“When the Court leans Right we are told it is “runaway”, illegitimate, and criminal. When the Court leans Left, it is sacrosanct, absolute, and inviolable. This despite the fact that the Left’s theory of law is Positivism, and therefore, arbitrary by definition.”
Dan Brannan
There is no way to fix our political order or our social order if we cannot find a way to fix our law order. This demonstrates that Reformation is organic. One cannot have partial Reformation. It is either all or nothing. One cannot serve two masters.
Liberal/Marxist judges overturning Trump’s proper actions as the Chief Executive are in danger, by their decisions, of working in the populace a complete disregard for all law. Should the Left keep up with their judge shopping this will lead to social order anarchy. If the majority cannot move the entrenched minority by their ballots as cast in 2024 the only option left to them in order to move the entrenched minority is bullets. This is something that the left understands as seen in their “Swatting” campaign and their actions of terrorizing Tesla outlets.
We are learning that the left owned courts are committed to stopping election 2024, just as state by state cheating stopped election 202o. We are learning that the leftist courts that are weighing in against Trump are the courts that created the current problem to begin with. These courts are demonstrating that they are criminal courts and very soon people are not going to bother listening to these criminal courts.
And when that begins to happen, Katy bar the door.