Also, though we should note here that there is something implicit in what Whoopi is saying and that implicit something is that gender is a social construct. Because gender is a social construct women can compete against men in women’s sports. So, we have gone from a time where people believed (rightly) that race was biological and so not a social construct to a time where we now are believing that gender, like race, is not biological and is a social construct. I would argue that you can easily connect the dots between “Loving vs. Virginia,” and men competing in women’s sports.
Stephen Wolfe
X post
Look, I’m against the slaughter of the Alawites in Syria by Muslim nutjobs but to call these Syrian Alawites “Christian” is to do significant damage to the word and meaning of “Christian.” If these people lived here we would only call them “Christian” the way we call Mormon’s “Christian.”
“America is a meat-grinder.”
Ron Burns
Cultural Marxist Black Clergy Activist
“Thank God my grand-daddy got on that boat.”
Muhammad Ali
I think we have to admit that the Reformed Denominational leadership going after and seeking to destroy the careers of people like Garris and Hunter are operating, whether they intend it or not, from an anti-Christ set of convictions.
Ironically enough, the pursuit of diversity in the “Conservative” Reformed Churches today is really nothing but the pursuit of wiping out the distinct ethos, history and culture of Christian White people descended from Europe. Reformed Churches don’t care about diversity. They care about extinguishing White people. Whether they know it or not they are fulfilling their role in our replacement.
I stand w/ Thomas Massie against Trump on the Budget Bill. Being fiscally responsible is always the right thing to do. Go Massie. Demonstrate you’re not a Trump Bot and support Thomas Massie on balancing the budget.
Clay Libolt suggests that the Penal Substitutionary Atonement makes God mean. This in spite of the fact that God’s grace, we are told, will reach to a number no man can count. One could only conclude that Penal Substitutionary Atonement makes God “mean” if one begins with the premise that God owes fallen man anything. After all, how can it possibly be considered mean to give to someone what they deserve?