The Tale Of Two Quotes

Let me get this straight … A President with a Muslim name, who bowed to the Muslim Sheik of Saudi Arabia, is on the record as saying, regarding this Ft. Hood shooting, “I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts,” but on the Cambridge break-in the President who has consistently vilified white people could instantly say without a shred of evidence, “It’s fair to say that the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

These two quotes speak volumes. The first quote fits into the multicultural politically correct narrative that pagan America is telling. The second quote fits into the oppressive white people narrative that reparations America is telling.

Around The Horn

“Shhh…. Don’t Mention That He Is A Arab Muslim”

The guy who shot up Fort Hood yesterday is a Arab and is a member of the Islamic faith — a well known “religion of peace.” However, please note that even though we’ve now been told that he was shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Great”), there still hasn’t been anybody questioning the wisdom of allowing Muslims into the US military or even into US society. If one wonders about the brutality of a Islamified Western culture I encourage them to go take a walk into certain sections of London or Paris. Ask Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh about Islamic brutality in the West. Ask Salmon Rushdie about Islamic brutality in the West. Ask Aasiya Hassan of the Buffalo New York area about Islamic brutality in the West.

Because of the West’s mad desire for ethnocide, seen in its embrace of multiculturalism, Europe will be an Islamic continent by the end of this century. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the “religion of peace” shooter at Fort Hood, is a warning to America and that warning is, “Muslims will not fit into Western culture.” Now, this is obvious to anybody who has half a stroke impaired brain in their head but the multiculturalist leftists are so bound and determined to sanitize the Christian influence of the West and of America that they will go to any lengths, including blinding themselves about the nature of Islam, in order to completely and irreversibly de-Christianize the West. Actually, if such a thing as poetic justice existed both the Maj. Nidal Malik Hasans of the West and the John Kerry’s of the West would be given Arizona and be told to “be fruitful and multiply, if you can.” The leftists and the Muslims certainly deserve one another.

For those not in the know, “Allauh Akbar” is what members of the “religion of peace” often shout just before they blow themselves up, along with a host of their enemies. It is what the members of the “religion of peace” shout when they read the Koran as it tells them to kill the infidel. It is what they say after eating their after dinner mints.

There might be another explanation for why Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan slipped his noodle. It seems the poor man got a double whammy for life. Not only was he a Muslim (his first life whammy) but he also was a shrink by trade. Personally, if I had to guess between a Muslim and a Shrink as to who was more demented I would be hard pressed to reach a conclusion. I can’t imagine any living soul combining those two dementia’s into one living being.

“Well, You Are Forced To Have Car Insurance Aren’t You?”

Back in his State of the Union Address President Obama gave us an analogy between the prospects of a mandated by the Federal Government health care and a mandated by the State auto insurance.

“Unless everybody does their part, many of the insurance reforms we seek, especially requiring insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions, just can’t be achieved, That’s why under my plan, individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance — just as most states require you to carry auto insurance.”

Just recently the Senator who filled Obama’s Senate seat said in response to a question, “So, in general, if a person doesn’t want health insurance, do you think they should be required by the government to actually have to get it?”

Senator Burris: “Under state law, we have every one required to have automobile insurance. Now, think about that. And so under this here, we’re providing in the legislation where every one would be able to acquire health insurance. If they don’t get it, then that would–certainly they’re trying to provide some type of a provision for them in case they’re sick so that they will be covered and they won’t be a burden on the system. So, that’s the same thing proportionally to automobile insurance. I mean, it’s comparable.”

Now, pushing this analogy between required auto insurance and required health insurance is only one of a host of reasons why I think these people shouldn’t be leading a live in facility for the mentally challenged let alone leading this country. People like Obama and Burris put the capital “S” in STUPID.

The analogy doesn’t work,

1.) It is not true that every one has to have auto insurance. Only people who have the privilege of owning and driving automobiles have to have auto insurance.

2.) Therefore for the Obama/Burris analogy to fit, the reasoning must be that only people who have the privilege of owning and moving around in their bodies have to have health insurance. Do they really want to make a comparison between the mandate to have auto insurance if you drive a car and the mandate to have health insurance if you breathe? Is the state really saying that, “just as we won’t allow you to drive a car around if you will not get auto insurance, so we will not allow you to live if you will not get health insurance?” Or similarly, “just as if we catch you driving a car without auto insurance we will severely penalize you by taking away your privilege to drive, so if we catch you walking around without life insurance we will severely penalize you by taking away your privilege to be alive?”

I don’t care what Ivy League school these people were “educated” in, they are all as dumb or dumber than a box of Barbara Boxers.

