Kyle Patrick
Hello Kyle;
Remember, per your request this is a back of the napkin kind of explanation. Much more could be said.
Kinism is the doctrine that God, by His creative and providential work has set men in families, clans, tribes, and nations and because of that there is a natural and biblical requirement to prioritize and order our loves in just such a fashion.
Kinist do NOT deny that they also have responsibilities to those who share a common faith who are not in those concentric circles of natural responsibilities but they recognize that normatively we are to provide for our own relatives and especially for members of our own household, realizing that the man who does not prioritize his own Kin has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
Further, Kinists do NOT believe that conversion strips a man of his race, nation, tribe, clan, or family. Instead, Kinists believe that grace restores nature and as such conversion and sanctification lifts us to be the best sons, daughters, fathers, husbands, Uncles, Aunts to our own people that God in creation intended us to be.
Finally, people (especially Christian Clergy it seems) are all tied up into knots and hysterical about Kinism because;
1.) They were educated in Government schools and so have bought into the egalitarian swill.
2.) They think the civil rights era was all about Christianity when in point of fact it was all about Marxism.
3.) They are afraid of the peer pressure. Their children might not be able to marry just the right people. They might not get the promotion at work. They might get shunned by friends for believing Christian truths held for every generation by Christians until 1950 or so. Most people are basically cowards.
4.) They follow the crowd.
I hope this helps Kyle. If you have more questions I’d be glad to field them if I am able.
Bret, you forgot to mention that most of us believe interracial marriage is a sin. Even though it is permitted by God in scripture and is in the actual lineage of Christ, we believe this is an exception to the rule. The coward kinists among us will walk the line between the two sides of this issue, but they are not real kinists like us. They are egalitarian marxists just trying to protect their children and marry them off to Christians who don’t hold our biblical worldview, hence making them unchristian. Like you say, they seek personal peace and affluence instead of what God commands of us, advance the whites in our nation and send the blacks back home instead of marrying with them. We can only pray that they will repent.
Hello Corey,
There is not 100% agreement in the Kinist community on that score. I’m not even confident that it is the case that “most kinists believe inter-racial marriage to be a sin,” though I understand the case for it. Ehud Would lines out the case as under the 7th commandment.
If it is permitted in Scripture then we would have to say that it is not always sin all the time. Also, there are those who do not believe it is in the lineage of Christ preferring to read the examples of Ruth and Rahab as fitting in the context of their being semitic. There is nothing fantastic about these interpretations.
My take on this is explained by the below;
Interracial marriage is kind of like a fresh faced virgin man marrying a reformed prostitute.
Is it lawful? Yes.
Can it possibly work. Also yes.
Is there an exceptionally high probability it will end in disaster? Also yes.
And as such as a minister I insist that interracial marriage is unwise and I refuse to officiate a service where such a “bond” was being entered into, but I will NOT say categorically that it is sin always and all the time.
Thanks Corey for your comment.
You sir, are the coward.
Just imagine how badly my feelings are hurt right now Corey.
Dear Pastor,
I especially understand #3 above. We have shared great community with families we thought were Christians and kinists only to find out they were just Christians and we know now they must be outside the faith since they said they were not kinists all along. They had the audacity to think God is not sovereign and that our community did not have “just the right people” in it for them. They must have thought they were just trying to do the best thing for their kids, but they will pay the price for abandoning us. If God is just, they will get the multicultural families they deserve.
In fairness, the priest did overlook some questionable older men and we always had several men who abused their wives, but it seems like every church is dealing with abuse these days. Or maybe it’s just us because we value kin so much? I wish I knew the answers. It makes me cry a lot. How could these families think God would not bring faithful families into our community? Why does it seem like God is blessing Christian families when they are clearly not Christian because they won’t call themselves kinists? What makes them think they can care for their families, feed them, help them find spouses and worship our God, but not take up our cause of true kinism?
Abigail … it is one thing to “not be a Kinist” (I think those folks can indeed be Christian) and it is another thing to be violently against Kinists (it is hard for me to see how these people are not Marxists instead of Christian). So, allow me to encourage you to be patient with people who are new to the subject. It may take awhile for them to come around. The propaganda has been thick for a very long time now and these truths take time to think through.
And really … we should pray that God is merciful and that our people don’t fall into multicultural families. That would be bad for all involved.
As to why God’s providence is what it is all we can say is “that God’s ways are altogether Just.”
Pastor Mcatee thanks for always coming back to this issue, the main issue, threatening us as Christians today. I am trying to teach my flock slowly but surely how this issue demands our full attention.
Had a rough Sunday last week here in Mississippi, a white woman came into the service with her African husband, expecting to be able to worship with us. All the work I have done to teach my faithful white congregation (almost all of them are now listening to The Political Cesspool now, too) and this happens. Some of my elders have left because my my “extremist views” and now is the time to have courage, but I just don’t know how to tell these wicked people to never come back. Can you offer any advice? Thank you in advance, Rev. Steve
Rev. Steve,
I would invite them to come back. I would work to make them feel welcome. The Church, after all, is God’s open house of mercy and should welcome all sinners into their midst. What’s wrong with you that you would want to tell people who want to hear Christ to “go away?”
