“The Six Million constitute a lay religion with its own dogma, commandments, decrees, prophets, high priests and Saints: Saint Anne (Frank), Saint Simon (Wiesenthal), Saint Elie (Wiesel). It has its holy places, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It has its temples and its relics (bars of soap, piles of shoes, etc.), its martyrs, heroes, miracles and miraculous survivors (millions of them), its golden legend and its righteous people. Auschwitz is its Golgotha, Hitler is its Satan. It dictates its law to the nations. Its heart beats in Jerusalem, at the Yad Veshem monument … Although it is largely an avatar of the Hebraic religion, the new religion is quite recent and has exhibited meteoric growth … Paradoxically, the only religion to prosper today is the “Holocaust” religion, ruling, so to speak, supreme and having those sceptics who are openly active cast out from the rest of mankind: it labels them “deniers”, whilst they call themselves “revisionists.”
Robert Laurison
JH wrote,
“The United States has the German records of how many were killed so the numbers normally quoted are accurate. The Germans were meticulous record keepers, and many of the records were recorded by the medical establishment – the doctors had to sign off on the quality of poison necessary to kill the amount of people.”
Bret L. McAtee responds
In the early 90s Auschwitz reduced its death total. This from the Chicago Tribune in 1992
Given this report we learn the number 6 million is bollix. If this over-reporting was true not only in Auschwitz but across the camps then the number continues to reduce.
Then there is the testimony in the Ernst Zundel trial as coming from the death expert; Fred Leuchter. This expert testimony found no significant trace of cyanide compound in the rocks where the supposed gas chambers existed.
“The truly astounding results are as set out in this report: while significant quantities of cyanide compounds were found in the small de-lousing facilities of the camp where the proprietary (and lethal) Zyklon B compound was used, as all are agreed, to disinfect the plague-ridden clothing of all persons entering these brutal slave-labour camps, no significant trace whatsoever was found in the buildings which international opinion — for it is not more than that–has always labelled as the camp’s infamous gas chambers. Nor, as the report’s gruesomely expert author makes plain, could the design and construction of those buildings have made their use as mass gas- chambers feasible under any circumstances.
For myself shown this evidence for the first time when called as an expert witness at the Zündel trial in Toronto in April 1988, the laboratory reports were shattering. There could be no doubt as to their integrity. I myself would, admittedly, have preferred to see more rigorous methods used in identifying and certifying the samples taken for analysis, but I accept without reservation the difficulties that the examining team faced on location in what is now Poland: chiselling out the samples from the hallowed site under the very noses of the new camp guards. The video tapes made simultaneously by the team–which I have studied–provide compelling visual evidence of the scrupulous methods that they used.
Forensic chemistry is, I repeat, an exact science.
The ball is in their court.”
David Irving London, W. 1 May 1989
People should read up on the Ernst Zundel trial as well.
Then there are the Red Cross numbers that exist that definitely don’t match the 6 million number. The records (German and Red Cross) imply about 800,000 – 1.2M. No where near 6M. And that’s everyone in the camps, not just Bagels and is inclusive of all causes of death, most of which was typhus and starvation toward the end of the War after the Allies had cut the German supply lines.
Then there is Norman Finkelstein’s book, “The Holocaust Industry” which demonstrates how this narrative is being leveraged. Finkelstein’s book is given credibility by the fact that in the collective memoirs of Churchill, De Gaulle, and Eisenhower there is no mention made of these death camps.
Now add to this the fact that the number of 6 million persecuted, dead, or dying Bagels was tossed around repeatedly from around 1915 forward in Western media outlets.
Next, we have to consider the previous lies on this subject that were repeatedly advanced for decades until a final admission that such lies were utter tripe. Here I am talking about the lies that insisted that lampshades were made from Bagel skin, or that Bone China was made for Bagel bones or that lye soap was made from Bagel fat. How many lies have to be exposed before there is suspicion that lies were told in other areas?
I strongly recommend that people either read E. Michael Jones “The Holocaust Narrative,” or view the below documentary;
Next ask yourself why you can likely tick off several films that deal with “The Holocaust” but likely can’t think of one film that deals with the attempted Christian Genocide called “The Holodomor,” or even attempted Genocide of Armenia Christians aledgelly by “Turks.”
People refuse to believe what I believe regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which has far more factual evidence in its favor than the Bagel Holocaust does. Yet, you don’t see me insisting that people who don’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ be ostracized, shunned, or jailed because of their disbelief. Why should anybody then be ostracized or shunned because they refuse to believe that the evidence for six million Bagels is beyond being questioned?
Excellent, Sir! Once the Holohoax is exposed for the fraud it is, then we can begin to confront those who feed us this monstrous lie and why they did so. That they would lie about such a thing (or anything else for that matter) should not surprise anyone familiar with the words of Jesus Christ Himself in John 8:44.
My goodness. How often can half the Jewish population die in Eastern Europe?
“Every thinking human being is a Revisionist—Revisionism is nothing but a method, a heuristic principle with which to construct one’s world view. Opinions are constantly revised through a free flow of information. Only encrusted minds cannot absorb new information, and so, moral responsibility does not come to the fore. Then citizens like me are arrested in a private discussion and thrown into prison.”
Dr. Fredrick Toben, ‘Where Truth is No Defence’