Baxter’s Mission Trip w/ Transylvania Global Reformed Mission Board

Entry I

Baxter had always wanted to go on a short term mission trip. Indeed his desire to do so was so intense that when the Mission sending agency he was going with insisted that he had to change his e-mail address, “” due to concerns that such an e-mail might give possible contributors the wrong idea about Baxter’s view on race issues, he willingly complied by creating another e-mail account, “,” for his Mission correspondence. Baxter figured that it was highly unlikely that anybody connected with the Mission agency did enough of either Latin and History to accuse him of sneaky insubordination.

He was right.

By avoiding this one inconvenience Baxter had made it through the first hoop of being accepted to the Mission agencies short term mission program. The next hoop, after filling out the requisite paperwork, was to go for an interview with the Mission representatives.

On the appointed day Baxter, dressed in order to impress, showed up at the Transylvania Reformed Church’s headquarters in Two Floods, Colorado.

Baxter was greeted by a half Mongolian, half Choctaw Indian receptionist. He wouldn’t have known that except that in the interview process the Mission representatives went out of their way to point out the diversity of their staff, including the receptionist. The Mongotaw receptionist pointed him to a machine that spat out a neat little name tag. Baxter went to the waiting area.

Eventually the receptionist called out,

“Baxter Root”

“Here,” Baxter replied.

“Ms. Luse and Dr. Reel-Blanding will now see you.”

Baxter headed into the office space. He noticed a bust of Dr. Martin Luther King and a photograph of Mahatma Ghandi on the walls.

Ms. Luse and Dr. Reel-Blanding greeted Baxter with smiles that looked like they were permanently and artificially affixed on their faces. Baxter, seeing those smiles, remembered the time that somebody glued their eyes open in College so that they could sleep without the professor noticing. He wondered if these smiles were preforming the same kind of con.

Ms. Luse was the first to speak, “I trust you had a good trip into Two Floods Baxter.”

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” replied Baxter.

Pleasantries and small talk was exchanged for the next 15 minutes before Dr. Reel-Blanding got down to business.

“Baxter, we notice on your application that you grew up in a Christian home — indeed we see that your Father is a Pastor in the Transylvania Reformed Church.”

Baxter replied with an affirmative.

“Well, we feel that we need to let you know immediately that working on the Mission field is very different then living in a Pastor’s home.”

Baxter replied, “Well, I should think that working on the Mission field is very different then living in any number of homes in this country.”

“Yes, Baxter, that is true,” replied Dr. Reel-Blanding, “but the reason that I go out of my way with you to point this out is that we have noticed here at Transylvania Reformed Global Mission that Pastor’s children sometimes are raised to see things more black and white then most of the rest of our candidates and sometimes that can cause problems on the field.”

Baxter began to wonder what he had put on his application that could have raised this red flag.

Vera Luse continued, “Baxter, we want to be careful that our candidates are not too absolute in their convictions.”

She paused to see if Baxter would respond and after a few seconds of silence Baxter decided to probe a little bit.

“So, are you telling me that you’re looking for Christians who are flexible?”

“Precisely,” said Vera.

“I think I see what you’re getting at,” Baxter replied. “What you want is people who are absolutely convinced that absolutes can get in the way on the Mission Field.”

Dr. Reel-Blanding’s countenance brightened immediately. “Yes, that is exactly what we are trying to communicate Baxter.”

Baxter couldn’t believe that his sarcasm had been missed but he had delivered the line with such earnest equanimity that the comment flew right over the ladies heads.

“Well,” Baxter continued, “I think I can guarantee you that if I meet any cannibals that I won’t dare to find fault with their dietary supplements.”

Both the ladies found, what they took to be a disarming comment, to be charming and they offered up the obligatory polite laughter at Baxter’s ‘cute’ comment.

The rest of the interview was dreadfully uneventful, and it ended with the ladies welcoming him aboard.

