of Christ and the teachings of Scripture?
Humanist Manifesto III (AD)
“We affirm that if the superabundant, diverse forms and veritable glut of evidence – detailed in diaries, documented records, firsthand testimonies of eyewitnesses, extensive photography and videography all provided within living memory – for the deliberate mass destruction of millions of Jews by the Nazis does not amount to historical certitude for what specialists call the Holocaust, then the science of history itself is called into question.”
1.) History is NOT a science. Not even science is science. I would think presuppositionalists would understand that and not say such a stupid thing.
2.) Here we have an example of how the Boomer-Cons are indeed trying to make their interpretation of history the gold standard that everyone has to bow to. There are similarly tons of counter evidence to this. There is the fact that starting at the turn of the 20th century we find constantly repeated references of the danger of “six million Jews” being in danger. Then there is the fact that in the war memoirs of Eisenhower, de Gaulle, and Churchill there is no mention of this thing called the holocaust. Perhaps these chaps ought to consider reading “The Holocaust Industry” by the Jewish author Norman Finkelstein. Then they could read next E. Michael Jones’ “The Holocaust Narrative.” Maybe they could also watch the documentary, “1/3 of the Holocaust, by Dean Irebodd.” Maybe after consuming this material these Boomer-con clowns would be less confident of their handle on history.
What I call into question in light of this Humanist Manifesto III is the reasoning ability of these clergy doofuses.
Humanist Manifesto III (AD)
“We affirm that there is a vital biblical difference between the self-loathing of men in the grip of disillusionment over a failed idol, and the true repentance of the Christian man.”
Paleocon; This really makes one ask; “Who are the ones in the grip of disillusionment over their failed idol?” I think a case could be made that it is the Boomer-Cons who are in the grip of disillusionment that their failed post-Enlightenment idol has failed them.
“We deny that it is possible to harmonize the racial and antisemitic theories of Adolf Hitler and neo-pagan doctrines of the Nazi cult with the gospel of Christ and the teachings of scripture.”
I’m not so quick to agree; and I believe there were party members who were also Christians. The so-called ‘neo-pagan doctrines’ of a so-called ‘cult’ of National Socialism are refuted by the Fuhrer’s own words:
“National Socialism is not a cult-movement — a movement for worship; it is exclusively a ‘volkic’ political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship. … We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else — in any case, something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our program there stand no secret surmisings, but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance, and hence the security, for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will — not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship — but openly before the face of the Lord.”
Adolf Hitler, ‘Nuremberg Speech’, September 6, 1938
“I think a case could be made that it is the Boomer-Cons who are in the grip of disillusionment that their failed post-Enlightenment idol has failed them.”
What is this idol of the Boomer-Cons?
It would seem to me to be the Jews.
Yes… that is what it seems. They are incensed that people are committing the sin of noticing.
To be charitable, difficult given the arrogance of the men who penned the AD, they, like most born post-WWII, appear to have no idea regarding the depth of Judeo-conditioning that they have received from birth.
I find it hard to excuse these men, however, as their vanity and arrogance displayed in the AD indicates a large degree of self-reverence not at all tempered by either Christian or scholarly humility.