Look What They Are Doing To Our Children

Today a friend of mine, somewhere in the vast United States, sent me a note from his wife who is a medical professional and whose job often takes her to government schools. This morning this woman wrote her husband her observations upon her entrance into the propaganda center facility.

Her husband forwarded this note to me and I duplicate it here in its entirety,

Hi Honey,

This morning I walked into Scarlett and I feel really sick… The kids are all getting the first hour of school to decorate their home room halls for the inauguration. I walked in and there are red, white and blue stars hanging from the entry way ceiling and these groups of Barak Obama balloons with Barak’s face on them and the words U.S.A, change, hope, progress. Then in the cafeteria, they’ve set up an “inaugural ball” The kids are going to watch the inauguration on a big screen and have a party after. All the kids are dressed up. It’s really sickening to see the catechism at work.

I love you,

Henrietta (name changed)

Now, I don’t think that they should have but do you think they went to this bother for any other President’s inauguration?

Look, I don’t care how you slice it, this is the kind of behavior that you expect to find from schools and teachers in North Korea as they celebrate the great leader’s life. This is the kind of thing that you watch in videos where children of communist states are all lined up to sing the praises of the tyrant. This is bleeping sick, and it would be sick no matter who it was being done for.

Note also the brilliant last sentence of Henrietta’s letter. She realizes that this is all catechism. Another word for it might be propaganda. These children are being brainwashed into Obamaism.

Rick Warren Has Been Taken Ill … I’ve Been Asked To Replace Him For The Invocation

Most Just and Benevolent God of The Lord Jesus Christ.

We confess this morning that you are the God above all gods — The Creator God of all the earth. You are the one who determines the end from the beginning and you hold the hearts of all potentates in your palm to do with as you please.

We come before you as a people you have repeatedly blessed throughout our history, and we confess that we have sinned repeatedly and high highhandedly done violence against thy tender mercies. Though we Americans are not all Christian we understand that just as you threw out the Canaanites of old from the land for their violation against your just standards so you hold all of us today — Christian and non-Christian alike — accountable for our sins — both public and private.

For the sake of thy Crucified, Resurrected and Ruling Son we pray that you might be pleased to send all of us an awareness, born of thy Spirit, to make us conversant with our sin and idolatry. Be pleased, for the sake of Jesus to cause us to see our wickedness that we might be instructed to flee to Christ who alone is the propitiation for sin and who alone can heal us, our families, our Churches, and our Nation.

Be with our President most Excellent Father. Cause him to lead us in repentance. Where he stands in need of humbling himself before you we pray that you might grant it. Be pleased, we beg of you, to make our President a nursing father to thy Holy Church so that all the people of this Nation might be blessed.

As the Prophet prayed of old so we ask in this invocation, “In wrath remember Mercy.”

Do all this we pray that thy name might be magnified, so that thy Royal Son Jesus may be made known and so that thy present full Kingdom might be increased so that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord might cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

In the name of Jesus Christ — the one alone mediator between God and Man — we pray


America’s Progress On Marx’s Agenda

“Let’s not forget how much of the Communist Manifesto has been implemented in America. Marx’s goals included abolition of the family, free education for all children in public schools, the graduated income tax, abolition of all rights of inheritance, centralization of credit in the hands of the state, a national bank with state capital, and centralization of the means of communication. His goal of combining education with industrial productivity was manifested in the drive, fortunately unsuccessful, for the ‘School to Work’ program.”

Howard Phillips
President — The Conservative Caucus

1.) Abolition of the family — Not there yet, but progress continues to be made. Consider with the new radically left Democratic D.C. that we could see the UN treaty that includes children rights become US law, which would be the next devastating step in the abolition of the family. Another interesting fact I just learned about this subject that I just recently learned is that government schools are now in the day care business. Now, this may be old news to many of you but I’m just learning. Working women drop their children off at government day care centers where the children get a early start in being raised by the State as opposed to being raised by the family.

2.) Free education for all children in public schools — The public schools do not exist to educate but to condition children to fit into the state created society.

