We continue fisking Humanist Manifesto III. We start with a quote by Martin Luther;
“But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Humanist Manifesto III (Antioch Declaration — hereinafter AD)
“We deny that it is possible to recover an ethic that honors our fathers and their momentous sacrifices while actively and openly dishonoring them.”
Are these Boomer-con blokes talking about themselves with this one?
Humanist Manifesto III — AD
“We affirm that as the secular liberal edifice crumbles, many will refuse to turn to Christ. As the “strong gods” inevitably return, godless influential figures will arise the same way Theudas did (Acts 5:34-39).[i] The temptation for some Christian leaders will be to ape such methods for the sake of clicks, followers and the ephemeral notion of ‘influence.’”
1.) Agreed … many will refuse to turn to Christ.
2.) As the “strong gods” inevitably return, those who were thought to be godly will reveal themselves to be a Demas’ and/or a Alexander the Coppersmith. The temptation for some “Christian” “leaders” will be to insist that they are not really playing the part of Demas and Alexander the Coppersmith and this so they can keep their stranglehold on the Church.
Humanist Manifesto III (AD)
“We deny that it is possible to be a faithful Christian shepherd without identifying, naming and fighting the wolves which prey on the flock. As such, pastors have a duty to confront and rebuke wickedness in all its forms within their congregations.”
Agreed. This is what I am trying to do with this series.
I will say this though … in all of this Humanist Manifesto III the Boomer-Cons have failed to identify and/or name the wolves that they think are preying on the flock. Oh … and their names are on this Manifesto.
Humanist Manifesto III (AD_
“We affirm that in deeply unsettled times there is a carnal desire in fallen man to seek out a scapegoat for sin and social corruption. This sadistic urge seeks to expiate guilt by laying the blame and punishment for all cultural ills on an identifiable group(s). The victimized group(s) is offered up to the masses as providing ostensible ‘explanatory power’ for cultural decay, which all conspiracy theories must provide if they are to gain any traction. The Jews have often been the easiest target for this kind of sinful and decrepit thinking.”
If you can read the books below and not conclude that the fact that the Jews provide explanatory power for our cultural decay then you are a hopeless case.
Now, obviously not all people who are Jewish belong to the seed of the serpent but throughout history there has been enough conflict between Christian civilization and Jewish tampering that we can say authoritatively that history teaches that this is a reality that all Christians need to be aware.
History here, as science, gives us certitude on this subject.