Pope Doug’s Gaslighting I

“Incidentally, in trying to get those phrases (Christian Nationalism and Kinism) to be interchangeable, they (the WOKE crowd) have the same objective as the kinists do. Working arm in arm, they are.”

Pope Doug

1.) Once again, there can be no true nationalism of any stripe apart from Kinism. The only options Wilson has in denying Kinism to Christian Nationalism is either a civic Nationalism or a propositional Nationalism. There are no other choices and the skinny of the matter is that neither propositional nationalism or civic nationalism can be properly called nationalism if we are going to take the idea of “nation” etymologically.

2.) Now Wilson may be on to something when he suggests that the WOKE and the Kinists are both insisting a equivalency between Kinism and Christian Nationalism. HOWEVER, to suggest those two opposing poles are working arm and arm is utter gaslighting because the WOKE crowd wants to equate the two terms in order to discredit Christian Nationalism since they, with Wilson’s help, have equated Kinism with racism. On the other hand the Kinists insist that Kinism and Christian Nationalism are equivalents because of the etymology of the word nation. There is no nationalism apart from kin. So, Kinists are seeking to bring out the true meaning of Christian Nationalism while the WOKE crowd is seeking to discredit Christian Nationalism by suggesting that Kinism = Christian Nationalism and so, with Wilson’s contrivance, is all really about racism.

Voetius and His “Racial Malice”

The following was posted by one Rev. Michael Spangler on X. I am re-posting in here. I am pretty sure Pope Doug Wilson of the CREC would insist that the Reformed Father Voetius was guilty of racial malice for the counsel given below.

As an FYI… I do not believe that Romans 11 teaches a “future to us” conversion of the Jews. I believe that Jesus cursing of the Fig tree and Jesus parable of the fruitless tree preclude us from looking for a future national conversion of the Jews. Though I do allow that individual Jews will be converted but only as belonging to other peoples.

I use the phrase “Racial Malice” in the title to tweak Doug Wilson who has suggested that such thinking as exhibited in the list below is beyond the pale and is a case of “Racial Malice.”

Anyway… on with Voetius.

Voetius believed in the future conversion of the Jews, and wanted Christians, and Christian governments, to pray and labor for it.

Therefore he wisely warned against eight “political means, which serve more for the perverting, rather than the converting of the Jews.”

They are:

1. Granting them civil privileges and immunities.

2. Allowing them to associate too freely with Christians in society.

3. Granting them any degrees or authority, in government, in business, in medicine, in academics.

4. Allowing their divinations, or kaballistic-magical superstitions.

5. Allowing them unjust divorce and polygamy.

6. Allowing their practice of usury.

7. Allowing the public exercise of the Jewish religion, including the publishing of works teaching their Talmudic blasphemies.

8. Harshness and injustice toward them.

De Judaismo, in Selectae disputationes, vol. 2, pp. 109–110.

Chit Chatting w/ an Alienist on the Wisdom of Inter-Racial Marriage

Dear Rachel Bentley Ramey ….

Clearly all humans are humans but that does not mean that within the one human race there does not exist distinctions among races and ethnicity. The Holy Spirit understood this as expressed in Roman 9:3

For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race…

Silly Holy Spirit. Didn’t he know that there is only one race… the human race?

RBR wrote,

Except…I actually do believe this. If a Christian man and a Christian woman are both at a proper stage of life *to marry*, there’s no biblical barrier to their marrying *each other*. And such has been commonly accepted throughout most of history; it’s far from a novel position.)

BLM responds,

55 y/o Christian women marrying 18 y/o Christian men does have a proper barrier. Marriage is about finding the right helpmeet — one who can join in the work of exercising Dominion for Jesus Christ — as a reflected image of one another (hence helpmeet). Plus, as 55 y/o Christian women would not be Biblical for a 18 y/o Christian man since they could not obey God’s requirement to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Marriage has as one purpose to support the community from which it arises. Inter-racial marriages normatively cannot do that. Indeed, the only community that inter-racial marriage supports is a multi-cultural cosmopolitan community. Now we can pretend that is not true that inter-racial marriages do not normatively support the community wherein it is located but we have only to lift our eyes to see how our social order is fracturing. One reason for that (not the only reason) is the proliferation of unequally yoked inter-racial marriages.

And I promise you… what you are suggesting is indeed novel when looking at world history. Marriages in stable communities throughout world history were the union of two people who shared the same religion, culture, race, language, and history. Denying that is just silly.

I do think there is a one and many reality about mankind. Man is one and yet there are clearly racial and ethnic distinctions. It is why God could say in Acts 17

26 From one man (Unity) he made all the nations (Distinctions among the Unity), that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

So, we see here your argument about there being only one race (the human race) and therefore there are no races of men is not accurate. Indeed, it is only in the last 50 years or so wherein we have found arguments popular that “there there is only one race,” or, “race is a social construct.”

You’ll not be surprised to hear me say that it is you I find unable to think in proper categories. But, as that is not uncommon in the West you should not be too upset by that.

Your counter examples of Rahab, Zipporah, and Ruth do not work but I am not inclined to run through that all again in detail.

Here are some links/thoughts though

Concerning Ruth

Ruth was not an ethnic Moabite, she was an Israelite. For over 200 years Ruben, Gad and half of Manasseh occupied all the territory north of the Arnon to MT Hermon. Part of that territory was once Moab’s but the Amorites under King Sihon took it. Moab tried to take it back and for about 18 years succeeded, at least in that area. Israel fought back and it’s during this time that Naomi’s sons died. Boaz, a righteous Jew, followed the Torah’s steps as Kinsmen Redeemer. As per the Deut. 23:3 prohibition, Boaz could not have redeemed Ruth had she been a true Moabite. Just as a Puerto Rican living in New York City is an American so Ruth living in the land of Moab was still Israelite. Boaz redeemed a fellow Israelite when he served as Naomi and Ruth’s Kinsmen Redeemer. Ruth was a Moabite Israelite, which like many had done in Israel, may have worshiped the local deities but after her husband died chose to repent returning to Judah’s territory with Naomi.