3.) Graduated income tax — The graduate income tax allows the state to buy votes and bribe voters. As long as voters can vote themselves other peoples money the incentive to be productive will evaporate.

4.)Abolition of all rights of inheritance — The State has not quite accomplished this yet but with its death (inheritance) tax it is very close.

5.) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State — The Federal Reserve went a long ways toward accomplishing this but with the bailout mania that we are seeing the result could very likely be that the State determines where all credit flows.

6.)National Bank with State capital — Again, the banks are on the verge of undergoing full Nationalization.

7.)Centralization of means of communication — This is the one that is eluding the Marxist agenda right now. As long as the internet remains uncontrolled by the State there is hope that information can circulate. The problem with the internet though is that there is so much information that it is difficult for people to wade through and determine what is true from what is propaganda. It takes a very discerning eye and a good amount of time and effort to determine the difference. Most Americans don’t have a discerning eye, and do not care to spend the time and effort to distinguish between truth and propaganda.

Note that each of the seven listed above ends the control of the State. When the family is abolished the State becomes the surrogate family. When the State controls education it determines what the citizenry will think. When the State implements a graduated income tax it has the ability to create a class of slaves. When the State can centralize credit in its hands and can Nationalize Banks the consequence is that Americans are held as economic hostages to the State. Any resistance can be extinguished by drying up the economic livelihood of those who resist. And of course the ability to control information is the ability to shape public opinion. If the State ever achieves complete control of information freedom is toast given how much the State dominates in the other six categories.

Lincoln & Obama

I am doing my best to ignore the Obama orgasm, and yet it is almost impossible to get completely away from the “never met a lie we wouldn’t tell” media. Consequently, I have heard that Obama is going to extensive lengths to invoke the specter of Abraham Lincoln. Obama is using the Bible to be sworn in that was used by Lincoln when he took the oath of office. Also there is the reality that he took a Lincolnesque train trip from Illinois to Washington DC. There is even word that at one of the festivities after the inauguration they are going to eat the same type of food served after Lincoln was inaugurated on China that is a replica of that used in 1861.

Now, I know I am cynical to a fault but I find myself asking what is the meaning of this Lincoln parroting. Is Obama cleverly signaling that he, like Lincoln’s dispossessing of the South in favor of Northern industrialists, is intent on dispossessing one part of the population in the interest of another? Is Obama signaling that he, like Lincoln before him, is intent of trampling on the civil rights of Americans who oppose his policies? Is Obama signaling that he, like Lincoln before him, is going to grow the power and authority of the centralized state? Is Obama signaling that he, like Lincoln before him, is going to institute the draft? Is Obama signaling that he, like Lincoln before him, is intent on spending outrageous sums of money on internal improvements?

There are other similarities between Lincoln and Obama. The rhetoric of each is (was) mesmerizing. They were (are) both inexperienced lawyers from Illinois upon taking office. They each had (have) a cursory attachment to Christianity all the while explicitly denying its essence. They each had remote relationships with their Fathers.

Lincoln was great for America if you belonged to the special interest group that he represented. If you weren’t part of that group then Lincoln was death.

Or maybe Obama just likes stovepipe hats.

Musings On Genesis

In Genesis, in the Isaac on Mt. Moriah account, God gives a metaphor that He will bring the promised seed through death to life. In Genesis 23, in the burial of Sarah account, God gives to Abraham as his first titled possession of the promised land a grave to bury his wife. This grave was a representative deposit on the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham that he would have a land. In that grave God gives the Land to Abraham representatively and definitively.

In the Old Testament, in both the promised seed and the promised land God surrounds the fulfillment of the promise with shadows of death. In the New Testament the promised seed does die and, like Sarah, is laid in a grave. But with the resurrection, death is swallowed up in life and the former occupant of the grave, by Messianic title, becomes the King over all the earth. As the elect are united with Christ they share in His resurrection life and become inheritors of the whole earth which in the New Covenant is the Christian’s promised land.

Like Joshua possessing the land that God promised and that Sarah was buried in, Christians are now then to progressively conquer the earth, by means of teaching, baptism and discipleship, what God has given to us definitively in the Resurrection.