Of course, you need to be up front with them also about your Kinist convictions.
One of my Kinist convictions is that once a marriage between one man and one woman is contracted it is our responsibility as Christians to do all that we can to support it.
Chances are that once they know your convictions on these matters they will want to find another Church … but maybe not … I know a number of inter-racially married couples who are very strong Kinists. Indeed, more than a few interracially married men I count as good friends.
Excellent.Still in the Philippines and still delighted to read and benefit from your insights,observations,teaching and humor! All from a sensible ,rational and authentic Christian perspective. You have become my favorite writer.So it can be said you’re international,where we are in Southeast Asia, fighing the good fight ,with heartaches and headaches . The Roman Catholic Church still has a stronghold here,as many are still blinded by all its false doctrine,ritualism,and superstition.On our way to worship every Lord’s Day,we pass by many RCC houses of ‘ill repute’ ,and they are all filled to overflowing literally,spilled out on to the sidewalks! Every mass.It fills my heart with great pain and sadness, I have to bow my head and close my eyes.My wife is Pinoy,and is a vessel of His Sovereign grace whom God used as a House Mother in a Christian orphanage, and whom I met through a residential Bible study I taught.and who herself is a remarkable teacher of the Word to children and to women.Here there are also the cults,The Iglesia ni Cristo;Mormons;Jehovah’s False Witnesses(they give me fits,so deeply and darkly entrenched in Russelite false theology);Apollo Quiboloy,the self-appointed,self-deluded Chosen son of god);SDA,worshipping Saturdays;Armininians;Pentacostals;
and in Mindanao, the southern region of the Philippines ,the Muslims.Pinoys have been colonized so long that they now seem to lack identity, and that is so tragic.All the more reason to being The Biblical Gospel .We use the Heidelberg, Belgic,and Canons of Dordt. Where the Authentic is,the counterfeits also abound(ibid),and it 8s so grievous as I witness these false ways that lead ultimately to perdition make inroads among natives here.Yet God is ever Sovereign, and will not forsake His Word or Holy Name.In the midst of all manner of global issues and social perversions,Christ will be glorified in His People and in His Universe. At times the burdens seem to be almost paralyzing, still fighting our own sin and corruptions within as well as without. Yet tomorrow is the Lord’s Day again,our island of refuge.So we press on,brother Brett, fellow 1959 vintage,looking forward to Heaven as NEVER before. Good piece on Kinism on a napkinNever lose that sense if humor.It is a gift I also employ,maybe as a coping mechanism and outlet for the stoically pent up hurt within for all the apostasy,heresy and wickedness without. Well,keep writing and fighting,Kapatid(Tagalog for Brother).Lord bless you,your family and ministry -David Birse,with Nida,Philippines
Thank you David for your kind words.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. If you ever make it back to the States look me up in Michigan. Maybe we could spend a Lord’s Day together.
Blessings fellow Saint,
Hello David. Where are you located in the Philippines, and what is the name of the church? Through reading Iron Ink and Faith & Heritage, I as a Filipino started to gravitate to Kinism. I hope you can email me at in your spare time. – Arlan Aquino
“2.) They think the civil rights era was all about Christianity when in point of fact it was all about Marxism.”
One should not make too absolute statements like “ALL about Marxism.” One could just as well say that the civil rights activists, like their militant Abolitionist predecessors like John Brown, took some genuine Christian ethical insights and mixed them with their own poisons. The result was a devious half-truth (or partial truth) cocktail that was like, say, 1/4 Gospel and 3/4 poison.
This, after all, was the standard heretical modus operandi, cunningly mixing together truths an falsehoods.
Thanks Viisaus … that is a wise word.
Long before the rise of modern Liberalism and Leftism, ISLAM already proved what a huge success it could be to crib off or plagiarize some Biblical ideas, and mix them with your own heathen notions. If Muhammad could pose as the continuator of the work of Moses and Christ, then surely Lefties could also pretend that their movement was simply applying Christian ethics to social questions. (The “good cop” propaganda approach they used when simply labelling the Christian believers as reactionary swine was deemed less than prudent.)
And it is a historical fact that in the early modern era, the pioneers of Liberal ideology were often in close contact with heretical Unitarian or Socinian circles – social subversion went hand in hand with theological subversion.
Also, modern men are not mere innocent victims of government, peer pressure and whatnot. They have often also very personally participated in such sins that make them atomized individuals, and their bad conscience then has a strong hold on them. (E. Michael Jones goes in great detail on this psychological issue.) As it says here:
“1. Abortion/Contraception lead people to feel a post-modern detachment from LINEAGE. It’s just a bundle of cells. What is really important is you being you and like, participating in economy and living your best life. Whatever.
4. Abortion/Contraception percolates for a decade in the 1970s and then in 1980’s mega-immigration begins in earnest. You can’t criticize mega immigration without basically arguing that LINEAGE is sacred fire. If LINEAGE is sacred fire, then everyone in 1970’s is basically guilty of baby-genocide. Who wants to admit that or even think about it. Easier to say RACIST! and actually lets INCREASE immigration.”