Twin Spin From Francis Nigel Lee’s “Communist Eschatology” — The Elimination of Nations is Marx 101

“Sixthly — and in precisely in order to guard against danger of dominant nation chauvinism — it is essential that especially under socialism, big nations must humble themselves to the level of small nations.”

Communist Eschatology –pg. 463

Integration downward into the void is a central pillar of all forms of Socialism-Marxism.

“The great majority of Proletarians are, thanks to their very nature, devoid of national prejudices, and their whole culture and movement are essentially humanist and anti-national. None but Proletarians can destroy Nationalism; only the awakening proletariat can establish the brotherhood of nations.”

Karl Marx
From — Communist Eschatology

F. N. Lee — pg. 456

Now if you altered this quote above by doing the below you will not have changed it one bit.

“The great majority of Modern Churches are, thanks to their very nature, devoid of national prejudices, and their whole culture and movement are essentially humanist and anti-national. None but Modern Churches can destroy Nationalism; only the awakening Modern Church can establish the brotherhood of nations.”
Modern Christianity thy founder is Marx.

An Oldie but Goodie From Joe Carter (aka — Joke Harder)

“The alt-right is anti-gospel because to embrace white identity requires rejecting the Christian identity. The Christian belongs to a “chosen race” (1 Peter 2:9), the elect from every tribe and tongue (Rev. 7:9).

Joe Carter — Affectionately known as Joke Harder

The Gospel Coalition — 2018 Article

1.) False dichotomy

As if one can’t embrace their race or ethnic identity while at the same time embracing Christianity. Would Joe also say that to embrace maleness as part of one’s identity would be to require men to reject our identity in Christ?

2.) Incipient Gnosticism

Does Joe really believe that upon conversion those creational categories (such as race and ethnicity) disappear in favor of Gnostic “spiritual” categories that deny and erase creational realities?

3.) The Problem of those Nations in the New Jerusalem

Did Joe miss that part about the elect being from every tribe and nation?

If the elect are chosen from every tribe and nation who are we to say that tribes or nations don’t exist? The book of Revelation, which Joe cites as his spoof text itself mentions the presence of distinct nations in the new Jerusalem.

4.) Scripture says Joe is all wet

Consider how Paul retained his ethnic identity. Would Joe argue that St. Paul is ‘anti-Gospel?’

Romans 9:2 I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh.

Depending on which Alt-Right representative one considers the Alt-Right has its problems but to suggest that the Alt-right is anti-Gospel merely because it tells people it’s alright to embrace their God created and God-given racial and ethnic identity smells of sulfur and is the thought child of Satan’s offspring, Herbert Marcuse, and Theodor Adorno.

5.) Reductios Abound

‘To embrace [Carter] identity requires rejecting the Christian identity.’

‘To embrace [American] identity requires rejecting the Christian identity.’
‘To embrace [denominational] identity requires rejecting the Christian identity.’
We can play this game all day.

You see … the thing here is that it is not even close to being thoughtful. One would expect their ill 5 year old golden retriever to offer this up as a piece of solid reasoning. Instead we have the Church leadership going all profound on us with these “gems.” This would be profound if relayed through the sign language of Koko the Gorilla. But coming from a Homo Sapien?

Away with this Gnostic curse that has infiltrated and poisoned the church. Away with childish reasoning inspired by minds trained in Government schools and Cultural Marxist Universities and Seminaries.

The Canker Work of Political Correctness

Political Correctness is the anti-standard standard, a negative device designed to overthrow traditional (Christian) mores and Institutions. It does so by arguing that the previous standards were arbitrary, oppressive and characteristic of those who colonize. The PC crowd then masqueraded their anti-standard standard in the guise of the demand that academic freedom and tolerance must be allowed to “enlarge” beyond the previous constraining standard that limited the teaching context to the traditional mores.

All of this explains much of the reason behind the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s grandstanding on January 15, 1987,  at Stanford University’s grand main entrance, chanting with 500 Stanford Students the uber poetic,

“Hey hey, ho ho,
Western Civ has got to go.”

Jackson and company were protesting Stanford University’s introductory humanities program known as “Western Culture.” For Jackson and the protesters, the problem was its lack of “diversity.” As a consequence to this romper room protest Stanford’s faculty and administration raced to appease the protesters, and Stanford’s course of “Western Culture” was formally replaced with a new course labeled, “Cultures, Ideas, and Values.”

The new program included works on race, class, and gender and works by ethnic minority and women authors. Western culture gave way to multi-culture. The study of Western civilization succumbed to the Left’s new dogma, multiculturalism.

Notice here that the Stanford’s previous standards here were not expanded so much as they were replaced. The demand of the students most certainly did not lead to more diversity. Instead, the demand of the students eventuated in a remaining narrow curriculum except as channeled in a different direction.

Once the standards were expanded so that for example, students in the University were reading Black Rappers, Native American Hieroglyphics and Lesbian Literature  as being equivalent in value to reading Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton the West was in principle finished as Universities around the country moved to being Multi-diversities finding their “Uni” in the lack of “Uni”. By “expanding the standards,” the old Christian standards were tossed and new standards were introduced and codified since at the end of the day the idea of absolute standards is limited to the time available for what is seeking to be accomplished by the University.

By hiding their demands and this agenda behind the full throated enlightenment cry for academic freedom the Politically correct crowd tore down the previous standards implemented new PC standards and forced the Institutions that built the West to become the Institutions that would now tear down the West.

And conservatives were party to this because they did not know how to answer this demand for “free speech” rooted as they were in the classical liberal worldview.

The proper response should have been “Your expansion of standards can go bugger themselves.”

The Antithesis

Lunatic Center, once known as “the fringe”
Pervert brigade — Home of the unhinged
Masosadist groupies and NWO friends
Purveyors of shock, and worthy of cringe
Teleological bastards of means and of ends
As ignoring you is now no longer a solution
To escape from your noxious immoral pollution
The recourse now is the old “Burn us the witch”
To pare back the excess as a cleansing ablution
So bring on the faggots and bring on the pitch
We understand the perilous path we now trod
As a result of the worship of your bacchanalian god
We understand that is now either kill or be killed
Either we enter silently into that way which is broad
Or we thin your herd and then it’s time to rebuild
There is but one exit from this pending conflagration
A way that returns us to our once Christian nation
It is the Law that commands that you must repent
The Gospel that promises you relief and salvation
Give up your filth and coming torment
And enter into Christ’s Kingdom Advent