A KinistPrayer

I ask to be among my people, represented by the years
The mothers with their children, the Elders all held dear
I want to thank God for my family that’s been set free from sin
Mindful of Christ’s mercy to generations of my Kin

I beg thee to join the conversation now thousands of years long
And think the thoughts of poets who married wisdom to their song
I ask to learn from the dead what is beautiful, good, and true
While avoiding the living dead with their fashionable, ugly and new

A Couple Observations on Marxism

A key thing to keep in mind about Marxism in all its forms — whether economic or racial — is its faith dynamic. Marxists have, as an article of faith, that their famed materialistic dialectic along which history putatively runs and progresses will eventually yield Utopia. The key thing here is that if asked how that happens they cannot answer that question. It is a faith article. Perhaps the greatest Marxist article of faith. Their faith teaches them that should they keep working the work of their materialistic dialectic (what they fancy as History known by “science”– i.e. — Scientific Gnosticism) that eventually will end with the result of Utopia. However, to repeat, they cannot tell you how their dialectic will eventually yield Utopia.

It is akin to the Christian who will tell you that life ends in heaven. If you ask a Christian how they know that will happen they will point to their Holy Book and say, “I know because that is what God tells me.” It is an article of faith. In the same way the Marxists believes that as long as they walk in the sanctified Marxist life by working the work of the dialectic the end result will be Utopia and they know this because the holy writings of Marx and their later prophets tell them that.

But, if one doesn’t share their faith, its all so much bull-skubala.

All of this is one reason why Marxism is called a Christian heresy.

Don’t miss the fact that this means that Marxism, in all its varieties (Critical Race Theory, Economic Marxism, Cultural Marxism, etc.) is a Religion, every bit as much as any religion you’d like to name.


“As a simple piece of first advice for pushing back against Critical Race Theory, then, ‘stop assuming it has good intentions.'”

James Lindsey
Race Marxism — p. 254

One of the truths I learned in Undergrad was that it is not possible to negotiate with Marxists because one can only trust the Marxists to be Marxist. The came is true with Race Marxism. These people are not like you. They can not be trusted, they can not be given the benefit of the doubt, and they can not be negotiated with. They can only be conquered because they are lizard people.

Give not one inch to these people and that includes their fellow travelers and their useful idiots. This includes our current addlepated clergy who are toting water for the Cultural Marxists.

Folks, you must take a war footing with the Marxists (and keep in mind in many respects “We’re all Marxists now”). No compromise. No surrender. Your goal should be to defeat them with the Gospel understanding if they do not repent they must be crushed and utterly defeated.

Once you understand who they are, do not even debate them. If you do debate them you must do so as a presuppositonalist. You can not defeat these people if you allow them their presuppositions as the standard for argumentation. Debating them, should it happen, must happen by forcing them to accept your presuppositions. If you do not do that you will lose every single time. Once you understand who they are you are better served just mocking the hades out of them and their ideas.

These people (especially the epistemologically self-conscious ones) are slippery as snakes. They purposefully misuse language, using linguistic deception, so as to confuse their opponents. They have no interest in a honest debate. Their motto is to win at all costs and as such that needs to be our motto also when dealing with these people.

  With Apologies to Rudyard

It was part of their blood
Though dormant as of late
When the elites set loose a flood
And the Americans remembered their hate

They were not easily moved
Though prodded by the deep state
Harangued and often reproved
When the Americans re-discovered their hate

They had been willing to suffer some blows

Even marking it up to the fates
But as everyone everywhere knows
Americans historically hate

It was there in the crowd

In DC, on that fateful January date
When more men finally spoke it aloud
That it was time for Americans to hate

It has been a long growing dread

That has finally moved past debate
Acrimony has long now been bred
And the FEDS have long earned this fate
Of the Americans now moving to hate

Critical Race Theory as Religion, and the way it Evangelizes

“In CRT every individual is to be induced with CRT. In service of this monomaniacal goal (predicated on a bad article of faith) every institution, particularly those dedicated to the production of culture, must be turned into a tool that raises a critical consciousness of race. The objective is simple. Every convertible person must be converted, and every position of power and influence must be occupied by someone whose consciousness has been awakened. Understanding this mentality makes almost everything Critical Race Theorists do immediately comprehensible, no matter how bizarre. It’s all about creating converts and installing them into positions of power where they will not have accountability (holding them accountable would be racist). They do this by seizing the means of cultural production and repurposing them to evangelize Critical Race Theory.”

