Mohler and Piper Fall Into The Obama Soup

Dr. Mohler’s Thoughts:

The controversy over President Barack Obama’s speech to America’s school children scheduled for Tuesday morning continues to incite controversy. On the surface, this seems incredible. Why would a speech calling for students to remain in school and set personal goals for themselves incite any controversy at all? Is this just another eruption of the Culture War?

At first glance, that seems to be exactly what this fracas is all about. Much of the controversy is reckless, baseless, and plainly irrational. Some have called the speech an effort to recruit America’s children into socialism. Others have argued that any presidential speech piped into classrooms is illegitimate. But a presidential speech to students is hardly unprecedented. This speech by this president has led to an unprecedented uproar.

At this level, the controversy is a national embarrassment. Conservatives must avoid jumping on every conspiracy theory and labeling every action by the Obama administration as sinister or socialist. Our civic culture is debased when opposing parties and political alignments read every proposal by the other side as suspect on its face.

Instead of gushing over Obama’s words why can’t Mohler say something like,

The problem with Obama’s speech to America’s school students is not so much in the content as in the presuppositions behind the speech. There was a time when Parents understood it was their responsibility to raise, educate and motivate their children. Now, not only have we turned to the state to educate and raise our children, but we find it perfectly acceptable for the President to play the role of “Parent in Chief.”

The great Dr. J. Gresham Machen understood this. Machen, speaking of education could say,

“The most important Christian Education institution is not the pulpit or the school, important as those institutions are; but it is the Christian family. And that institution has to a very large extent ceased to do its work.

~ J. Gresham Machen, in Education, Christianity, and the State.

But instead of taking the opportunity to once again emphasize to his natural constituency the necessity to get their children out of government schools, Mohler takes the opportunity to lament over cultural war resistance to a man who desires to implement his Marxist ideology on America.

Certainly Obama’s speech is not the most sinister thing he has yet done but Obama, unlike many Christian spokesmen, doesn’t compartmentalize his belief system. All that Obama does, including speaking to America’s children is done with a view towards the cultural Marxist end he desires to achieve. As such, any resistance to Obama in anything that he does is a necessary resistance.

The fact that Mohler can warn people against finding something sinister or socialist in every deed Obama is a warning that reveals a great amount of naivete.

John Piper’s take:

This is the speech I expected the President to give to our children—excellent.

Given that he is not directing them to Christ, which would be the best counsel, his advice is a wonderful gift of common grace from God to the students of our land.

If you settle for the news headlines that say the president tells the kids to wash their hands and take care of the environment, you will miss the wisdom and courage in this speech. Within its spiritual limitations it is simply amazing.”

Like Mohler, Piper doesn’t seem to realize what is going on in government schools. Why would Piper refer to this as common grace? Given the worldview that America’s children are learning in government schools, the encouragement to children to do well in government schools would seem more like the doctrine of common damnation.

Would Piper have spoken this way if Joe Stalin had given the speech? Would Piper have gushed about Stalin’s speech being simply amazing? No, Piper wouldn’t say that because he would realize how hypocritical it would be for the Murderer of millions to be blathering on about the necessity to do well in school. Yet Piper speaks in glowing terms about a man who has voted repeatedly to deny babies born from botched abortions medical care. Piper speaks in glowing terms about a man who shares the same exact ideology and faith system as Joe Stalin.

If one realizes the stakes there is nothing irrational about opposing Obama at every turn. I don’t want America’s children admiring Obama any more than I wanted them admiring Bush or any number of other leftist politicians.

Observations On The Regnant Follies

** This morning I was watching a round table discussion on the all things neo-con Fox News Network and I heard Charles Krauthammer say, in reference to the Van Jones resignation that,

“it was the (9-11) truther signature that did Van Jones in, you know you can have a Communist or two in the White house … but you can’t have somebody in the White House who believes in a Bush Conspiracy that the government was involved in 9-11.”

Nobody on the panel blinked at Krauthammer’s statement.

Friends, this shows us how far out of touch the inside the beltway crowd is with both History and middle America. You can have a Communist or two in the White House? You can have a person or two in the White House who embraces the ideology that is responsible for the death of over 100 million people in the 20th century? How insane is that?

What if Krauthammer had said instead,

“it was the (9-11) truther signature that did Van Jones in, you know you can have a Nazi or two in the White house … but you can’t have somebody in the White House who believes in a Bush Conspiracy that the government was involved in 9-11.” (?)

Obviously such a statement would never have been given a pass. This another indicator to me that the worldview warfare that happens in Washington is between two different expressions of the Left. Fox News represents the Trotskyite left wing of the conversation.

** The American Pravada press insists that the reason Van Jones was fired was because of his “9-11 Truther signature,” and due to publicly calling Republican “a**ho*es.” Don’t you believe it. The reason that this reason is given for Van Jones being fired is due to the fact that if Van Jones Marxism was given as the reason for being fired then Obama might have to resign since his Marxism makes Van Jones’ Marxism look like romper room stuff. In the end they got rid of Van Jones in order to keep people from connecting Van Jones’ Marxism to Obama’s Marxism.

** If you watch Obama’s speech tomorrow night keep in mind that the man embraces the Alinsky method that teaches that the means justifies the ends and if the means to socialized health care is violating antiquated notions of being honest then so much the worse for being honest. Keep in mind in the Obama Marxist worldview honesty is not defined as speaking in such a way that words correspond to reality. Rather Obama’s Marxists worldview teaches him that honesty is speaking in such a way that words create the reality that the Marxist is seeking to bring in.

** So what if Van Jones had to leave?

Big Whoop!

