Rev. Bret L. McAtee,
I did a quick perusal on your blog but didn’t see anything, do you have anywhere a reading list for Christian political theory?
Dear Casey,
Here are a few books I’ve read that come immediately to mind;
Institutes of Biblical Law –Rushdoony
Law & Revolution (Two Volumes) — Harold Berman
Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger & the Covenantal Tradition – McCoy/Baker
Lex Rex — Samuel Rutherford
The Law — Frederic Bastiat
The Hebrew Republic: The Matrix for America’s Civil Government — E. C. Wines
Reflections on the Revolution in France – Edmund Burke
Democracy in America — Alexis de Tocqueville
The One & The Many — Rushdoony
The One, the Three and the Many — Colin Gunton
Considerations on France — Joseph de Maistre
The Dispossessed Majority — Wilmot Robertson
Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning & Destiny of Liberalism — James Burnham
Leviathan & It’s Enemies — Samuel T. Francis
Christianity & Civilization (III Volumes) — James Jordan / Gary North
Millennialism and Social Theory — Dr. Gary North
I would also add something on how Bagels are a canker that eat away at Christian political order.