Late Sunday Evening Musing On The Interplay Of Man’s Bipartite Being

Man is a bipartite being. The materialist’s mistake is to reject the incorporeal reality of man and view man only as a bio-chemical machine. Man has a brain, but no mind. Man has a heart, but no soul. Man secretes thought the way liver secretes bile. This is the error that Christians have fought for over two centuries now, but there is another error they must consider.

This other error also implicitly denies man’s bipartite being but this denial is the opposite error of the materialists. This error is the mistake of the Gnostic and it is comprised of the error of denying man’s corporeality. This error views man only as the sum of this abstract thinking as if man’s corporeal embodiment is unaffected by his bio-chemical reality.

If the error of the materialist is to deny man’s incorporeal reality and the effect it has man’s material being, thus seeing man as all enzymes, proteins, and the firing of synapses, the error of the gnostic is to deny man’s corporeal reality and the effect that his corporeal reality has upon man’s spiritual being, thus seeing man as all thought, contemplation, and ethereal spirituality.

But man is a bipartite being and who God has made him to be in his corporeal reality impinges upon and colors the manifestation of the incorporeal, just as the incorporeal reality impinges upon and colors the manifestation of the corporeal.

If God has made the corporeal nature of men to be distinct, though all sharing the imago dei, then it should not be surprising to find that as distinct tribes, tongues, and nations are, by grace visited w/ redemption, that spiritual reality of redemption, as poured over the distinctions of corporeality that God has created — and made good — will find itself being colored and shaped by those God given corporeal distinctions — just as redemption will color and shape man’s corporeal realities.

It seems the only alternative to this is to suggest that God has made men all the same and that it is only sin that makes us to differ. Such a view would suggest that man’s corporeality is mute once He is visited by grace, thus suggesting that man’s corporeality is really inconsequential once he has been visited with regeneration. This view would seem to deny our bipartite being. Remember here, when we are renewed it is our sin nature that is put off — not our human-ness.

Further such a view that does not allow for diversity among those who share the Imago Dei would seem to suggest that the result of grace is an expected sameness in the renewed-humanity. Is it really the case that the new man in Christ is a new man completely stripped of his distinct human-ness , or as more likely is the case, is it that the new man is new precisely because all that comprised his human-ness is now bent in a God-ward direction?

Ethnicity, Culture & Belief

While I am not a Kinist, (in point of fact I’ve been severely insulted by them in the past for my rejection of their doctrines) I do believe that Kinism has put its finger on a significant problem (i.e. — the death of the West & the death of the faith, culture and people who made the West the West) and that problem must be addressed with precision and nuance. It will do no good to just dismiss Kinist arguments by ad-hominem. I will go on the record as saying I do not believe that all Kinists are racists (whatever that word means) and I do not believe Kinism automatically means heresy in every person who takes to themselves that descriptive title. The issues that Kinism raise are tougher nuts to crack then many people believe.

Here are a few starting points. These are not written in stone but just represent a bit of brain storming on my part.

1.) Salvation is by grace alone and people from every tribe tongue and nation will be represented in the New Jerusalem.

2.) Christianity, as a faith and belief system is the only faith and belief system that can build beautiful civilization.

3.) It is possible for varying ethnic groups / races to be Christian and yet have significantly different civilizations. It is not necessary for all Christian civilizations to look the same.

4.) It is a reasonable postulate that the differences that might exist between different Christian civilizations might be accounted for by the God ordained differences between varying peoples.

5.) Just as family lines have particular traits which include both strengths and weaknesses so people groups likewise will have particular traits that are characteristic of those people groups. (i.e. — Irish temper [speaking from experience] … Scottish pugnaciousness [again speaking from experience], Dutch frugality, Italian passion, German precision, etc.) Those traits will reveal themselves in the varying Christian civilizations that those people build.

6.) It is possible for a individual who belongs to one people group to denounce his or her people group and bond with a people group that is not his or her own. This accounts for why many blacks will be referred to as “Uncle Toms” by their own people.

7.) People groups are not to be understood solely as a genetic grouping. People groups also include belief systems. It is the interplay of nurture, nature, and belief that makes people groups, people groups. This is why the subject is so complex and difficult … you just can’t extract any of those three from the other two without involving oneself in significant error.

8.) Just as most family members prefer their family to all other families, so most people groups instinctively and rightly prefer their people group to all other people groups. Even the Apostle Paul reveals this (Romans 9:2f).

9.) While the tribe that Christians should most identify with is the Christian Tribe there can still be diversity of people groupings within this tribe so that a Mongolian Christian, while identifying primarily with the Christian tribe, would, within that tribe, identify most significantly with his or her Mongolian Christian tribe. Trinitarian Christians should have no problem with this since to deny this would be to deny the trinity in favor of a Unitarian God. Think “The One and The Many” here folks.

10.) A civilization composed of various people groups can only work if those various people groups are christian and are committed to a harmony of interests. When set civilizations seek to incorporate various pagan people groups under the umbrella of one civilization chaos is insured since the sin induced conflict of interests will have each people group seeking to be advantaged at the expense of the other people groups.

