
What the Vult Right is

Over time it has become painfully obvious that what is called “the Alt-Right” should be in reality called “the Alt. Left.” As such some wags have come with another alternative to the “Alt-Right” called the “Vult-Right.” The Vult-Right has the aspiration of being a genuinely conservative option to the left as expressed in movements such as Cultural Marxists, New World Order types, Progressives, Neo-conservatives, Leftist “Christianities,” multiculturalists, postmodernists, the Alt-Right, Utopians, and other assorted expressions of the Jacobin left, whether National or International in its expression.

The Vult-Right is uniquely and substantively the expression of worldview Christianity. Below is the vision of the tiny minority of those who would label themselves Vult-Right.

1.) The Vult-Right is of the right as the right is defined by Scripture. The Vult-Right assumes if one is of the left they are operating in contradiction to Biblical Christianity. The means that the Vult-Right understand themselves as distinctly Christian and as advocating for a distinctly Christian social order wherein the God of the Christian Bible is glorified.

2.) The Vult-Right serves as an option to the Alt-Right and Libertarian movements for Christians who care not to be in bed with the leftist National Socialist who comprise much of the Alt-Right and who understand that movement Libertarianism is merely the flip side of the coin of movement socialism.

3.) The Vult-Right believes that Western Civilization has been the apex of human civilization and that the heights of Western Civilization has been due to the shaping influence of Biblical Christianity, particularly the Christianity as expressed by the Reformed faith.  As such, Western Civilization has been known as “Christendom.”

4.) The Vult-Right believes that any syncretistic admixture with Biblical Christianity and Christendom means the adulterating of that unique and summit Civilization.  This means trying to reach back to golden ages such as the Rennasiance or pagan Rome or Greece are retrograde movements. This means that trying to add counsel from other religions such as Talmudic Judaism or Koranic Islam is a retrograde movement for Christendom and civilization.

5.) The Vult-Right believes in decentralization and diffused governments that stretch across Family, Church, and State.  This means any notion of “Christian Socialism” is anathema to adherents of the Vult-Right.

6.) The Vult-Right believing in decentralization and the diffuse governments also believe that regionalism in social order and Confederacy in politics are preferred expressions in a Christian world and life view. This vision is often referred to as Agrarianism, Jurisdictionalism, and Sphere Sovereignty.

7.) The Vult-Right, as it practices attackagetics in its apologetics, and as it exists in a milieu where Christianity and Christians are being asked to surrender at every turn, refuses to be on the defensive and so is seen by its enemies as unreasonable, arrogant, and triumphalistic. To the contrary, it sees itself as the only reasoned course to take, as holding out life to a dying culture, as working to end the spiral of defeat Christendom and civilization have been in since the Endarkenment.

8.) The Vult-Right rejects all Internationalism. Following the model of Scripture, it is Nationalist. This means that the Vult-Right rejects the concept of propositional nationhood. As such the Vult-Right embraces distinct borders,  distinct culture, distinct ethnicity and distinct language, and shared History as the definition of nation. This means the uniform and universal rejection by the Vult-Right of all plans for New World Order whether or not such plans are hatched by “Christians” or by pagans.

9.) The Vult-Right embraces a teleology wherein the nations of this world become the nations of the Lord Christ. As such the Vult-Right is postmillennial in its eschatology and is Missiological in its intent to see all the nations bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. All nationalisms will one day be Christian nationalisms.

10.) The Vult-Right embraces the nomology of God’s Law as the standard which all Nations are to use to provide a just justice in both their legal order and so in their social order. Without and apart from God’s law all Nationalisms will be vile, ugly, and inhuman.

11.) The Vult-Right rejects all ambitions of modern egalitarianism.  The Vult-Right accepts two equalities. The Vult-Right accepts that all men from every tribe, tongue, race, and nation are created as imprinted with the Imago Dei and so are equally Image bearers of the God of the Bible. The Vult-Right accepts that all men are to be equally adjudicated before God’s law in terms of justice per their stations and places wherein God has placed them.

12.) The Vult-Right embrace Biblical hierarchy and patriarchy. Children are to obey their parents in the Lord. Workers are to please their employers in the Lord. Wives are to submit to their husbands. Laymen are to honor their Elders in the Lord. Citizens are to obey their Magistrates in the Lord. Biblical hierarchy and patriarchy are the norms for all National social orders.

13.) The Vult-Right is familial-centric. The Vult-Right believes that Christian covenantalism means that the family and not the individual is the primary building block in a Christian social order.

14.) The Vult-Right believes that Theology leads to cultures (family, church, and civil-social) which in turns leads to identity which in turn leads to the social order which in turn leads to the various civil social Institutions.

15.) The Vult-Right is anti-Scientism. The Vult-Right understands that Science is only as good as the theology upon which it is built upon as a foundation. As such the Vult-Right understands that all science is always in the service of some theology. The Vult-Right embraces science as science is the consequence of Christian theology as opposed to being the consequence of some other false theology. Science is never neutral and is always the servant of some god or god concept. Theology remains the queen of the Sciences.

16.) The Vult-Right rejects all Thomistic two paths (reason and faith) to truth. The Vult-Right understands that reason can never get underway apart from faith commitments.