Baxter left, reminding himself that this was only going to be a 7 week trip and that his purpose was to see if God was calling him to the mission field. He reminded himself at the same time that he didn’t believe God was calling him to save the Transylvania Reformed Global Mission agency.

“As if anybody could” thought Baxter before he slipped into the car to head back home to Charlottesville.

Dipped, Rolled, & Deep Fried

God’s word teaches us that we are to teach our children in the ways of the covenant. In Deuteronomy 6 the description of that teaching process clearly communicates that this teaching is to be intense, thorough, and deliberate. Clearly God understood that He made us in such a way that if we were to eventually be adults that loved Him and walked in His ways we would have to start as children who were taught to love Him and walk in His ways. Clearly God understood that covenant community survives by passing the tradition down to the children.

So what do most American Christians do? They do all they can to make sure that the covenant community survives by exposing God’s covenant seed to a teaching process that is intense, thorough, and deliberate. Most American Christians expend great energy to make sure that the covenant community survives by making sure the traditions and ways of the covenant community are passed down to their children. The problem, of course, is that the covenant community that American Christians are concerned with maintaining is not the covenant community of God’s people but rather the covenant community of an alien god. Christians send their children to government schools and what happens to those children at Government schools is precisely what is explained in Deuteronomy 6, with the minor exception that instead of being taught the ways of the God of the Bible our covenant seed is taught the ways of some molech god.

Step back and think about it. When we send our children to government schools we are effectively dipping and saturating them into an alien covenant that is dedicated to not allowing the mentioning of the name of the Lord of the true covenant. If you include transportation time we do this at the tune of 40 hours a week. If you add extra-curriculum school activity the hours go up proportionally. Now add the factors of how all that they are learning in the government schools is being reinforced by the culture swirling around them and how they are anchored into the false covenant through the roots of the friends that they make in the government schools — friends who share their training — and it is not a wonder that God’s covenant seed grow up pledging allegiance to a god who is not god.

So, we dip and saturate our children in an alien covenant by sending them to the schools of foreign gods. We never explain to them, because most don’t know themselves, the whole idea of Worldview and critical thinking. After dipping and saturating them in the covenant of an alien god we roll them in the breadcrumbs of a culture that is opposed to God and then we deep fry them into this god hating life and worldview by allowing their affections to be anchored in relationships with other believers of this faith we have forced them to embrace.

Then, in order to speak good things to ourselves about what godly parents we are we force them to go to Church with us on Sunday where, in most cases, the message that they are receiving from the government schools and from the culture is again reinforced only this time with a shiny Jesus wax coating to cover it all. As the children get older they begin to wonder about the whole relevance of this ‘Church thing,’ and so 50-80% of them leave when they graduate from High School never to return. And many of the ones who stayed probably should have left with their compatriots.

People, all of this can’t be fixed or balanced by 20 minutes of family devotions around the table in the evening or even by an hour of Bible reading before bedtime. You don’t cleanse a fine cloth that has been dipped and saturated in oil for hours and hours by dipping it briefly in clean water only to put it back again into the oil solution.

Let me say it as plainly as I can. If you dip and saturate your children into the false covenant of an alien god they are going to grow up and be the adherents of that alien god. Sure, the God of the Bible does rescue some but to count on His rescuing some of our covenant seed when we raise them in plain disobedience by placing them into the hands of false priests (School teachers who are not epistemologically self-consciously Christian)is to ‘tempt the Lord thy God.’

And the real kicker is, is that some Christian parents after they have done all this to God’s seed are genuinely shocked and mortified when their little Suzy gets knocked up or when their Johnny gets busted for bumping off the corner gas station or when little Bobby couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Christianity or when little Dot goes on to college and comes home and approvingly tells her parents about her Lesbian suite mates, or when little Alex raises their grandchildren on Nightmare on Elm street movies and Brat dollies or when little Lydia spends her life trying to earn God’s favor.

