Christian Feminist
Janet Mefford with all the unction that a middle age woman can muster has been hostile to Christian Nationalism. She condemns “The WOKE Right,” as if insisting on God’s sovereignty makes one Woke the same way as insisting on man’s sovereignty makes one WOKE. We have to understand that WOKEism is what it is because if it is rebellion against God in favor of man’s sovereignty. WOKE from the right is not possible when what is being advocated from the Right is Biblical Christianity. Christian Nationalism can not be WOKE Right because Christian Nationalism is Christian.
Mefferd also complains about the “TheoBros,” as if she would prefer a group of guys called the “AnthropoBros.”
As to the quote above note the following;
Note how the Reformers spoke about Civil Government contra Janet Mefferd;
We believe that, because of the depravity of mankind, our gracious God has
ordained kings, princes, and civil officers. He wants the world to be governed by laws and policies, in order that the licentiousness of men be restrained and that everything be conducted among them in good order. For that purpose He has placed the sword in the hand of the government to punish wrongdoers and to protect those who do what is good. Their task of restraining and sustaining is not limited to the public order but includes the protection of the Church and its ministry in order that the kingdom of Christ may come, the Word of the gospel may be preached everywhere, and God may be honoured and served by everyone, as He requires in His Word.
Moreover, everyone – no matter of what quality, condition, or rank – ought to be subject to the civil officers, pay taxes, hold them in honour and respect, and obey them in all things which do not disagree with the Word of God. We ought to pray for them, that God may direct them in all their ways and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. For that reason we condemn the Anabaptists and other rebellious people, and in general all those who reject the authorities and civil officers, subvert justice, introduce a communion of goods, and confound the decency that God has established among men.