A Horse Is A Horse, Of Course, Of Course …

This guy is serving jail time for getting to cozy with a horse on more than one occasion. The article says the perp is being jailed for “abuse to the creature.” So, what passes for abuse to a horse is not abuse in the slightest when the same “coziness” is pursued by two men.

But perhaps the difference is, is that two men can give consent to their mutual abuse while poor Sugar (the name of the horse that is being assaulted) can’t give consent, even though she is 21 years old.

I’m not sure, given the legal logic that is used today, why this guy is being jailed. He didn’t hurt anyone. It’s just people’s opinion that his sexual preference is aberrant, and besides, where are all the calls for the compassion and understanding we must have for this man?

American Funerals

Several years ago I took some part time work with a funeral home to help supplement my pastor’s income. The people who owned the Funeral home were gracious and they made sure that I never had a conflict of schedules. They understood where my priorities were and worked with me accordingly. The work was different. At times I would drive the hearse transporting the deceased from one funeral home to another. At other times I would pick up the deceased from the place where they had died and bring them to the funeral home. There would be times I would help with the parking and times I would deliver the flowers after the funeral service. It was all the stuff you would expect to find in working with a funeral home.

However I didn’t last more than a year doing this part time work. It wasn’t that they were dissatisfied with me. Nor was it that I was dissatisfied with them. It wasn’t the nature of the work that had me walk away from a little extra income. It was the depression I was struggling with that had me quit. Now, one might think it was a depression brought on by my being around death that had me quit, but it wasn’t that. The depression that drove me to quit the funeral home was the constant barrage of funeral sermons I was hearing. I got to the point I just couldn’t handle seeing people leave funeral after funeral with no idea what the Gospel was. More than that I had got to the point that I couldn’t handle the silliness that was going on in the name of Christ.

At one funeral the Pastor quoted the famous passage,

“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.”

He then proceeded to eulogize the deceased by saying,

“Paul had many interests in his life and in heaven Jesus has a room for him for all the interests that he had. There will be a voluntary fireman room for him. There will be a ‘Dad’ room for him. There will be a sportsman room for him. etc. etc. Jesus has been very thoughtful this way.

At another funeral where the deceased had been involved in a tragic auto accident the Pastor climbed into the pulpit and the first words out of his mouth were,

“I want everyone who is sitting here and who can hear my voice to know that God didn’t have anything to do with this accident. God didn’t want this to happen and this isn’t God’s fault.”

At yet another funeral a female minister led the congregation in hand holding with the person next to them while she sang Bette Midler’s “The Rose.”

Eventually, I couldn’t take any more and I told my Funeral employer that my emotional well being was being adversely affected by all the funeral messages I was subject to and I had to quit.

I thought I had seen it all until today. Now, keep in mind my observations having nothing to do with the deceased and everything to do with the Clergy officiant. The deceased and his family were and are fine people.

Today I was at a Funeral and the minister got towards the end of the service and he said,

“Now I want everybody to uncross their arms and legs.” (Insert shuffling noises while most people are uncrossing arms and legs while others go out of their way to cross arms and legs.) “In ancient Judaism they never prayed with arms and legs crossed because it was thought that such a posture would block the effectiveness of the prayers. I want everybody here to get the full measure of the prayer so go ahead and uncross your arms and legs. Now, before we pray I want you to take your right hand and pretend you are reaching up into heaven and are pulling a gold coin out of a treasure chest.” (Insert spectacle of 200 people in a funeral home reaching with their right hand upward into ‘heaven’s treasure chest’ in order to pull out a gold coin. Now insert my fear that his next statement was going to be something like … “You do the Hokey Pokey and you shake it all about — that’s what its all about.”) He continued instead, “now, take that coin and pretend it is a memory and put in the pocket over your heart. That is your special memory of ______ that you will always have in your heart with you.”

Look, I try to be a reasonable man. I really try to listen to things with as much charity as possible. But a man can only take so much. Here we had a room full of people face to face with eternity and he is busy having people grab imaginary gold coins out of an imaginary heavenly treasure chest all the while making sure our body posture doesn’t get in the way of God’s ability to answer prayer. There was no mention of Christ. There was not mention of the Cross. There was no mention of resurrection. There was no mention of sin. There was no mention of grace and forgiveness. There was no mention of anything except the Chakra points of prayer.

If I were a pagan at a funeral like this, I guarantee you I would never ever darken the door of a church. If I were a pagan at a funeral like this I would never ever have anything to do with Christianity.

And now, I’m working on not being depressed again.

Shifting the Context of Left vs. Right

Conservatism is not what it was before FDR and the New Deal. Old line Conservatives like Garet Garret, Albert J. Nock, H. L. Mencken, John T. Flynn, Frank Chodorov, and others like them, were they to walk the earth today, would be considered right wing extreme extremists. FDR and the New Deal succeeded in pulling the continuum of what constitutes liberal vs. conservative to the left so that today’s people can claim to be conservative and still support things like Social Security, Medicare, and other government give away programs.