11.) This does not mean, however that civilizations which are composed of one people group that is pagan will be harmonious. Where pagan people groups compose one civilization it is my conviction that those pagan people groups, not having some other alien people group to despise, will look for some sub-grouping within their own group to be the red-headed step child that will be taken advantage of.

12.) People groups that are pagan will manifests their pagan-ness in their own unique ways. Ugly civilization that comes from pagan Tibetans will be a different ugly civilization that comes from pagan white Europeans.

13.) The only cure for all pagan people groups is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, when the Gospel of Jesus Christ covers the world as the water covers the sea it still will not be the case that all cultures and civilizations will be the same or that all the colors will bleed into one.

14.) The death of the West has many factors … the chief of which is unbelief. Further, the primary race and ethnicity that is responsible for the death of the West are the descendants of White Europeans. The white man has torn down his own house by his abandoning of the Christian faith. However, having admitted that doesn’t explain the “how” in which that has happened or the accelerating factors of the last 40 years. In order to understand the “how” and the accelerating factors I believe that we have to look in some of the directions that kinism points us toward.

Grace Has Never Been So Slick

Peggy Noonan was one of Ronald Reagan’s speechwriters. She is also a neo-con Republican and so isn’t to be read without that realization. However, Mrs. Noonan has the advantage of almost always presenting her views in an attractive and convincing fashion. Because of this skill at her art I enjoy reading Noonan, even though sometimes her neo-con ideology drives me batty. Recently Noonan had a piece where, in a slight rabbit trail, she had a wonderful sentence that captured the mindset of American leadership.

“You can today go to any office of any great leader in America and Britain – business leader, church leader, political leader – and you will find the great topic of conversation, the great focus of attention, the object of daily obsession, is not the mission (making money, spreading faith, leading an anxious citizenry in the right direction) but how the mission is playing in the media. It’s all they talk about.”

The cultural gatekeepers in America have gone from a preoccupation with their calling to a preoccupation with marketers and marketing. The object no longer is being faithful to what one was called to do but rather the object has become “what kind of press can we get or are we getting for whatever fecal matter we are shoveling today.” If the mission (no matter how skewed that mission is from what it should be) is getting good press and is selling well then the conclusion is that all is well with the organization. All of life has become a literal stage, and when one is on the stage one is not concerned with anything but how the performance is being received by the audience. The media has become the audience for the cultural gatekeepers and the message and calling of the cultural gatekeepers is being changed by the medium — and that quite apart from any realization that the medium has its own agenda.

As this pertains to the Church, most Churches are more concerned with image than theology and branding over truth. The goal is to present a slick product and not to give the whole counsel of God. Spokesmen like John the Baptist, who wore camel hair and ate locusts and honey, or the Apostle Paul who was short and possibly hump-backed with bad eyes need not apply for Pastor positions. Truth that is jagged and angular is replaced in the sanctuary with movie clips and praise and drama teams. It’s all a show aimed at getting rave reviews so that when the next show starts the place will be packed again.

“Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what’s happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
Someday soon we’ll stop to ponder
what on Earth’s this spell we’re under
We watched the show and still we wonder
who the hell we are.”

Sundry Comments On I Peter 1:10-12

I.) Of This Salvation — First Note, it is not the personal individual salvation of each individual here that is being spoken of. Rather the salvation that is here spoken of is the unfolding of Redemptive History throughout Scripture. The Salvation that Peter speaks of is an objective reality which takes people up into it.

Try to imagine this salvation like a gathering storm you see from a distance. On the Radio and television you have people who are keeping you informed of the nature of this storm and its intensity. They would be the equivalent of the prophets inquiring and searching carefully and who prophesy of the grace (rain & wind) to come to you. But the storm is objective. It is not merely that is something that is subjective to you — although to be sure when it finally hits it is also something you personally know and experience. It is outside of you and it is coming upon you.

Now in vs. 12 this coming storm … this unfolding of salvation that was so intensely reported upon was for those whom the end of the ages (I Cor. 10:11) has come upon. All the unfolding of Salvation that we find in Redemptive History was an unfolding whose culmination was for those who live in the New Covenant age and who have been embraced by Christ.

What Peter is saying here is somewhat similar to what the writer of Hebrews writes,

39And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.

The culmination of Salvation comes w/ Christ and for those whom will be drawn unto Christ in the new covenant age. Peter says that this Redemptive storm drenches us w/ grace (vs. 10) — God’s favor. We are that era of covenant people who live in the age who can fully know the abundant fulsomeness of God’s grace that is found in the Redemption that is Jesus Christ.

To change metaphors …. in the earlier ages of the covenant they dined on merely the appetizers of salvation but now w/ Christ we in the covenant have had the full feast of Redemption set before us.

II.) The Importance Of Revelation & Inspiration

The intimate relationship between Revelation & Redemption

Peter clearly intimates to us that there is a close relationship between the way God acts (Redemption) and the way God interprets his action (Revelation). God has acted in Redemptive History for His people but we only know the meaning of those redemptive actions through God’s revelation of Holy Scripture. The Salvation (Redemptive) events of History come to us only as reported in Revelation by the inspired Prophets who have inquired and searched carefully.