17.) The Vult-Right being Regionalist and Nationalist is opposed to Empire building wherein differing peoples and nations are controlled and subjugated by a “Master Race.” Consistent with this the Vult-Right is opposed to Empires seeking to amalgamate and adulterate differing people into a new “Master Race.”

18.) The Vult-Right being Nationalist is opposed to multicultural social order understanding the proximity + diversity = conflict. The Vult-Right understands that modern expressions of multiculturalism are in pursuit of a monoculturalism that amalgamates and adulterated all various peoples into one new people with one new universal culture.

19.) The Vult-Right in its opposition to multiculturalism understands that part of multiculturalism is multifaithism and multiracialism and is opposed to each since each, as in the hands of the Cultural Marxists, is in pursuit of one universal non-Christian faith and one universal non-Christian people. The Biblical Christian faith is the ultimate target of each.

20.) The Vult-Right, believing in borders, nations, and culture rejects a Libertarian International free trade that requires the International free movement of peoples across borders that International free trade brings in its wake.

21.) The Vult-Right as existing among a Christian White people favors the continuation of said Christian White people and their faith, gene-pool, cultures, customs, traditions habits, and laws as those are reflections and incarnations of God’s Law-Word. The Vult-Right expects other peoples of other Nations will have the same desire and that desire should be honored as other people’s serve under the authority of the Kingship of Jesus Christ.

22.) The Vult-Right is opposed to standing Armies and preemptive strikes. When War must be waged the Vult-Right holds that it is waged either in defense of hearth and home or in the protection of other Christian peoples under assault from pagan peoples seeking to overthrow their Christian faith and nation.

23.) The Vult-Right is opposed to the current Immavasion and Refugee and Asylum abuse understanding that this continues to be an attempt by the pagan left US Federal Government to overthrow the indigenous citizenship in favor of a more controllable people.

24.) The Vult-Right believes that the Universal Church is comprised as a Nation of Nations. Christians of every tribe, tongue, race, and nation are Spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ who retain their creational markers of ethnicity, gender, family, and clan as given by God. These creational markers glorify God and are not to be eliminated.  The New Jerusalem is inhabited not by individuals except as those individuals are present in their nations.

25.) The Vult-Right rejects both the Materialism of Marxist thought and the hatred of the corporeal as expressed in Gnostic thought. The Vult-Right embraces both nature and nurture while understanding that Grace restores nature and that regeneration reorients nurture.

A good deal of the above would be abhorrent not only to the Jacobin left but also to what is called the Alt-Right. The Vult-Right is the only expression currently that belongs to the Right.

Author: jetbrane

I am a Pastor of a small Church in Mid-Michigan who delights in my family, my congregation and my calling. I am postmillennial in my eschatology. Paedo-Calvinist Covenantal in my Christianity Reformed in my Soteriology Presuppositional in my apologetics Familialist in my family theology Agrarian in my regional community social order belief Christianity creates culture and so Christendom in my national social order belief Mythic-Poetic / Grammatical Historical in my Hermeneutic Pre-modern, Medieval, & Feudal before Enlightenment, modernity, & postmodern Reconstructionist / Theonomic in my Worldview One part paleo-conservative / one part micro Libertarian in my politics Systematic and Biblical theology need one another but Systematics has pride of place Some of my favorite authors, Augustine, Turretin, Calvin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Nock, Tozer, Dabney, Bavinck, Wodehouse, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Schaeffer, C. Van Til, H. Van Til, G. H. Clark, C. Dawson, H. Berman, R. Nash, C. G. Singer, R. Kipling, G. North, J. Edwards, S. Foote, F. Hayek, O. Guiness, J. Witte, M. Rothbard, Clyde Wilson, Mencken, Lasch, Postman, Gatto, T. Boston, Thomas Brooks, Terry Brooks, C. Hodge, J. Calhoun, Llyod-Jones, T. Sowell, A. McClaren, M. Muggeridge, C. F. H. Henry, F. Swarz, M. Henry, G. Marten, P. Schaff, T. S. Elliott, K. Van Hoozer, K. Gentry, etc. My passion is to write in such a way that the Lord Christ might be pleased. It is my hope that people will be challenged to reconsider what are considered the givens of the current culture. Your biggest help to me dear reader will be to often remind me that God is Sovereign and that all that is, is because it pleases him.

2 thoughts on “Vult-Right”

  1. Many of us O’l “Paleo Conservatives(outdated term) that also could be considered “Christian Libertarians (R.J. Rushdoony’s term) have been left to be considered on a small island all by ourselves. We are to Far Right for the Neo Cons & Tea Partiers, but yet to “narrow” morally for the Alt Right kiddies. National Socialism is a foreign to us as teeth on a hen. We care no care about Faith, Family & Folk as some in the Alt Right would say, but we reject the sodomites & pagans that make up the Alt Right. There are some good things going on with Identity Dixie, but I do like the sound of Vult-Right. – – Pastor Mac may need to snatch that domain name…I reckon he’s on to something.

  2. “…but you have served the best wine last.” The more thought is distilled, the sweeter and more potent it gets. Good work.

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