RBR wrote:

Inter-ethnic couples are presented with the added challenge of having to deal with bigots like you. Their divorce rate might be lower if you didn’t make yourself an extra enemy.


Right… so given those extra challenges that you recognize it is a lack of wisdom to press ahead with marriage in the teeth of all that. Clearly, you’re bigotry against me is acceptable so I’m not sure what the problem is with bigotry in general as long as one is bigoted towards the proper things. You are bigoted against Kinists — a bigotry which is errant. I am bigoted against marriages about to be unwisely contracted. I am bigoted against people entering into marriages unwisely.

In my defense though I’m also bigoted against marriages contracted between people coming form vastly different classes, vastly different cultures, and those who have a vastly different health status. Call me silly, but I think those entering into marriage should have as much in common as possible and I am bigoted against marriages about to be contracted that find the differences to be significant and doubtless abiding.

I’ll just note that your comment about melanin is irrelevant since since race is not merely a matter of melanin just as gender is not merely a matter of plumbing.

You are an Alienist. Alienism requires us to ignore all the implications and deductions that we find throughout scripture is favor of pursuing a cafe-latte world where all colors bleed into one.

The Alienists tried that once before.

It was called Babel.


Winston McCuen on Jewish Perfidy



In 1543, the German Reformation leader Martin Luther wrote a treatise by the title, “On the Jews and their Lies.” Luther’s beef with the Jews was about their false theology and belief, not their race. The Talmud — the very foundation and centerpiece of Jewish cultural life since the Roman Empire — teaches that Jesus was a bastard conceived from an evil spirit by a whore mother during menstruation, that he had Esau’s soul, and was a fool, an evil man, a conjurer, a seducer, and was crucified, then buried in hell and subsequently idolized by his followers. For centuries, Talmudic Jews have taught their children that Christians are dung-like, beast-like, murderers, fornicators, unclean and hell-bound children of Satan. Thus Judaism became the first anti-Christian heresy.


So Luther, despising these wicked blasphemies against the Lord and His Church, longed to see Jews saved by conversion to the true religion. But, as Luther grew older and more familiar with Jewish blasphemy and Jewish sniff-necked, wealth and power-obsessed recalcitrance, his earlier, youthful evangelical optimism turned to skepticism and even pessimism. Like Luther, Christians today are commissioned and commanded to spread the Gospel. But also like Luther, we are obliged to distinguish honestly and clearly, as our lights allow, between carnal or unbelieving Jews — like most of the Pharisees, Judas lscariot, Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Freud and MANY others — and converted, regenerate, Christian Jews — like the eleven disciples, Stephen the martyr, the Apostle Paul, and NOT so many others. So the Jews are a byword among the nations (1 Kings 9:6-9), scattered (Amos 9:9:Luke 21:24) — with many being active and implacable enemies of the Church (Philippians 3:2-3) and  subverters of family and society (Titus 1:10-11) — and only a remnant from them will be saved (Romans 9:27-29).


In the Bible we find bitter complaints and righteous condemnations by a Jewish Christ and His Jewish believers against their carnal Jewish brethren: by Moses in the Pentateuch (Ex. 32, Num. 26: 9, Deut. 11: 6); by Jesus in His Gospels (John 8: 37,44, 10: 26, 19:11); and by Paul in his letters (Romans 9: 27,10:2-3; 11:5). Thus does Scripture warn believers of the perfidious modus operandi of the carnal Jew. Indeed, those who warn seem to commend segregation — a forced Zionism, for the good of all.


In the Jew-controlled West today, a “racist” is anyone an anti-White person doesn’t like; while an “anti-Semite” is anyone a carnal Jew wishes to smear. The statesman’s rule of thumb? Find a problem; and typically you find the carnal Jew behind it as cause. Meanwhile, certain Biblically illiterate Gentiles — of dubious faith (Matt. 13:13, 21), known by their fruits (Matt.7:20), ever cowering before man (Prov. 29:25) on the broad way (Matt. 7:13-14) — serve as flaks and enablers for the carnal Jews, who vainly tried to murder and end Christ on the Cross (John 19:11). Ever oblivious to their Jewish masters’ lies and machinations, these useful idiots, these stupid goyim, these clueless simpletons, handle the Word of God ineptly (2 Tim. 2:15) and deceitfully (2 Cor.2:17) and adulterate by addition and subtraction (Rev. 22, 18-19) while stumbling over and braying like grassless asses (Job 6:5) at all deeper Biblical truths, including free will, election and the dispensational evolution of Israel.


But the Lord ordered all things before the beginning of the world, and nothing happens apart from His Perfect Plan. So carnal man — whether Jew or Gentile — can run but not hide. All unbelief, all carnality — was defeated on the Cross two millennia ago, and at the Judgment, there will be no atheists or agnostics or false religionists, and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ.


Winston McCuen, Ph.D. (philosophy)

Ron Unz on Jewish Perfidy

“Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet Regime were generally reckoned at running well into the tens of millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the government-induced famines, the Gulag and the executions. I’ve heard that these numbers have been substantially revised downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter. Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history taught within the West.

Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelming Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background. Although only 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, and estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of the American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to WW II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the NKVD.

Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to WW II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murders of the 20th century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.”

Ron Unz
Understanding World War II — p. 203-204

Ron Unz is Jewish.