We can wail all we want about this culture but until we start training and keeping our children it is all wailing into the void.

Postscript — I think one reason (there are many) that we have arrived at this point is because of revivalism. Revivalism communicated that God could do in one jolt what He commands us to do throughout the raising of our children. Revivalism, with one Holy Spirit jolt, could instantly make up for our failings as parents to raise our children in the way of the covenant. Revivalism disconnected in our thinking God’s cause and effect. Whereas God said, “Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it,” we said, “Let just anybody train up our children and trust God to give them a Holy Spirit revival jolt when they get older.” Through revivalism training was disconnected from conversion.

Touring The Blue Ribbon Community Center

The tour guide paused periodically to emphasize the virtue of the community center to the young ministerial graduates. She pointed out how the community center provided free dentistry for pregnant low income women. She beamed with satisfaction as she explained the free counseling opportunities and parenting classes.

The members of the tour group were cooing with compliments for all that the community service was accomplishing with its food and clothes bank, with its free child care, and with its Christian outreach to the community.

Suddenly one of the ministry graduates named Baxter who owned more courage then he did discretion asked,

“Who pays for all of this?”

The tour-guide answered with her irrepressible smile that there were many private donations and that the government gave a great deal of grants.

The intrepid Seminary Graduate asked again,

“Where does the Government get the money in order to give it to this community center?”

With this question the irrepressible smile of the tour-guide suddenly found itself beginning to be repressed. She responded with a voice that was a little more clipped then it previously had been that,

“Why naturally the Government gives us money from the funds they raise to help these inner city people.”

The eyes of the group were now cast suspiciously on the one in their group who was increasingly being seen as an ‘interloper.’

Un-fazed, the interloper summarized the conversation,

“So, you are showing us this beautiful community center with the hopes of impressing us but what you are seemingly trying to avoid is expressly saying that the monies that fund your job and this community center is stolen from other families who, if they had the money that is taken in order to make this community center go, might be able to more adequately provide for their own family and children?”

Finishing with a verbal pirouette the uppity Seminary interloper completed his inquiry by asking the tour-guide; “how, in light of the Scriptural prohibition against theft, can you support such governmental redistribution of wealth?”

Where the irrepressible smile had held sway there was now displayed a barely concealed snarl. With a voice that matched the snarl the tour-guide offered,

“I can see you have no love for the poor and downtrodden.”

Without missing a beat the courageous ministry graduate responded,

“I measure my love for the poor and downtrodden by how I spend my money on their behalf and not by how I spend somebody else’s money on their behalf.”

The tour-guide could see that this was going nowhere and so she hastily dismissed the students so that they could return to their afternoon practicum.

The bold Seminary student had accomplished making an enemy of the director of the community center and had insured that he would find no friends among those who had toured the center with him.

“Par for the course,” he thought as he left for the parking lot.

The Barack Referendum

The 2008 election cycle isn’t really an election. It is a referendum on Barack Hussein Obama.

Consider that all indicators now suggest that being a Republican in this election cycle is like being a white guy at a Nation Of Islam rally. President Bush’s disapproval ratings are sky high. The dollar and gas prices are sinking and rising like they are on the opposite ends of some giant global playground teeter totter. The war in Iraq remains unpopular with a large segment of the US population. So here we have the Democratic party breaking records in terms of fund raising, and with the state of the economy and the reality of a major foreign policy blunder by the Bush administration the Democrats can run not only one one but two issues that historically have been the means that the out of power party has used to turn the party in power out of office. Given this election scenario the Democrats should be able to run Donald Duck at the top of their ticket and win going away. Yet, though we are still five long months away from the election, current polls indicate that Barack Hussein Obama is only 5 or so percentage points ahead of John “I’m the Democrat in this election you can trust” McCain.