We are now living in times that represent another lurch leftward in the left vs. right continuum so that if the Obama administration is successful in socializing health care, the way that FDR was successful in socializing old age retirement, today’s liberals will be thought of as tomorrow’s conservatives. This will result in, as an example, tomorrow’s conservatives accepting homosexual marriage as a given but cherishing their conservative pedigree in the fact that they oppose bestiality marriages.

Roosevelt was successful in redefining left vs. right because in his socialism New Deal legislation he bought and created a constituency that would never vote against the money that the Democratic party was committed to giving them. The whole social security scam gave people just enough money to remain dependent upon the government but not so much money that they would ever be anything but dependent. Obama is seeking to do the same thing that FDR did (and LBJ compounded) by creating a constituency that once it gets hooked on the drug of governmental sponsored enterprises (GSE) will never quit voting for the party that got them hooked on GSE. If he is successful in doing this the whole continuum of what constitutes left vs. right will shift once again leftward.

Horton, Frame, & Goldilocks

In the well known fairly tale, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” Goldilocks is forever being presented with extremes. The porridge is either too hot or too cold. The chairs were either too big or too small. The beds were either too hard or too soft. Fortunately, at each juncture she found one that was “just right.” The Reformed Church in America is having a Goldilocks moment at this current point in history.

Federal Vision is too legalistic. R2Kt is too anti-nomian. Is there anybody who is just right? John Frame is too broad. Mike Horton is too narrow. Is there anybody who is just right?

I read Mike Horton’s Christless Christianity. I read most of John Frame’s critique of Horton’s Christless Christianity. All I can say is give me something “just right.”

Let me try to explain what I see going on here. Horton comes from a school that believes that the cult should be kept tight while Christians ought to be able to handle the culture in a pluralistic broad fashion. Frame, on the other hand, obviously believes that the cult should be a large tent — indeed so large a tent that Frame finds himself defending numb-skulls like Joel Osteen and Chuck Smith. To be honest if Frame’s model were to be followed the Church would be largely indefinable by virtue of how it would include almost everybody. Frame is just plain wrong in how he would define the parameters of the Church. Indeed, in a move that is more than odd for a Reformed theologian he seems to almost completely ignore the historic Reformed “marks of the Church” in his critique of Horton.

If Frame gives us the “too broad” characterization of the Church, Horton brings in our Goldilocks moment by giving us a “too narrow” version of the Church. Frame is correct when he faults Horton for his loose usage of Theology of suffering vs. Theology of glory. Horton and his R2Kt chums have a bad habit of even slapping this “theology of glory” pejorative even on Reformed people that don’t agree with their innovative and unique style of Reformed theology. Frame is also right when he points out Horton’s incipient Lutheranism in the way Horton frames the Law vs. Gospel dynamic. This Lutheranism is constantly seen in the R2Kt model that Horton would foist upon the Reformed Church. Often one wishes the R2Kt guys would just go to Wittenburg and be done with it. Frame is again correct when he faults Horton’s “Moralism” categories. I know what it means to preach Redemptive-Historical sermons. I really do get it and do often preach that way. But Horton and the R2Kt crowd end up suggesting that any sermon that is imperative oriented is “moralism.” This reverts back to their Lutheran mindset on the Law.

As I read Frame’s critique it was “Goldilocks and the Three bears” all over again except I can’t seem to find that damn third bear where everything is “just right.” Were we to follow Frame’s vision of the Church we’d be holding hands with Pelagians and Word Faith guys like Chuck Smith and Joel Osteen. Yuck … how disgusting is that? However, on the other hand were we to follow Horton’s version of the Church we’d be standing next to guys like Darryl Hart and R. Scott Clark who would refuse to hold our hands because we are stinky theonomists who are icky “theologians of glory.”

One more issue before wrapping up. I can’t help but get a chuckle out of John Frame who waxed eloquent about the dreaded character of the “Machen’s Warrior Children.” According to Frame we needed to get away from the Reformed tendency to always want to fight. And yet here is Frame in all of his warrior regalia fighting with other people in the Reformed Church. The irony is apparently lost on John but remains delicious to those in the know.

In the end Horton has many good points in his book “Christless Christianity” concerning the reality that the Church is missing Christ. The problem however is when Mike goes all Lutheran on us insisting that unless we become R2Kt we are missing Christ as well. Mike’s porridge is too hot. Frame has many fine observations regarding Horton’s hot porridge but the problem is that John’s multi-perspectivalism mitigates his ability to draw proper lines. John’s porridge is too cold.

And here I sit looking for some porridge that is “just right.”