Completed what is likely the last completed book for 2015.
“The Other Worldview; Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat.”
The greatest threat is what he calls “Oneism,” but could just as easily be called “systematic Cultural Marxism.” He mentions Cultural Marxism but his focus is more on Karl Jung and Jung’s disciples. He locates animistic type religion in Jung’s psychoanalysis and insists that the goal of this religious Cultural Marxism is “thus all men Shamans.”
Dr. Peter Jones relates that the problem of the Jung(ians) is that they live in a Cosmos that is defined by Outsidelessness. This is another way of saying that there is no Transcendent Reference point by which meaning can be determined. Without a Transcendent outsidedness (that is also Trinitarian and so personal) what results is man sinking into himself to find meaning and to discover the divinity within.
This new Monistic Cultural Marxist religion is committed to the New Age goal of combining the opposites. This gives us a “beyond good and evil” morality where each man does what is right in his own eyes. Of course this is just another way of embracing the Hegelian dialectic of Marxism.
What has happened in our lifetimes is that we have moved from a Monistic Humanistic materialism where spiritual realities were folded into material reality to a Monistic Humanistic spiritualism where material realities are now folded into spiritual reality. Both humanisms are Monistic with the only difference being that during the Enlightenment age that which was genuinely spiritual was reduced to the material whereas now that which is genuinely material is reduced to being categorized as spiritual. When one looks at the modern sciences of Quantum indeterminacy, quantum holism, and quantum non-locality (sub sets of Quantum physics) along with Quantum mechanics one begins to see a “science” that is more friendly to the New Ageist Spirituality of Eastern Mysticism and Western Romanticism.
In this new gnostic Monism the goal is the elimination of not only Modernity but also of Biblical Christianity. All of the distinctions that one finds in Biblical Christianity are eliminated in favor of the merging of the opposites. As a result we can speak of now of a Homocosmology, Homostoricism, Homorality, as well as Homosexuality. Indeed so great is the push for the elimination of distinctions that Jones’ opines that a day is coming when Biblical Christianity will be criminalized. The sodomites are NOT interested in equality folks. They are interested in turning normalcy into the aberrant.
Jones’ goes out of his way to agree with what I’ve been saying since I was 30 and that is psychiatry and psychology are the cutting edge expressions of this new religion that intends to crush Biblical Christianity. My angst at this confirmation is that much of the Church and Church Mission agencies have already redefined themselves in terms of the Monistic psychiatry and psychology that Jones’ warns against. It has been the case for years that in many denominations one cannot enter into the ministry or missionary field without first submitting to a battery of Monistic humanistic psychological exams, as well as- required time spent with the Denominational Shrink – Shaman. What has happened is that instead of these fields being reinterpreted through a biblical grid (if indeed that is even possible) the disciplines of humanistic shamanistic psychology have reinterpreted Christianity through their Monistic – gnostic grids. You can be sure that Christ’s Church has suffered as a result of this.
As a criticism of the book, I’m not convinced that Jones’ himself has extirpated all the Monism from himself that he so clearly sees elsewhere. In point of fact, given some of Jones’ complaint about “Institutional racism,” and “Institutional Sexism” one wonders if Jones’ despite his excellent work here hasn’t himself swallowed a poison pill of Monistic making.
I’ve read most of Jones’ published work now and viewed many many of his lectures. That should tell you that I value his work. In point of fact I think it is indispensable given our time and historical situation. When combined with more thorough works on Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism I think one has the opportunity to see Christianity’s greatest worldview opponent at this time.
A Fin de siècle right-wing Russian writer Dmitry Merezhkovsky, who flourished during the last decades of Tsarist Russia, described thus, after becoming an exile after the Bolshevik revolution, the “Oneist” worldview which he felt menacing the Western civilization, and which the Communist movement was just one part of .
Merezhkovsky (who was a great artist with words) was describing the instinctive fear of White Christian man of his culture turning into a soulless “bugman” hive resembling Asiatic heathen cultures:
“In Europe positivism is only becoming a religion, in China it has already become one. The spiritual foundation of China – the teachings of Lao-tse and Confucius – is a perfect positivism, a religion without a God, “an earthly religion, without a heaven,” as Hertzen expresses himself about European scientific realism. There are no mysteries of any sort, no depths and longings for “other worlds than ours.” Everything is simple, everything is on a plane. Insuperable common sense, insuperable positiveness. All that is, is; and there is nothing more, nor need for anything more. This world is all, and there is no other world save this. Heaven is not the beginning and the end, but a continuation, without beginning or end, of the earth. Earth and heaven shall not be one, as Christianity affirms, but one substance. The greatest empire on earth is verily the Celestial Empire, the Heaven on earth, the Median Kingdom – the kingdom of the eternal mean, of eternal mediocrity, absolute bourgeoisie, “a kingdom not of God, but of man,” as Hertzen, once more, defines the common idealism of positivism.
Christianity – the old Semitic yeast in the Aryan blood – is verily just that which does not let it settle definitely, interferes with the final “crystallization,” the Chinafication of Europe.
That is where the chief “yellow peril” is – not without, but within; not in that China is going into Europe, but in that Europe is going into China. Our faces are still white; but already under the white skin flows not the former rich, crimson Aryan blood, but a “yellow” blood, thinner and thinner, resembling Mongolian ichor; the slit of our eyes is straight, but the outlook is beginning to slant and narrow. And the direct white light of the European day is turning into the oblique “yellow” light of the Chinese setting sun, or the Japanese rising sun. At the present time the Japanese seem to be the dressed-up apes of the Europeans; who knows but that, in time, Europeans and even Americans may seem the dressed-up apes of the Japanese and Chinese, incorrigible idealists, romanticists of the old world, who only pretend to be positivists, masters of the new world. It may be that the war of the yellow race with the white was only a misunderstanding: kin did not recognize kin. When they shall recognize each other, however, war shall end with peace, and then there shall be “a peace of all the world,” the final calm and quietude of heaven, the Celestial Empire, the Median Kingdom over all the world, from East to South, the final crystallization, the bee-hive and ant-hill of all mankind, the solid “compressed spawn” of bourgeoisie encrusting the earthly sphere, – and not even bourgeoisie, but the canaille, because bourgeoisie having reached its limits and come into power is the canaille.
“Ponder upon it,” we may conclude these reflections, as Hertzen concluded them formerly, “ponder upon it, and your hair will stand on end.””
But actually even much earlier, in the 17th century, the Jesuit missionaries – who were the first learned Western observers of pagan Chinese culture – felt instinctive dread and loathing at the monistic (or “one substance doctrine”) nature of Asian heathenism which swallows up the individual:
“On the contrary, modern Confucians believed that the soul dies when the body dies. Ricci suggested that this new, incorrect theory came from Buddhism, named ‘sect of idols,’ whose adepts spread in China the hideous theory that:
‘all this world is composed of a single substance, whose creator along with the sky and the earth, men and animals, trees and herbs, the four elements, are all one continuous body being these its members. From this one substance they [the Chinese] draw the charity that we are supposed to have mutually, because all men are similar to God, being them out of his substance. We are confuting this theory not only through arguments, but even making use of the authority of their ancient [philosophers], who taught a deeply different doctrine.81’
This paragraph is probably the first effective description of the Buddhist theory of pratītyasumutpāda that reached European thinkers. This theory claims the dependent origination of all things from one substance; hence everything is only an accident of this substance.”