This can only be explained by the fact that the Democrats have put at the top of their ticket a candidate that is so flawed that not even the perfect political storm for his opposing party can guarantee a win. Consequently this election, to date, is shaping up to be a referendum on Barack Hussein Obama. The Republicans could pick the worst candidate imaginable (and they have) and it wouldn’t make any difference since that Republican candidate could run on the campaign platform of “I’m not Barack Hussein Obama,” and it would be enough to cause Americans to consider voting for him.

What is interesting is that this is exactly the campaign theme that McCain is going to use when he speaks to Republican ‘conservatives.’ McCain is spending his time appealing to White Independents and Democrats by supporting ‘cap and trade’ legislation and by visibly turning his back on constituencies that they hate (Dobson) but when he pauses to turn and speak to the traditional Republican base his basic messages is, “Vote for me or you’ll get Barack Hussein Obama.” Hence we see that even McCain’s campaign is seeking to make the campaign issue Barack Hussein Obama. When McCain speaks to Independents and Democrats he essentially says, “I’m the non-radical Democrat in the race,” and when McCain speaks to Republicans he essentially says, “You’ve got nowhere else to go, vote for me or live in Black Marxist hell for four years.”

What Barack Hussein Obama has to do this election cycle is to continue to try and deceive the American electorate because the man cannot win with the McGovern coalition that he has thus far put together nor can he win if he and his past is what voters are thinking of when they head into the voting booths.
So the election boils down to this. McCain is going to campaign in such a way as to try and make the election a referendum on Barack Hussein Obama, and Obama is going to campaign in such a way as to try and make the election a referendum on the economy and the war. Voters thus will either pull a lever for Barack believing that his past associations don’t really reflect the person he is or they will vote against Barack believing that a man with connections to Black Nationalism with its Marxist overtones cannot be allowed near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. McCain of course will get the anti-Barack votes but there is a difference between winning because people voted for you and winning because people voted against your opponent.

Republicans should realize that this election cycle is one that pits the two wings of the Democratic party against one another. John McCain represents the incremental socialist wing of the Democratic party while Barack Hussein Obama represents the revolutionary Socialist wing of the Democratic party. This November is thus a choice between two flavors of Socialism.

Yes indeed, voting is a great privilege.

McAtee Fisks Sproul Sr.

Over at the Ligonier website an article was recently posted by Dr. R. C. Sproul. It is a very good article but it has the deficiency of not saying enough, or of not looking at the issue that is being pursued in a well rounded fashion. It is not the case, that in this instance, I disagree with Dr. Sproul, rather it is the case that I think what is said could be said in a richer way. In order to see the issues that Dr. Sproul takes on in a way consistent with what he has to say yet hopefully offering an added layer I have decided to engage this article. I don’t know if I will say anything here that I haven’t said before but the hope is that by laying my interaction next to Sproul’s article people will have the ability to see more of the whole picture as it touches the culture with which we currently live.

Sproul’s comments are blocked. My response follows the blocked quotes. Sproul’s first paragraph to this article was introductory and has been deleted because there wasn’t anything with which to interact.

In our day, where pluralism reigns in the culture, there is as much satirical hostility to the idea of one God as there was in Nietzsche’s satire. But today, that repugnance to monotheism is not a laughing matter. In the culture of pluralism, the chief virtue is toleration, which is the notion that all religious views are to be tolerated, all political views are to be tolerated. The only thing that cannot be tolerated is a claim to exclusivity.

There is truth here but there is also another way to argue this. First, I would add that pluralism is a myth concocted by our culture in order to shield itself from the reality that it remains homogeneous and in order to force dissenting people into this homogeneous culture. The non-pluralistic nature of our culture is seen in the cultural homogeneity found in the fact that the overwhelming majority of our culture believes in pluralism. Further, it must be clearly articulated today that pluralism advances its own claim of exclusivity. The adherents of pluralism come forth and decry people of monotheistic faiths and who have the one conviction that there is only one way, but what many people fail to see is that the adherents of pluralism are in effect saying this because their one conviction is that there are many ways.

