“One of the ways that we can know that the current vibe shift (which I most certainly welcome) is not yet a Spirit-wrought revival is that there is way too much accusation of others in it.”
Doug Wilson
This quote got me to thinking in a couple different directions. First, is the obvious irony in the quote. Nobody is better at the “way too much accusation of others” than our own Pope Doug. Wilson has demonstrated repeatedly that the minute somebody else begins to get traction (read Ogden lads, Kinists, Spangler, McAtee, Seabrook, etc.) Doug is right there to accuse them of something. Physician, heal thyself.
The second thing I got thinking about is somewhat unrelated in terms of the point Doug was getting at. Doug wrote above about “Spirit-wrought revival” and that made me think about the general subject of Spirit wrought revival. I started to think if it would be remotely possible for me to agree with Doug upon his identifying “Spirit-wrought revival.” I mean I think Doug Wilson and the CREC are so bad on so many subjects that I can’t imagine that I would conclude that we are in “Spirit-wrought revival” if Uri Brito, Toby Sumpter, and Rich Lusk concluded we were in the midst of “Spirit-wrought revival.” In point of fact if those chaps thought we were in the midst of “Spirit-wrought revival” I might well conclude that we were in the clutches of old Scratch.
And that would not apply to just the CREC mavens. I can’t imagine rejoicing with the Thomists if they started chortling and praising about “Spirit-wrought revival.” Indeed, I would go into my prayer closet and pray that God would shut down their “Spirit-wrought revival.” A few years ago down in Asbury, Kentucky the Wesleyans were all writing about their “Spirit-wrought revival” going on at their College down there and upon witnessing (via video) what they were calling “Spirit-wrought revival” I thought I would wretch.
So, I can’t help but wonder if one man’s “Spirit-wrought revival” is another man’s concluding that “God has turned them over to their sin.”
But, keep in mind dear reader that I am a aging curmudgeon and there isn’t much out there, movement wise, where I would find myself cheering if they started believing that we were in the midst of “Spirit-wrought revival.”