It is because we believe that Redemption and revelation are inextricably bound and it is because we know that when God spoke in times past and in various ways that speaking was always a Redemptive speaking that as Reformed people we have historically been suspicious of any supposed word from God that comes to us that isn’t intimately related to what we find in Scripture. Scripture is God’s revelation speech to us that speaks of God’s redemption. It is the only place where we can be certain that God speaks an a objective revelatory word that can be trusted in matters of Redemption.

Because this is true God’s Reformed and Reforming people have eschewed notions like the Quakers “inner light,” or the Pentecostal “word from God,” or the anabaptist’s (Zwickau Prophets) extra Scriptural word. We have always been slow to the siren call of dreams and visions. We believe all of this takes away from the prophetic work recorded in Scripture which Peter speaks of here.

III.) This Salvation That Has Come Upon Us Is Christ (vs. 11)

Phrase — “Spirit of Christ”

The Holy Spirit is called the “Spirit of Christ” twice in the NT. It would seem that the Holy Spirit is designate as the “Spirit of Christ” because He is sent by the Ascended Christ along w/ the Father to apply the Redemption that was won by Christ on the Cross.

Phrase — “He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.”

Note the theme of first Humiliation and then Exaltation.

Note especially that the labors of the Prophets in the earlier covenant ages was to see Christ. As on the Road to Emmaus we learn again here that the Scriptures, before they are about anything, are about Christ and the salvation He brings w/ Him.

25 Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

Little flock, if there is anything I would desire for your future in terms of where you will make church homes I would desire that you find churches that preach the centrality of Christ. If the prophets in the previous covenant age made Christ their business then it certainly is the case that we whom the end of the ages has come upon should be preoccupied with Christ being declared to us in Word & Sacrament.

Note close relationship between OT prophets & NT apostles. (vs. 12)

The same spirit that animated the Prophets animates the Apostles.

Note the close relationship between Word & Spirit

Two Years Later Walberg Wants My Vote Again

In the last 5 days I’ve received two phone calls from a young erstwhile supporter of
Republican Tim Walberg for US Congress. Walberg was the Congressman for my district until Democrat (Socialist) Mark Schauer beat him in the 2008 election cycle. Schauer and Walberg serve as the perfect example of Tweedledee Republican and Tweedledum Democrat. As a matter of principal they don’t disagree on very much. Where disagreement arises is only on the question of degree.

For example, Schauer is a classical socialist redistributionist. He revealed that by voting for Obama’s Death care legislation. Yet, when “conservative” Walberg was in office he also had no problem spending taxpayers money as the letter below reveals. Walberg sent this when he was still in office.

Dear Friend:

As I travel the 7th District, I have met with numerous religious groups, elected officials, non-profit organizations, school leaders, and small business owners who have all expressed one common message – times are tough, budgets are tight, and funds are scarce. Since I’ve been in Congress, I have discovered that a valuable and under-utilized source of assistance for religious groups like yours is federal grants.

Religious organizations, in particular, help the community strengthen itself through social functions, charitable work, and by providing a safe haven for those in their hour of need. I know, however, that these valuable services come with a cost, and this is where I encourage you to explore the potential for federal grants to help you fund your community building endeavors.

In order to share what I’ve learned and what may be of great interest and support to you, I am hosting workshops on How to Access Federal Grants on … I encourage you to attend. The first session from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. will discuss how to properly write a proposal to obtain federal grant from a Grant Writing Specialist from the University of Michigan….

Respectfully yours,

Tim Walberg
Member of Congress

Now, keep in mind that this clown is supposed to be conservative. He’s so conservative that he wants to teach his constituents how to most effectively suckle up to the teat of the Federal government in order to get their share of the ill gotten booty.

This is a guy who rails against excessive taxation. So on one hand he complains about the Feds taxing to much but on the other hand he encourages and teaches people to behave in such a way that the excessive taxation must continue. It’s the glaring inconsistency of being against higher taxes while at the same time being for the spreading of money around and for setting up seminars so your constituents can learn how to access the Federal pool of money created by the higher taxes that you putatively oppose. This kind of stuff just wants to make me scream!

Next, I wonder if Congressman Walberg realizes that the reason budgets may be tight and funds scarce (first paragraph in his letter) is because people are being over taxed. Does he realize then that his promotion of “accessing Federal Grants” leads to budgets being tight and funds being scarce?

One wonders if Congressman Walberg ever considered that one way to build a community is by letting people in the community keep their money. That money that Congressman Walberg wants religious organizations to access is money that was stolen from other people in other communities.

Walberg is no conservative! Walberg has no problem with stealing from one group in order to give to another. His only problem with Statist Government would be when the Statist Government isn’t redistributing money in the direction Walberg would like to see it go.

You would think a former Evangelical pastor like Walberg would take seriously the 8th commandment, but I guess it’s ok to steal as long as it is for a good cause.

It’s hard to say if guys like Walberg do more harm in the ministry or in politics.

I appreciate my young friends desire to be politically active but there are better people than Tim Walberg to spend his effort upon.

Oh … and by the by … I will change my mind on this only if former Congressman Walberg publicly repudiates this letter and promises never to do anything like it again.