Look at what I have put into bold relief. Both those who are non-pluralists and those who are putatively pluralist both have a single one conviction that is guiding them. Where their difference lies is in what that one conviction is. On this basis they are no more pluralistic then the Jew, the Muslim, or the Biblical Christian. This homogeneous approach reveals itself as the adherents of what we call ‘pluralism’ practice the exclusivity of social ostracizing against those who don’t share their one conviction that there are many ways. What is richly ironic here is that the exclusivism of the putative pluralist gets called “inclusivism” while the the exclusivism of anybody who disagree with their version of exclusivism (Christians or Muslims or Jews) gets labeled as ‘exclusive.’

What I have said here is of monumental importance. It is monumentally important because to many Christians are being buffaloed into thinking that pluralism really is pluralistic. It’s most definitely not! Until the West awakens to the smoke and mirrors that pluralism is using in order to hide itself from it’s homogeneous and mono-cultural and mono-theistic character the West will continue to slip into Statist totalitarianism because what putatively pluralistic culture needs in order to continue is a God who can police all the gods it has tolerated in the culture. That one god is the State.

Said simply, pluralism creates a homogeneous culture (mono-culture) based on the mono-theism of humanism. Pluralism is a myth created by those who desire to advance their own pursuit of the mono-culture they desire to build.

There is a built-in, inherent antipathy towards all claims of exclusivity. To say that there is one God is repulsive to the pluralists. To say that one God has not revealed Himself by a plurality of avatars in history is also repugnant. A single God with an only begotten Son is a deity who adds insult to injury by claiming an exclusive Son. There cannot be only one Mediator between man and God. There must be many according to pluralists today. It is equally a truism among pluralists that if there is one way to God, there must be many ways to God, and certainly it cannot be accepted that there is only one way. The exclusive claims of Christianity in terms of God, in terms of Christ, in terms of salvation, cannot live in peaceful coexistence with pluralists.

But the question here that must be asked is … WHY? Why is there a built in antipathy towards all claims of exclusivity? The answer is found in the fact that by redefining exclusivity so that it doesn’t include the exclusivity found in putative pluralism what can be accomplished is the strangling of the God or gods that compete(s) with the god of putative pluralism. Also the reason that the exclusive claims of Christianity in terms of God, in terms of Christ, in terms of salvation, cannot live in peaceful coexistence with pluralists is because they are not pluralistic. They desire to advance their one conviction that there are many ways to God and so they desire to put to death those who have the one conviction that there is only one way.

Pluralism is a myth!

Beyond the question of the existence of God and of His Son, and of a singular way of salvation, there is also a rejection of any claim to having or possessing an exclusive source of divine revelation.

This just isn’t true.

What is true is that the putative pluralist will insist that they reject any claim to having or possessing an exclusive source of divine revelation and the reason they insist on rejecting that is because that ‘rejection’ hides from people the location of their exclusive source of divine revelation. What is being hid is that the putative pluralist has a exclusive source of divine revelation and that exclusive source is their own autonomous reason. Remember when we talk about putative pluralists (really homogeneous mono-culturalists) what we are talking about is humanism. In humanism man is the god who is not dead (and who kills god because he desires his place) and the revelation he receives in his religion is his own autonomous reason.

So, while we would agree with Dr. Sproul that the putative pluralist says ‘he rejects any claim to having or possessing an exclusive source of divine revelation’ we would insist that he makes this claim in order to make his belief system and his evangelism efforts look broad and reasonable.