James Lindsey
Race Marxism — p. 225

We are living in a time when this evangelism (actually propaganda) is ubiquitous. In the photos that come in our Alma Mater magazines that obviously go out of their way to put the only minority in a sea of white faces in the center of the photograph, to the films and TV which push inter-racial marriage and the Queer agenda, to every government agency and corporate training time with their pushing of White guilt, to 99% of American pulpits and churches implicitly or explicitly teaching that Jesus loves inter-racial churches more than he does churches that are obviously racist because their attendance is 100% white, to the push for inter-racial adoptions because that really pleases Jesus, to the sports world which refuses to hold affirmative action spots for white athletes the way the rest of the world has to follow the affirmative action paradigm in the other direction, to the ACT, SAT, LSAT, and MCAT tests that give one extra points on the test merely because one is a minority, to the law enforcement world where the lie gains traction, despite whole books proving the contrary, that Cops are especially dangerous to minorities, ad infinitum we are propagandized and evangelized into the Critical Race Theory faith.

And if that doesn’t get the job done then there is the economic threat of being visited with Cancel Culture because one doesn’t share the CRT faith. Propaganda thus moves from manipulation to coercion and extortion. Finally, if one refuses to be converted by the above means there is the final option of the modern inquisition where Mao’s maxim is applied; “power flows from the barrel of a gun.”

Oh, and let us not forget the evangelistic aspect that includes the force of law. Here we find the recommendation of one Ibram X. Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers) that encourages legislation to work as a evangelistic tool for CRT;

“To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals. The amendment would make unconstitutional racial inequity over a certain threshold, as well as racist ideas by public officials (with “racist ideas” and “public official” clearly defined). It would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees. The DOA would be responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas.”

In all actuality this idea is a “anti-white” bill and is part of the goal to make the religion of CRT cover America.

Now, understand that it is the above for which the WOKE preachers are stumping. Every time Sumpter, or Brito, or Clark, or Wilson, or Sey, or Strachan inveigh against Christian Nationalism or Kinism or insist that “race doesn’t really exist,” this is the religion they are pushing.

Now, I freely admit that they may not be epistemologically self conscious about that but that does not negate the fact that they are CRT snake oil evangelists and so are doing the devil’s work.

A Resurfaced Technique From The French Revolution’s Terror Stage

In Revolutionary France during the time of Terror it was called denunciation;

“Denounce the crimes, denounce the criminals, a double award awaits you: the voice of your conscience, for denunciation is a virtue: and a legitimate reward, for the National Convention is just and desires that each virtuous act should be a means by which the sans culotte may improve his lot… “

December 1793 Commission Temporaire
Ad hoc revolutionary authority installed in the city of Lyon after the Federalist revolt

In China during the time of Mao’s Cultural Revolution it was called “Struggle Sessions,” or denunciation rallies. These were were violent public spectacles intended to shame and humiliate people for “wrong think.” These sessions also became opportunities for people to demonstrate their patriotism. It was so bad it was not uncommon for even children to turn in their parents, or spouses to turn in their mate.

Today in America it is called “Virtue signaling.” We see it when CREC ministers (Sumpter, Wilson, Brito, Hemmke, etc.) denounce Kinists. We see it when Dr. Moanin’ Owen Strachan denounces Dr. Stephen Wolfe for Wolfe’s support of Christian Nationalism. We see it when the Steve Hemmke denounces Darryl Dow by writing a pitiful review of a book Hemmke never read, we see it when Rod Dreher denounced Thomas Achord despite Achord’s previous kindness to Dreher’s family. These new struggle session are breaking out everywhere.

What we are finding in our current Evangelical/Reformed version of the struggle session is those who are not sufficiently WOKE, per the standards of their Cultural Marxism and CRT are denounced for their thought crimes. Usually it comes in the version of “Racist,” or “Kinist” or “Anti-Semite.” The effect of it all is to force the modern church culture in the West to align with the worldview of WOKE-ism.

The only way to triumph over this insanity is in the name of Jesus Christ and by His authority to return their denunciations and so denounce them as traitors to Jesus Christ and Biblical Christianity. By the means of the Word of God accompanied by necessary deductions from the Word of God these people need to be stopped from filling out their roles as Soviet Commissars. These thought police must be eliminated.

In the words of John Moody

“We don’t have to be “kind and gentle” to wolves, false teachers, and those betraying the church and openly compromising with the wicked.

Love them like God does, enough “to shatter their teeth” if necessary to stop their evil.”