At this time of the year back in 2022 I was reading Maurice Pinay’s “The Plot Against The Church.” The author used a pseudonym in this volume which is committed to chronicling the history of the Christian Church and its interactions with the Jews. It was written in the context of the second vatican council by officials in the Roman Catholic church who were violently opposed to what the 2nd vatican was doing. Because it tells the truth of Jewish and Christian relations through the centuries it is considered anti-Semitic, much as E. Michael Jones’ works chronicling different historical interludes of that interaction are considered “anti-Semitic.” Below are just three quotes.
“Of all revolutionary systems, which throughout human
earth, without even the slightest trace remaining.”
The Plot Against the Church — pg. 35
“Before the final establishing of Bolshevism in Russia the directors and organizers of all Communist movement in their entirety were almost solely Jews, just as the great majority of the true organizers of the revolutions were to which they gave their impetus. But in Russia, as the first land where Bolshevism finally triumphed, and where it was and still is the fulcrum of driving force for the Communizing of the world the Jewish paternity of the system of organization and of Soviet praxis also allows no doubt or error. According to the irrefutable data, which has been fully and completely proved and recognized by all impartial writers who have dealt with the theme, the Communist work of the Jews in the land of the Czars is so powerful that it would be useless to deny this disastrous as their monopoly.
This is demonstrated by statistics published in Paris by the counter-revolutionary newspaper ‘Le Russe Nationaliste’ coming after the victory of the Jewish Communists in Russia. Keep in mind when considering these stats that Jews comprised at most 5% of the Russian population. These statistics reveal that of the 554 Communist leaders in Russia at the Revolution who were of the first rank were as follows;
Hungarians — 1″
The Plot Against the Church — pg. 49, 51
August 1919, reported the following:
“A drain ditch of 25 cm width and 25 cm deep and about 10
was filled to the top with blood.
discovered many legs and arms severed from the trunk.”4
Sadly, most people living today have ZERO knowledge of the horrors of communism, past and present. They live in an induced coma, cleverly provided and conceived by these merchants of death. The church is unaware, or infected with these same death dealing ideologies and unrepentant. May the Lord grant us mercy!
And so someone has to sound the tocsin.