Obama Re-making America

President B. Hussein Obama’s recent move to provide massive mortgage bailout funds is another example of theft as it steals from the producers of society who pay their mortgages month in and month out in favor of those who can’t pay mortgages on houses they should have never been given loans on. This policy is nothing but a “house give away” welfare program and is an example of Obama keeping his campaign promise to “Joe the plumber” to spread the wealth around. This is classic re-distriubtionists economics and is a violation of the Eight Commandment.

Everybody knows that 275 billion is a drop in the ocean of bad mortgage debt. What the 275 billion will inevitably do is save the houses of those are currently in the worst mortgage debt situation while sacrificing those with mortgage problems which are not as severe and will only reach a critical state after the 275 billion for the welfare mortgages have been sopped up by the welfarists and cheaters. This means we are going to be rewarding those that took out loans they had no business receiving and now have been in houses beyond their means for a few years at the expense of those who took out reasonable loans and who have been in homes 10-15 years.

Do not think this policy is accidental. Obama has promised to remake America. Obama’s vision of America is basically a cultural marxism vision of life. The cultural marxist vision of America is one that champions putting the bottom rail up top. The cultural marxist vision believes that those who are members of the middle class are there by way of fraud and oppression of the lower classes. Obama’s vision is to switch these economic classes so that the bottom tier is on top of the currently higher rail. Cultural Marxism also believes that the middle class ethics need to be replaced with a more bohemian and relative ethic and so I look for this administration to continue to pursue the kind of educational policies that Obama championed when he worked with William Ayers crafting curriculum for Chicago Public schools.


“However, Kurtz’ report provides a very interesting look at the early political life of Barack Obama. He had already entered politics at the time he joined the CAC, and even at that stage had allied himself with ACORN, which has found itself at the center of more than a dozen voter-fraud investigations. Obama also allied himself with Ayers and helped the former Weather Underground fugitive push forward with his plans to radicalize an entire generation of schoolchildren in the area through the CAC. Note well the parallels to community organizing that play out in the activities of the CAC, and recall again how Obama claims that activity as a major qualification for the presidency.

Ayers wanted teachers trained to instruct against “oppression” and to push schoolchildren towards political beliefs Ayers valued — apparently valuing them higher than actual education. Barack Obama agreed, and for several years worked in close partnership with Ayers to implement that educational policy. Even had Ayers never tossed a single bomb, this kind of educational philosophy would likely raise eyebrows with most parents, who desire a real education for their children and not some sort of political indoctrination camp. With the context of Ayers’ violent radicalism, however, it makes the CAC even worse — a breeding ground for future Weathermen, ready to follow Ayers’ lead when the time comes for the revolution that Ayers and his wife (and co-terrorist) Bernardine Dohrn to this day desire.”

The key in following Obama in the years ahead is his promise to “Remake America.” Obama envision an America where the precepts of racial and cultural marxism prevail over the nation and this will be consistently pursued in the name of equality and egalitarianism. The fact that his policies thus far are consistent with that goal should not surprise anyone.

Ask The Pastor

Terri Schoolteacher wrote,

“1. I am not sure what the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, has to do with Barack Obama, other than another opportunity to blame him for something. Canadian PM Stephan Harper supports it to.

2. Working in a school, I WISH the state would step in and save some of these kids, because THEIR OWN PARENTS can’t, or don’t make good decisions for them. Just because you do, doesn’t mean all do.

3. I am actually doing a unit of the UN Rights of the Child resolution with my class right now, and we are studying this document. And yes, there are parts that make me pause, but we have to remember that we have a very western view of things. That some of these things are in there because of the nature and of the vast number of countries and governments in the world. While maybe there is a bad instance, you should not blame the entire document, or the world leaders for supporting the overall theme.”

Dear Terri,

1.) Having worked with social workers over the years in cases where difficult family situations exist I can tell you that, generally speaking, a child is better off suffering at the hands of their family then the suffering they go through at the hands of the state when the state seizes them.

2.) The fact that other liberal leaders (and all leaders in the West are liberal / statist) support the UN doesn’t mean that Christians should support the UN’s Convention on the rights of Children. You can not come to truth by counting noses — not even the noses of the “leaders” of the West. If every leader of the West were for the UN’s Convention on the rights of Children it would provide no cover for people who believe the state has no business having jurisdictional teeth over the family.

3.) I would say that any child being in a government school is proof either that their parents don’t love them or that their parents are terribly confused over what constitutes parental responsibility. Consider Terri, when parents send their children to government schools they are basically putting them up for adoption to be raised by strangers. In light of that I don’t know why we would start picking on some subset of those who are unloved.

4.) If we have a very Western view it means we have a very right view of things. Non Western views of things come from countries where they burn widows with their deceased husbands or limit the population to one child per family or kill their wives by chopping their heads off.

5.) Of all the things for children to learn why in the world would any teacher worth her salt spend any time studying a UN resolution? How about studying the travels of Marco Polo or the impact of Christianity on the West or the rise of the Reformation or the development of the Long Bow or stirrup and the impact those technologies made upon the world, or any number of other things that might make for real knowledge?

I do blame the entire document. Lock stock and barrel. It is an attempt on the part of the global governance crowd to steal children from their familial jurisdiction. It is the same kind of thing that Hitler youth and the Stalin communist club were subjected to.

Terri, please keep in mind that as a government employee that you have a real interest in seeing this treaty pass.

Zimbabwe Update

Dear friends

Greetings to you all from Zimbabwe. We have been finding it difficult to communicate because of some LAN problems.

At least now we have the Government of national unity in place so we hope for the better but it is still unclear how the belligerents will work together. Things are still tough but products are beginning to be available but strictly in forex. All rates and bills are quoted in forex also. All school fees are also in forex. However, workers have not been paid in forex so its still a confusing situation.

We would like to send you some Family and Church photos but due to the less internet connection speed we might not be able to do that now, but when we get the slightest opportunity we’ll do so.

Vimbai and Rumbie cannot get into college because of the high fees required. The college is requiring $1500 for each of them before they can register. It is a mammoth task.

We hope you were spared from the global financial crisis. May the Lord shield you from its serious effects.

Greeting to all

Amos and the family