At the time of the Reformation, the so-called solas of the Reformation were asserted. It was said that justification is by faith alone (sola fide), that it is through Christ alone (solus Christus), that it is through grace alone (sola gratia), and that it is for God’s glory alone (soli Deo gloria). But perhaps most repugnant to the modern pluralist is the exclusive claim of sola Scriptura. The idea of sola Scriptura is that there is only one written source of divine revelation, which can never be placed on a parallel status with confessional statements, creeds, or the traditions of the church. Scripture alone has the authority to bind the conscience precisely because only Scripture is the written revelation of almighty God. The implications of sola Scriptura for pluralism are many. Not the least of them is this: It carries a fundamental denial of the revelatory character of all other religious books. An advocate of sola Scriptura does not believe that God’s revealed Word is found in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon, the Bible and in the Koran, the Bible and in the Upanishads, the Bible and in the Bhagavad Gita; rather, the Christian faith stands on the singular and exclusive claim that the Bible and the Bible alone is God’s written word.

The most important implication of sola Scriptura for pluralism is that it denies not only the legitimacy of all the Holy books that Sproul mentions but it also denies the legitimacy of autonomous reason which is the Holy book of the putative pluralist, who is in reality every bit the homogeneous mono-theistic, mono-cultural creature as the most rabid Muslim, Jew, or Christian.

The motto of the United States is e pluribus unum. However, since the rise of the ideology of pluralism, the real Unum of that motto has been ripped from its foundation. What drives pluralism is the philosophical antecedent of relativism. All truth is relative; therefore, no one idea or source can be seen as having any kind of supremacy. Built into our law system is the idea of the equal toleration under the law of all religions. It is a short step in people’s thinking from equal toleration under the law to equal validity. The principle that all religions should be treated equally under the law and have equal rights does not carry with it the necessary inference that therefore all religions are valid. Even a cursory, comparative examination of the world’s religions reveals points of radical contradiction among them, and unless one is prepared to affirm the equal truth of contradictories, one must not be able to embrace this fallacious assumption.

Dr. Sproul’s first sentence above is true in a sense. But it is also not true in a sense. It is true in the sense that the Unum that has been ripped from the foundation is the Unum that we started with when this country was founded. It is not true in the sense that no Unum exists. This country is still devoted to taking the many and making them one, but the ‘one’ they desire to make them all into is the one of humanism. That all truth is relative is the absolute one idea or one source that must have supremacy.

Next Dr. Sproul tries to create a distinction that I am not sure works. He say’s that “the principle that all religions should be treated equally under the law and have equal rights does not carry with it the necessary inference that therefore all religions are valid.” What I am struggling with here is trying to understand how if each law system descend from a particular religion those particular law systems could ever find valid a religion, that by its very existence, creates a law system to contend against the law system that is finding it valid.

Second, it is difficult to understand how a law system would tolerate a religion that isn’t valid. It seems to me that the very toleration of religions in the body politic by the law system does indeed suggest that the religions in question are valid. I would say that it is a fallacious assumption on one hand to say that a law system could tolerate a religion without at the same time giving it validity.

Sadly, with a philosophy of relativism and a philosophy of pluralism, the science of logic doesn’t matter. Logic is escorted to the door and is firmly booted out of the house onto the street. There is no room for logic in any system of pluralism and relativism. Indeed, it’s a misnomer to call either a system, because it is the idea of a consistent, coherent view of truth that is unacceptable to the pluralist. The fact that people reject exclusive claims to truth does not invalidate those claims. It is the Christian’s duty to hold firm to the uniqueness of God and of His Christ and not compromise with the advocates of pluralism.

I would disagree with Dr. Sproul here. While it certainly is the case that true logic (is there any other kind?) is shown the door, the putative pluralist still appeals to (illogical) logic. I would disagree that putative pluralism is not a system. Certainly it is a contradictory and inconsistent system, just as all other false beliefs, but it is still system. And for our purposes it is a system if only because we are actually trying to build a culture on this ‘system.’

Finally, I hope Dr. Sproul realizes the implications in his last sentence. The implications of that statement are vast and pronoun.

In the end it is not so much that I disagree with Dr. Sproul’s analysis but rather I think we need to see all of this from more then one dimension.