For every Van Jones that has to leave this administration there are 100 more waiting to take his place. The problem wasn’t Van Jones. The problem is the Marxist in Chief who is appointing fellow travelers like Van Jones, Carol Browner, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarret, The Emmanuel Brothers — Zeke and Rahm, etc.

** Much of what we are seeing in Washington reminds me again that the problem behind our problem of Washington Doofuses is our University system. It is our Ivy League schools and other top line Universities that keep spitting out “our best and brightest” who are thorough going collectivists, statists, and tyrants. Republicans and Democrats alike, who have been marinated in our University system, are inevitably going to be people who are tainted with a large collectivist giddy-up in their thinking.

** Prediction — The Democrats will pass a socialized health care bill with a public option.

Ask The Pastor — What Is “General Equity?”

Dear Pastor,

What does the phrase, “General Equity,” such as we find in the Westminster Confession Of Faith in 19:4 mean?

As I understand it, the General Equity answers the question as to how the Old Testament civil law is to be applied in the Nations today and perhaps the best analogy for understanding it is the metaphor of kernel and husk. The general equity advocates the idea that the husk of the Old Testament civil law is discarded but the kernel of the matter remains. So, in the classic example, the requirement of fences being built around roof tops in the OT finds the husk of the requirement expired while the kernel of protecting your neighbor remains in a law, for example, that insists on building a fence around your pool. So, “general equity” means to find valid and obligatory the principle articulated in the civil law, keeping in mind that the civil law was nothing but God incarnating His moral law into every day life.

Remember, the conviction is that the civil law was merely the case law of the moral law. Much as our Supreme Court makes decisions applying the Constitution to the cases that comes before it, God’s given civil law was God applying His Constitution (i.e.– The moral law — Decalogue), in concrete ways, to the society in which His people lived. Now, obviously we no longer live in an agrarian B.C. culture, and so much of the husk of the civil law remains behind, however, what the case law was aiming at in principle remains… and it remains only because it was a true flowering of God’s Moral Law. When we advocate for the general equity we are advocating for God’s own application of the moral law, as He revealed it in the OT Civil Law, for our era.

What goes around comes around

“When morning came it was Leah.” Gen. 29:25

“Jacob who deceived his father who had ‘weak eyes,’ now discovers that his new wife has weak eyes. The deceiver has been deceived, and that by the same trick he had used on his father. Jacob had pretended to be his older brother Esau, and the deception worked because Isaac was blind and drank wine (Gen. 27:25). Now Leah has pretended to be her younger sister Rachel, and the deception worked because Jacob was blind in the dark night and drank wine.”

Sidney Greidanus
Preaching Christ From Genesis

Jacob’s whole life is characterized by deception. From his deception of Esau, to his deception of Isaac, to his deception by Laban and of Laban, to Rachel’s deception of Laban in reference to the household idols, to the deception by his sons regarding the death of Joseph, to the deception of his sons upon the Shechemites in the Dinah incident, all of Jacob’s life is characterized by deception. Even at the end of his life when Jacob blesses the sons of Joseph there is the air of deception as, at the last second, he crosses his arms and blesses Joseph’s sons in reverse of their age.

In the end we see that Jacob’s life is a testimony of God’s grace. From beginning to end it is only sinners that God saves.

Dueling Church Signs In Charlotte

As a general rule I hate Church signs. Not because I have some strange phobia regarding signs but rather because Church signs suffer the inevitable consequences of people reducing truths that are extraordinarily profound to something that is catchy and cute. More often than not Church signs trivialize truth. It’s like the Elementary orchestra trying to do justice to Beethoven’s fifth symphony. It’s like Barney Frank being cast as Gen. George Patton in a Movie production. It’s like attending a Detroit Tigers Baseball game and finding me starting at short-stop. No sane person can take any of it seriously. The fact that people can’t take serious anything that is on a Church sign is reason enough to not try and use Church signs for anything but announcements of things like the Lady’s Easter Tea.

However, I noticed that in Charlotte, my home, there is currently a Church sign battle going on which makes church signs even more interesting than usual.

Over at the Plymouth Brethren Church we read,

Sometimes in order to make us
God must break us

Apparently this beautiful poetry was to much for the Episcopal Church, which is just a few blocks down from the Plymouth Brethren Church for they had to offer, on their Church sign, a rebuttal in poetry that was just as arresting,

God does not break us down
Or make us frown

Now, I suppose this makes for high Theological debate in Charlotte. I’ve even thought about entering into the fray with a sign of my own that says,

Do not drink the swill
Offered up by Church Episcopal

However, I do not think the citizens of Charlotte can take three doses of such heavy poetic culture and be able to survive. As such, I am not going to compete in this theological sign derby.

I would note however that the Episcopal Church here in town is led by a woman (at least I assume she is a woman — I’ve not the courage to assume that it is a man who is cross dressing — though given that we are speaking of an Episcopalian Church here I grant you that one must be careful with their assumptions.)

On the other hand, attendance at the Plymouth Brethren church will have you hearing about Red Heifer’s in Israel and the coming re-building of the temple and projected dates for Christ return.

You picks your poison … you takes your chances.

However, touching the point on which sign warfare is closer to accuracy, I offer these scriptures. I hope the truth of these things will not make our Episcopal friends frown to much.

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.”(Deut. 32:39)

“The LORD brings death and makes alive;
he brings down to the grave and raises up.” (I Samuel 2:6)

“For he wounds, but he also binds up;
he injures, but his hands also heal.” (Job 5:18)

“Come, let us return to the LORD.
He has torn us to pieces
but he will heal us;
he has injured us
but he will bind up our wounds.” (Hosea 6:1)

“The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted.” (Isaiah 30:26)